
November 30, 1917

Fri. Cloudy

May went over to Josephine's in P.M. Do not feel very well. Went down town in P.M. Red Cross yarn came. Started sweater. Fred came over.


November 29, 1917


Thanksgiving. Lots to be thankful for. Had 8 to dinner. Miss R. stayed here for turkey. May had a good time. E. made me tired. Feel bad.

November 28, 1917

Wed. Cloudy

School kept until quarter of one. Fixed turkey. Went down town in P.M. May went to Helen's. Fred came. May & I went down town in Eve,


No Entries

There are no further entries until November 28, other than "forgot" on every page.

November 10, 1917


all tired

November 9, 1917



November 8, 1917


Didn't get time to write.

November 7, 1917


Ma is sick.

November 6, 1917

Mon. Cold This is for Dec 10 [?]
Ironed in a.M. Went home Pa came over. Sewed in P.M. and Eve. Marion went to rehearsal. May is getting along fine.

Note: The diary gets sporadic for awhile. Ada's mother seems to take a turn for the worse again.

November 5, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Headache. Inez & Archie & kids came. Felt bum. Pa came over. MAy had good time. Went home in Eve.

Note: Archie is Ernest's brother and Inez(Sumner) Illingworth is Archie's wife. They had three boys at this point, Howard, Edward and Robert. They later had two girls. Ruth and Ann. I think they lived in Bellows Falls and I don't think Ada was very fond of them.

November 4, 1917


Worked nearly all day. Brought up coats from H. & S. May went to Movies in P.M. Pa came over. Down town in Eve.

November 3, 1917


Marion's furs came. Returned them. Went to Parent teacher Reception at School House. Bum. We were over-dressed. Came home & changed.

November 2, 1917


There is no entry for this date.

November 1, 1917


Ironed a little in A.M. Went home. Mother is better. Knit & sewed in P.M. & Eve