
May 20, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Laundry came. Put paper all round house for Mr. Castledine. Tacked them on wall. Went home. Ma came over. All in.

May 19, 1919

Mon.  Lovely

Mrs. Smith is no better. Washed a little in A.M. May went to Shirley's in P.M. May & I went to Lyman Howe's pictures in Eve. Very good.

May 18, 1919


Rain has stopped. May went to S.S. Went to walk in P.M. Went home. George Stiles came in P.M. Made Westerns for lunch.

May 17, 1919


Rained something fierce all day. E. wet through. May went to school in A.M. & Movies in P.M. Worked all day. Mrs. Smith sick.


May 16, 1919


Cleaned upper hall and swept up stairs. Ma& I went to Movies with May & Doanes in the Electric. Class to us. good.


May 15, 1919


Worked all day. Ironed in P.M. & Eve.Worked across the road. Looks great. May went to Movies in P.M. Played afterward.


May 14, 1919


Cleaned E's room. Looks fine. E. cleaned rug. May played with Helen. Visited with Mrs. Albee. Went home for tea.


May 13, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Washed in A.M. Had a large one. E worked in yard in Eve. May took lessons in P.M. Helen & her played in P.M.

May 12, 1919

Mon.  Rainy

Laundry went in A.M. and came in Eve. Class. Shirley came in P.M. May went to library in Eve. Sewed.

May 11, 1919


Mother's Day. May wore carnation to S.S. Awfully cold. May made fudge in P.M. Read nearly all day. Feel bum.

May 10, 1919

Sat.  Rainy

Worked all day. Did not change dress all day. May went down town in Eve for us. Bought flowers.

May 9, 1919

FRi.  Colder

Worked all day. Went to Alt. banquet at congo church. Lovely supper. Went with Mrs. Albee. May & E went to Movies. Tired.

May 8, 1919

Thurs.  Lovely

Mowed lawn. Finished painting bedroom floor. Ironed in Eve. E. & Barnum went fishing. Did not get any. Tired.


May 7, 1919

Wed.  Rainy ###

Red Cross & Alt Club gave boys (soldier) supper & dance. They looked grand. May & I went down town in Eve. Sick in A.M.

May 6, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

May & I went to Movies. Laundry came. Made custard pie for church. Went home. Painted half of bedroom floor. Looks good.

May 5, 1919

Mon.  Lovely

May has a little cold. Went over to Helen's in P.M. Ma is better. Varnished bathroom. Looks fine. Sewed on violet hat. Went home.

May 4, 1919

Sun.  Lovely. Terrible thunder storm in Eve.

 Ma has a cold. Varnished chair. May & I went down on bank for violets. May played two pieces at Smiths.

May 3, 1919

Sat.  Cooler

Swept whole house. Went to 1.0.0. F. parade with Albees in their car. Some parade. May did shopping in Eve.

May 2, 1919

Fri.  Lovely

Cleaned guest room. Ironed curtains. Went to Movies with Shirley, May & Helen. Good. All in.

May 1, 1919

Thurs.  Cloudy. Rain in Eve.

May & I went to Maovies in P.M. May hung May baskets in Eve. She got 4. Saw Dr. Lawrence. Too fat.

April 30, 1919


Ironed in A.M. and finished in P.M. went to Movies in P.M. with Ma. May did not care to go. Went over to Helens.

April 29, 1919

Tues.  Rainy & Cloudy in A.M.

May went after flowers in P.M. with Helen. took lesson at 3.30. Sewed in P.M.

April 27, 1919

Sun.  Lovely

May went to S.S. May & I went after flowers in Hartness Park. Pa worked until 5 PM. Washburn sick. Read in Eve. Tired.

April 26, 1919

Sat.  Cold

School kept in A.M. to make up the lost time. May & Helen peddled bills for Helen's father in P.M. Earned 35. Went down town.


April 25, 1919

Fri.  Cold

J.D. parade at Boston. Loved to have gone. Ironed in P.M. Swept in A.M. Went to club in Eve at Mrs. La Fountain's. May went to Movies in P.M.

April 24, 1919


Rainy. Raked yard. May Ma & I went to Movies in P.M. Very good. Ma came over in Eve. Tired. Cleaned refrigerator.

April 23, 1919

Wed.  Warm

Worked all day. May went May flowering with girls. May took lesson. All in. Ma & I went down town in Eve. May has headache.