
February 28, 1915

Dr & Mrs.  Morse have a daughter
Sunday                   Wind & Cold

Too cold for May to go to Sunday School. She stayed to dinner over home. E. went to Mr. Haskin's funeral. May & E. & I went home in Eve.


Ada Grimshaw

Ada Grimshaw
Originally uploaded by dlundbech
Ada May Grimshaw c1888. 
Ada was a redhead and I've always pictured this dress a dark green. 


February 27, 1915

Fred is in Syracuse N.Y.
Saturday                             Windy & Cold

Cooked in A.M. E. bought some Enamel ware at Italian's 5 & 10. Mary came over. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother and May. May & I went home in Eve. Went down town.

February 26, 1915

Friday                 Cold

May & I went home in P.M. Went down town. Made 8 dish towels. Mrs. Adolphus Odette died. Suscribed (sic) for delineator. E. went out. Dave Haskins died. Wind blows.

Note: I don't know what a delineator is. Is it something to do with Mrs. Odette's funeral?

February 25, 1915

Thursday          Rained

May and I went home in P.M. River very high. Terrible walking. E. went out. Cosmopolitan Play tonight. Mended all evening. Made range fritters.

February 24, 1915

Wednesday            Rained

Hildreth better. May & I went home in P.M. Fred is in Sycaruse (sic) N.Y. Strike over. Did a big ironing. E. went out. Nellie came over. Tired tonight.


February 23, 1915

Tuesday              Warm

Hildreth has bronchitis. Mildred came over to play with May in A.M. May and I went home on P.M. E. went to Lodge. Mother , May and I went to Ideal. Strike still on.


February 22, 1915

Monday               Fair

E. did not work. Went home & down town. May treated Olive and I. Polish girls strike at John Slack's Shoddy Mill. Grandpa stopped. I am certainly going to Keene someday.

Note: I find this last sentence poignant. I suspect this is a defiant but unacceptable response to an argument with Ernest.
I believe the Polish girls were striking for an increase in pay to 10 cents an hour.


February 21, 1915

Sunday           Lovely Day

May stayed over home to dinner. Mr. Dodge's funeral at Univ church. Went with Lura. E. went with Lodge. Came home sick. Very sad. Feel very sorry for them.

February 20, 1915

Saturday                Fair

Mother - May & I went to Ideal with the Warners. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Lavard. Also Clarence & Olive and "Giff". Went home in Eve. E. did not work today. Went down town.

February 19, 1915

Friday                    Fair, cold

May & I went home in P.M. May stayed to supper. went to club at Flora Covell's in Eve with May Barney. Went down town in P.M. and Jessie's.


February 18, 1915

Thursday            Cold
"Peg O' My Heart" tonight

Mary came over. Mr. Dodge died in A.M. 46 years old. Everyone shocked. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother and May. May came in crying because Helen said she was only 4 years old.

February 17, 1915

Wednesday          Colder

Called on Mrs Hughes & Florence L. May stayed over ome to supper. Fred left this evening for N.Y. & phila. Went home in Eve. sheila came over in A.M.


February 16, 1915

Tuesday                       Fair

Mr. Dodge very ill with pneumonia. Rec'd invitation to D.A.R. guest night. Did not go. Mary came over in A.M. Mrs. Jacobs and baby came. Went to Ideal with May and E. Went over home.


February 15, 1915

Monday             Rained

Stayed in all day with May. Mended in P.M. Had a shampoo. E. went out in Eve. Grandpa stopped in Eve.

February 14, 1915

                     Valentine  Day
Sunday                                     Cold

May received lots of Valentine. She went to Sunday School. Her jockey boots and E's rubbers came last night. We went home to supper.


February 13, 1915

Saturday                  Warmer     ###

Sick all A.M. May went over to Merricks to play. Better at noon. Went to Ideal in P.M. with May and mother. Went down town in eve. May bought a plant.

Note: Reminders - ### is the code Ada uses for menstruating. The Ideal is the movie theatre.


February 12, 1915

Lincoln's Birthday
Friday                          Warm

May went to Mary Bingham's party. 6 years old. Went in Jessie's and down town. May and I went over to Smith's in eve. E. went out. The street lights are on the bum. all dark.


February 11, 1915

Thursday        Cold

Went to Matinee at Ideal with May. Post Office & store burned this A.M. at North Springfield. Went home in eve. Played 500. E. went out.


February 10, 1915

Wednesday                   Cold

Mother & Fred came over. Went down town with May in P.M. Jessie and Mildred came over. Went to Military Ball with Mother in Eve.


February 9,1915

Tuesday              Colder

Went home to dinner.Washed. Plumber came in P.M.  Went to Ideal with E. & May. Very good. Mr. Buck left paper samples.


February 8, 1915

Monday                  Warm

Went down town in A.M. with May. Mary and baby came over in P.M. Mrs. Buck came. Would not put up plate rail. Don't care.

Note. Mrs Buck is the landlady. The "Don't care" appears to be added later.


February 7, 1915

Sunday              Warm

Terrible walking. Had to draw May on sled over home. She stayed to dinner. Ernest, May & I went over in eve. Made candy.


February 6, 1915

Saturday                   Warm & thaw

May played out in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. with May and mother. Stayed in in the eve. Bad walking Lots of water. Went to bed early.


February 5, 1915

Friday                      Cold and Fair

May played with Sheila. Called to Mrs. Jacobs. Lovely baby she has. May gave her white shoes and stockings. Club met at May Barney's.


February 4, 1915

Thursday             Cold.

May played out. Plumber came so did not go out until eve. Mary came over with Hildreth's picture. Dodge's concert tonight. Did not go.


February 3, 1915

Wednesday                           Snowed

May was sick last night. All Right today. Went over home and down town. Bought some little shoes for baby Jacobs. May and I went to  Ideal.


February 2, 1915

Tuesday                  Snowed

Candlemas day. The groundhog does not see his shadow. Plumber came. Ernest went to Lodge. Went home in P.M. Played "Old Maid" with May in eve.


February 1, 1915

May has a cold.
Monday              E. went out.            Cold

Woke up with a terrible headache. Went over home with May. Helped with washing. E. May and I stayed to dinner. Bakery Building burned last night.