
May 29. 1915

May went to show in the "Armory"
Saturday Lovely Day

Mrs. Whitney came over. Went to Ideal in P.M. with May. Saw "The Little Straw Wife." Saw Arthur Woodbury. Ma & Pa came in Eve.

May 28, 1915

Friday Windy

Cleaned parlor. Mother came in P.M. Mildred came in A.M. Mary came over in Eve. May went home to supper.


May 27, 1915

Thursday Cold & Windy ###

Went to Claremont with May & Mother. They had eyes examined. May's eyes are improving. We did the town. Did not feel very well.


May 26, 1915

Mildred came over to play with May.
Cooked in P.M.
Wednesday Cooler

Ironed in A.M. and part of P.M. Scrubbed kitchen floor with Mother's brush. looks fine.went down town in Eve.

May 25, 1915

D.A.R. "living pictures" in Eve.
Tuesday Warmer

Cleaned the rest of pantry. Sewed in P.M. Went to Ideal in Eve with Mother & May. Mrs. Whitney came over. Mildred came.

May 24, 1915

Mrs. Baker gives bridge party tonight
Monday Fair & Cool

Helped with washing. May had a lovely time all day. Fixed piazza box in P.M. Mrs. Heath & Mildred came in Eve. "Grampa" Leland sick.

Note: "Piazza box" is a flower box for the porch I think - a window box of flowers.


May 23, 1915

"Creation" at the Ideal in P.M. & Eve.
Sunday Colder

May did not go to S.S. She went home to dinner also over to Arthur's. We went home in Eve. Cooked chicken for dinner. It certainly was a tough old bird.

May 22, 1915

Saturday Warm

Mrs. W. & Mary came in A.M. Worked all day. E.'s panama hat came also his new uniform. Class. Ma & Pa came in Eve. May awfully tired.


May 21, 1915

Mary brought ice-cream to May
Mattie called in A.M.
Friday                Cloudy & Rain

Went home in A.M. Mildred came over to play with May. Went autoing with Mrs. Jacobs in Slack's car in Eve.

May 20, 1915

Fred phoned from Boston that he is going to Cleveland and other cities
Thursday                     Warm

Saw Roger Derby. Ironed in A.M. and until 4:00 in P.M. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother. May had a lovely time all day.


May 19, 1915

Wednesday           Lovely Day

Cleaned half of pantry. May played out all day. Took mending and went home in P.M. Mary came over in Eve.


May 18, 1915

Tuesday                 Fair & Cool

Mildred came to play with May. Whitneys moved to-day. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother & May. E & I went autoing in Eve. with Wheelers.

May 17, 1915

Monday             Cool & Rainy

May stayed in most all day. Plumber came in P.M. Mended in P.M. Went to Gladys's in Eve. Altrurian Business meeting.

May 16, 1915

Sunday                Cool & Fair

May & Grandpa went to Jennie's. She did not go to S.S. Fred & Grampa came in. We all went home in Eve. Made rhubarb pie. It is raining.

May 15, 1915

Bought shirts & stockings
Saturday                 Cool & Fair

Went home in A.M. May went over to Mary B's in A.M. Ironed dining room curtains. Went down town in Eve, with Mother & May.

May 14, 1915

Our bed came in P.M.
Friday            Cooler

Worked all day. May played with Mildred. Fred came home. May & I went home. Went in Mac Donald's in Eve.

May 13, 1915

Thursday         Cooler

Charles Sanders died last night. John O'Connell very ill with pneumonia. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother. Worked all day. Clarence Wiley in Boston. Very sick at hospital.

May 12, 1915

Gertrude Finn died today
Wednesday                Lovely. Hot.

Worked all day. Mildred came over to play with May. May & I had a long ride in Mary's car. Ma & Pa came in Eve.

May 11, 1915

Worked all day.
Mrs. George Graham died today.
Tuesday            Warmer
Ernest collected
Helped with washing. Man came and put up moldings. Looks lovely. May dug some dandelions. Mrs. Smith & Margaret & Pa came in.


May 10, 1915

Monday             Lovely Day

Mary came over. Merrick sick. May played in A.M. with kids. Mr. Thompson sick. Ernest collected early. Fred went to Springfield, Mass.

May 9, 1915

Varnished table & 2 chairs
Sunday              Lovely Day

May went to S.S. and home to dinner. Mary has a new ear "Saxon" 6 Worked hard all day. Mrs. Johnson & Mr. Buck called. Went home.

Note: Don't know what "ear saxon 6" means. Perhaps an ear trumpet for hearing better? Or jewelry? Mary is mentioned a lot but I don't know who she is.


May 8, 1915

Painters left in P.M
"Lusitaina" blown up by Germans.
Saturday              Lovely Day

Got up at 6:30. Papered the dining room & varnished floors. Went to Ideal in P.M. with May. Fred came home in Eve. Went down town.

May 7, 1915

Painted the dining room & kitchen. whitewashed ceilings
Friday                     Lovely Day

Stearn's man (Mr. Weld, charlestown) doing our work. got up at 6:30. Took four meals over home. May played hard all day. Mrs. Whiting came in.

May 6, 1915

Thursday         Lovely Day

Ironed in A.M. Painters came in P.M. Mother came over. Went to Ideal with Mother in Eve. May's glasses had to be fixed. Mrs. S & Mary came.

May 5, 1915

Wednesday             Fair & cool

Got up early 6:30. Expected Mr. Stearns. Did not come. We went home to dinner. Cleaned a closet. mother came in Eve. May had a fine time all day.

May 4, 1915

Lanes have moved in Mrs. Johnson's house
Tuesday                               Lovely Day

May went home while I went to Locke's. Cleaned kitchen. Ma & Pa came over. Fred went to Boston. Mrs John Deniary called.


May 3, 1915

Mary came over in Eve.      
Monday   Cloudy in A.M. Cold

Helped with washing. Mrs. B. says Stearns will be here Wed. Cleaned dining. Went over to Jessie's in Eve. May went to bed awfully tired.


May 2, 1915

Worked all day.
Sunday            Cold & Fair

May did not go to S.S. Fred & Grandpa came in. Mattie is over. Flora & Ralph have a little son at hospital. Went home in Eve.


May 1, 1915

May found a May basket at the door this eve. filled with violets.
                                                                           Rainy  ###

Sick nearly all day. May went home and stayed to dinner. Ernest did not work. Went fishing. Caught 20. Fred came home. Grandma came over. Got my hat. Went home.

April 30, 1915

Floyd and Edward are very brave.
Mildred stayed with Jay's wife.
Friday                   Rainy
Mrs. LaFountain died this eve. Who will be next?
Went to Joes & home in A.M. Took some scalloped potatoes over to Jessies. Jessie's funeral in P.M. She looked lovely and had beautiful flowers. Ernest did not work today. Was bearer.