
August 1, 1915

Fred went to Boston
Sunday Hot

May went down town with Fred and over home to dinner. We went home in Eve. Justice Dartt died.

Note: Justice Dartt was a prominent Springfield citizen who co-authored a book on Springfield families and their histories. Ada's father Charles had a sister Frances who married a man called James Stone from Weathersfield, a nearby village. His ancestors and children (Ada's cousins) are documented in the book.

July 31, 1915

Polander dance at Slack's
Saturday Hot as pepper

Worked hard in A.M. Sweat like butcher. May is all in from heat. Went home in P.M. & Eve. Fred came.

Note: "Polander" means Polish workers. "Slack's" is John Slack's Shoddy Mill - a mill that employed them.

July 30, 1915

May went to Mrs. Bakers to lunch
Friday Hot

Went down town in A.M. Went home in P.M. and sewed. Mrs. J. came over. Went over to S with May in Eve.


July 29, 1915

Bert Proctor & wife separated
Thursday Hot

Ironed in A.M. May did an errand down town for me. Went home in P.M. & sewed. Went to Mrs. Albee's. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother.


July 28, 1915

Rained in Eve.
Wednesday Lovely Day

Ironed in A.M. Went to a party at Mrs.Jacobs in P.M. Very dainty. went home in Eve. May went calling with Mother.


July 27, 1915

Tuesday Cooler & Fair

Mary came over in A.M. Sheila sick. May feels lonesome without her in A.M. Went home in Eve. Mother came.

July 26, 1915

Monday Fair & Showers

Helped with washing in A.M. Pick beans in W's garden. Mr D. came to supper in Eve. with Mother and May.

July 25, 1915

Sunday Hot & Showers

May went to S.S. and home to dinner. Mother made sherbet. Went home in P.M. E. came over in Eve. Mr. W. came over in Eve.


July 24, 1915

Saturday Lovely Day

May played with Sheila & Mildred in A.M. Went home in P.M. Called on Mrs. Doane. Was not there. Bought new gown. Went down town in Eve.


July 23, 1915

Friday Lovely Day

Went home in A.M. May went over to Helen's. Rode Roger's pony. Mother came over in P.M. Went to Mary's & Mrs. S. in Eve. May is tired.


July 22, 1915

Grandpa played with May
Pearl & children went home
Thursday Cool & Fair

Went home to breakfast with May. Saw Bill S. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother, E. went to B.F. with Dr. Doane. Came home with headache.

Note: It's interesting to me how long Pearl stayed for a visit - and others in the diary. Visits were definitely longer then.

July 21, 1915

Wednesday Hot & Rainy

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Pearl & children came over in Eve. Mary came over in P.M.


July 20, 1915

Tuesday Hot & Cloudy

Helped with washing in A.M. Went home in P.M. with May & sewed. Went to Ideal in the Eve with Mother & May.


July 19, 1915

Dodges & Wards gone to Watch Hill
Monday Hot & Cloudy

Went home in A.M. & P.M. Went over to Smiths in Eve. May played with kids in A.M. W's went to Chesterfield Lake.

Note: A brief google search brought up two likely hits for the named places. Chesterfield is in the fairly nearby Monadnock, New Hampshire region and has a good size lake. Watch Hill is a seaside resort in Rhode Island.


The Adna Brown Hotel, Springfield, VT

Right down the hill from Ada. When she says "went down town" she passed the Adna Brown.

A Friend, Ernest and Ada. Courting Days,1900.

Taken in or near Springfield. Wish I knew who the woman on the left was!

July 18, 1915

Sunday Hot

Went to church with May. Mr. Lawrence came up in P.M. Took dinner with Mother. Lura came over in Eve.

July 17, 1915

Saturday Hot ###

Cooked in A.M. Mrs. Barney, Pearl & I & the children went to Seaver's Brook. In wading. Took our lunch. Went down town in Eve.


July 16,1915

Got letter from Maude
Friday Hot

May played with kids. Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went over to Mary's & Pearl's in P.M. & Eve. May & I went home in Eve.


July 15, 1915

Thursday Very Hot

Took May to barber in A,M. E. went to B.F. with Dr. Doane. May & I went home to supper. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother.


July 14, 1915

Band concert in Eve.
Wednesday Rain - Hot

Rained several times. May played with the children to-day. Pearl came over. Mother & Pa came. Went down town in Eve. with Lura.

Note: I've tried to find out more about this family - they seem to be important in Ada's life and are mentioned for years. On familysearch.com I did find a Lura, Pearl, Mary (and another) Smith born in NJ. I would think this must be them given the unusual name of Lura. In 1915 I think Mrs. Smith. Mary and Lura are living in Springfield. Pearl is visiting from somewhere else. One day I hope to get to the Springfield Library and read the old paper.I have yet to try heritagequest.

July 13,1915

Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother
Tuesday Hot & Rain

Rained in A.M. Francis & Barbara came over to play. May still continues gaining. Ironed nearly all day. Mother came over.


May Illingworth, Springfield, VT c1916

This might be mentioned later in the diary -we'll see.

July 12, 1915

Cleared up at noon
Monday Rained

May is better. Mother did my washing. May & I walked over home in P.M. Pearl & children are here. May looks pale.

July 11, 1915

May is thin & pale
Fred went to Detroit
Sunday Hot

Hurrah! May is up to-day. Ate her dinner with us. It certainly seems good. Dr. Doane took May, E & I to ride to B.F. Had a nice time.

Note: B.F. is Bellows Falls - about 10 miles from Springfield.

July 10, 1915

Flowers came to-day for May.
Saturday Hot

May is better - Still in bed. To-day she was allowed callers. Dr. came in A.M. Fred gave me two books and sewing cards. Mother came.

July 9, 1915

Fred came on midnight.
Mrs. albert Howe died.
Friday Hot & Fair
Mother came.

May is better. Still in bed. Very weak. Dr. came in A.M. Every one very kind. She had lots of lovely flowers sent.

July 8, 1915

High Fever & delerious
Thursday Rained
May very sick with colonitis. Called Dr. Doane in night. did not go to bed. He came twice today - better toward night. Mother came.

July 7, 1915

Mother got new gray hat & plume.
Wednesday Cooler

May is better but has had diareahha [sic] Went home in P.M. Went downtown. Band concert. Did not go. May does not feel well.

July 6, 1915

Tuesday Lovely Day

May played with Sheila. Went home in P.M. and sewed. Fred went to boston. May sick at night - quite feverish.


July 5, 1915

Fred came over. May had a grand time with her 4th of July things.
Nothing doing here for the 4th. Helped with washing in A.M. Rained in P.M. Sewed inP.M. Went over to Mrs. S. Ideal in Eve with May & Mother.

July 4, 1915

Sunday Hot & Muggy

Fred came home. Bought May Indian Suit. Grace Wheeler & Mr. & Mrs. W. came over in P.M. Went home in Eve. to supper.


July 3, 1915

Doodlestick came. Someone tried to steal hose in Eve.
Saturday Fair & Hot
E. went to Bailey's party.

Helen came and spent the day with us. We all went to Ideal in P.M. with Whitneys. Mother, May & I went down town in Eve.

July 2, 1915

Friday Rainy

Went home in P.M. with May & sewed. Mother came over in A.M. Band gives dance this Eve. Ma & Pa came in Eve. May is very tired.

July 2, 1915

July 1, 1915

Saw " Alai's Jinny Valetine" [?]
Altrurian Picnic postponed indefinitely
Thursday Rainy

E. went back to work. May & I went home in P.M. Sewed. May stayed over to supper. Went to Ideal in Eve with Mother.

June 30, 1915

Wednesday Rainy

Ironed nearly all day and in the Eve. Mary came over. May stayed over home to supper. Mended in Eve. Sheila came in.

June 29, 1915

Tuesday Very Warm

Cooked in A.M. Mother came over in P.M. May played with Sheila & Helen. Went to Mary's & Mrs. S.

June 28,1915

Went to Chester, Bartonsville, Rockingham and B.F.
Monday Pa's Birthday Lovely Day

Helped with washing in A.M. Went for a long ride with Dodges, Mrs.Ward, Ernest & May. Bought new gown at B.F. Had picnic lunch on lawn when we came home.