
May 23, 1916

Tues. Lovely day

Stayed home all day. Sewed on May's coat & dresses. saw Mr. & Mrs. Corbett go by. Ironed in A. M. May went to Eva's.

May 22, 1916

Mon. Saw Jim Corbitt

Felt fine all day. Washed a little in A.M. May went over to Josephine Rowe's after school. Sewed all P.M. went home in Eve.

May 21, 1916

Sun. Lovely Day

We went home to breakfast. E. & May went after violets in P.M. Pearl & children came over. Fred went to Brattleboro in P.M. Went to walk in Eve.

May 20, 1916

Sat. Lovely Day

May played all day with Helen. Jessie Hill sick in Elvira. Fred came in P.M. Went down town in Eve.

May 19, 1916

Planted May's nasturtiums. in A.M. On the bum again. Mrs. B. & Miss Greene came in P.M. Went down town.

May 18, 1916

Thurs. Pleasant & cool

Went down town in P.M. Met May after school. Went to Ideal ineve. with mother & Pa. Very cold in eve.

May 17, 1916

Wed. Rain

Cooked in A.M. Went over to Mrs. Barnum's in P.M. May came over after school. Went home in Eve.

May 16, 1916

Tues Rained

Sick nearly all day. Cold in head. Feel bum. E. & May ate over home. Ma & Pa came over. May went to school.

May 15, 1916

Mon. Rained

May goes to school all day now. Mother came over. May & I went over to Mary's and Pearls after supper. Went home in Eve.

May 14, 1916

Sun. Lovely

Fred & May went down town to see Grandpa at office. May went home to dinner. We went to Bellows Falls with Rowes in P.M. Fred & Roberts came in Eve.

Note: "Roberts" is Marion Roberts. She and Fred marry a few years later.


May 13, 1916

Sat Lovely Day ###

Sick nearly all day. All discouraged. Better in P.M. Fred came from Boston in P.M. Nell Herrick stopped. Ma came over.


May 12, 1916

Fri Lovely Day

Better today. Sewed on May's coat. May & Grandma went to Ideal to kids circus. Fake. May went to Helen's after she came home.

May 11, 1916

Thurs Cool & Fair

Sick all day - tonsillitis. E. & May ate over home. Mother came over. Knickerbocker Stock Co. at Opera House for week.

May 10, 1916

Wed Pleasant

Cold is worse. Cooked a little in A.M. May went down town in P.M. & got some books. Mother came over in Eve. Gertrude F. came.

May 9, 1916

Tues Lovely Day

May went to school in A.M. Mother came over. Got a little cold. Sore throat. Worked out doors. May went down town in P.M. E. went to Lodge.

May 8, 1916

Mon Pleasant

Washed little in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Miss Greene & Pa came over mother came in P.M. Went home in Eve. Fred went to Fitchburg.

May 7, 1916

Sun. Fair & Showers

May went home to dinner. Fred & Ma came over. Marion Roberts & Fred to brunch[?] in Eve. Swell feed. Went home after.

May 6, 1916

Sat. Hot & pleasant

E. did not work yesterday. Went fishing. caught 33. Kids dressed up again. May-mother & I went down town in Eve. Fred came.

May 5, 1916

Fri Lovely Day

Teacher's Convention. School did not keep. The children dressed in lon clothes. Mr. Wheeler took their picture. "Little Lord Fauntleroy" at Opera House.

May 4, 1916

Thurs beautiful day

Mother & I went to May fete at school grounds. May was sun bonnet baby. Awfully cute. Pa starts working nights Jake Purdys. Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve.


May 3,1916

Cloudy in A.M. Rain in P.M.

Sewed in A.M. May & I went down town. May fete postponed. Went to Ideal in P.M. Pa has new job tomorrow. Sam came. Went to School food sale with May Leland. Mrs. .mby[?] Mrs. Hoppe. Mrs. Cook.

May 2, 1916

Lovely Day Tues

Sewed on May's sunbonnet dress and fixed my brown skirt. Sewed buttons on shoes. Went home to dinner. May went over to Francis.

May 1, 1916

Mon. Lovely Day

May & Helen made May baskets. Washed a little in A.M. Mother came over to dinner. Lucy came over in Eve. The children hung baskets.

April 30, 1916

Sun Lovely

May did not go to S.S. She coughs quite a bit. Went home to breakfast with May. Pa went to Doane's in P.M. Tired.