
June 30, 1916

Fri. Hot

E. did not work. Went over to Lucy's in P.M. E & I went to "The Naked Truth" at the Opera House with Lucy & George. May went to Ideal with Mother.

June 29, 1916

Thurs. Hot

Washed a little. Mary came over in P.M. E. did not work. Went to Claremont with Dr. D. Strawberry social at Woolsons. Band concert.


June 28, 1916

Wed. Hot

May blew soap bubbles. She is getting brown. Sewed in P.M. Went down town in Eve & to Ideal with Mother & May.

June 27, 1916

Tues. Warm & Showers

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Co. K. went down thru Charlestown in Eve. Did not stop. Mother went to Rebeckahs May Fleming reception.

Note: I was surprised to see "thru" written this way - didn't think that spelling was around at that time.
I'm interested to read more about this "war" with Mexico. I know nothing about this.

June 26, 1916

Mon. Lovely

All U.S. troops ordered to Mexican border. Co K. leaves the fort at 4:30P.M. Very sad. May helped in Library. Mary came over.

June 25, 1916

Sun, Rain

May went to S.S. Gave Mrs. Baker the 5 Octs. [?] Fred came over. went to N.Y. in P.M. Pa came over. E. broke steps. Read in Eve.

June 24, 1916

Saturday Fair

Cooked in A.M. Went to picnic in P.M. at Hartness Park with May & Mrs. Rowe & children. Mothers Club and S.S. Down town in Eve. Fred came.

June 23, 1916

Fri. Lovely Day

Ironed in A.M. Clyde Perkins came in P.M. Brought the painters back. Lura Smith came in. Helen came over. Went to show with Lorraine.

June 22, 1916

Thurs. Lovely Day

Company K. left for Fort Ethan Allen. Big celebration in Square. Very sad. Mrs. Pauline Brown presented flag. 114 men left. Biggest company in the state. Went to Ideal.

June 21, 1916

Wed. Rain in A.M. & Eve.

Co. K. still enlarging. May Fleming came over. Mowed lawn. Sewed in P.M. Went to bed early. May played with Helen.

June 20, 1916

Tues. Fair & cold

Co. K. enlarging. May went to Helen's. Frances Lawrence came over. Went down town and in Lucy Doane's.

June 19, 1916

Mon. Rain

Co. K. called out at 6:30 A.M. to go into training at Fair Grounds to await orders. Afraid of war with Mexico. Went home. Sewed in P.M.

June 18, 1916

Sun. Rain in P.M.

Guess it is going to rain all summer. May went to S.S. in A.M. thundershowers in P.M. E. May & I went to walk in Eve.

June 17, 1916

Sat. Rain

Went home with May to breakfast. Mother's Club & S.S. picnic postponed. May & I sewed all P.M. Mother came over in Eve.

June 16, 1916

Fri. Rain

Last day of school. May got promoted to Grade 2. [Roman Numeral] Marion Cutler at Mother's. Alumni at Opera House. Did not go. Marion Roberts came in. May, Mother & I went to Ideal.

June 15, 1916

Thurs. Fair & Cold

Better today. Mended & sewed in P.M. Went home. Alice Wilder brought May's 3 dresses. Very pretty. Pa & Ma gone to Ideal. Graduation Exercises to-night.

June 14, 1916

Wed. Lovely Day

Cleaned shed and enameled screen door. Sick headache rest of day. Mother came in. E. & May went down town.

June 13, 1916

Tues. Rain

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went home. May & I took a walk in Eve. E. went to Lodge. Mother came in.

June 12, 1916

Mon. Showers

Washed a little in a.M. Went home in P.M. Ma & Pa came over. Bertha came in. May went to Josephine Rowe's in P.M. May & I went to walk.


June 11, 1916

Sun. Rain

May & I went home to breakfast. Fred went to Phila. Baccalaureate sermon at Congo Church. Rained all day.

June 10, 1916

Sat. Rain in P.M. ###

Mowed lawn in A.M. Shirley came up in P.M. Fred came in P.M. Went home in Eve.

June 9, 1916

Fri. Rain

Swept upstairs. Took a nap in P.M. Went home. Went to Ideal in Eve with Mother & May. Shirley came up.

June 8, 1916

Thurs. Pleasant

Ironed in A.M. Enameled screen door. May went to school in P.M. May Fleming came over.

June 7, 1916

Wed. cool & Fair

Enameled gas stove. Looks fine. Mother May & I went down town in Eve. Bought May white dress.

June 6, 1916

Tues. Nice Day

Cleaned downstairs. Painters still here. E. went to Lodge. Eliz. LaMontague died at Springfield, Mass.

June 5, 1916

Mon. Nice day

Thunder showers. Mary Leland has a little girl. Lightening struck Leon Cutter. Very low. Went to Helen's.

June 4, 1916

Sun. Cool & Fair

May went to S.S. and over to Helen's in P.M. I went to walk in P.M. with kids. E. May & I went in Eve. Wrote to Rockport in Eve.

Note: Rockport, MA is where they go on vacation every year. I assume she is writing to book rooms.

June 3, 1916

Sat. Rainy

Painters on the piazza all day. Little bird in nest did not move. Mother came in. Sawyer finished Mother's hall. Helen came over to see May.

June 2, 1916

Fri. Cool & Fair

Mr. Carroll put in gas stove. Painters here. E. went fishing with Roscow W. in car to Windham. Ma & Pa May & I went to ride in Eve. with Putnams.

June 1, 1916

Thurs Lovely Day

May did not go to school. Slept over. Mr.Sawyer started to paint house also Putnam's. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Lorraine & Mother.


May 31, 1916

Wed. Cool & Fair

May coughed quite a bit last night. Lucy stopped in P.M. Mother came over. went down town in Eve with May & Mother.

May 30, 1916

Tues. Cloudy & Rainy

Memorial Day. Sewed on May's coat in A.M. Went down town with May. Fred went to N. Y. Went down town with May. Olive came up. Went to ride with Dodges. Ideal in Eve with them, Mother & May.

May 29, 1916

Mon. Lovely & Hot

Washed in A.M. Mother & I went to exercises at May's school. May spoke very nicely. She went over to play with kids after. Went to show with Mother in Eve. "The Sultan's Daughter"

May 28, 1916

Sun. Lovely & Cool

May & I went home to breakfast. Fred came over. Fred has Pictures taken. Very good. Miss Roberts & Fred over to lunch in Eve.

May 27, 1916

Sat. Lovely & Cool

Mowed lawn in A.M. Cooked in A.M. Mrs. Wilder came. Ordered 3 dresses for May. Fred came in P.M. Went down town in Eve.

May 26, 1916

Fri. Lovely Day

Swept in A.M. downstairs. Jessie Hill died at Elmira. Went home in A.M. May still coughs.Mrs. Barnum & Lorraine came in P.M. Mrs.B. sent over ice-cream.

May 25, 1916

Thurs. Cool & Lovely

May went to Dorothy's after school. Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. Very good. May is better. May Fleming came in. Sewed in P.M.

May 24, 1916

Wed. Cold & Fair

Dorothy came to play with May after school. Jessie Hill very low at Elmira, NY. Mother , May & I went down town.