
August 12, 1916

Sat. Hot.

Mowed lawn in A.M. Cleaned house all up. Went down town in Eve. Washed kitchen floor.

August 11, 1916

Fri. Hot

Cleaned downstairs. Washed in a.M. Went down town in P.M. Went over to Nell Herrick's in Eve.

August 10, 1916

Thurs. Hot

Cleaned upstairs. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother & May. Walked over to the LaFrance Building.

August 9, 1916

Wed. Coller. Cooked in A.M. Worked nearly all day. May played with Helen & Alice. Sewed in P.M. Went down town in Eve.

August 8, 1916

Tues. Hot

Ironed in A.M. [2]? Agents came. May went over to Helen's. Thunder showers in P.M.

August 7, 1916

Mon. Still Hot

Washed a little in A.M. Clothes came in Eve. Sewed in P.M. Went to walk in Eve.

May 6, 1916

Sun. Hot as blitzen

Mrs. Stetson's mother died. Went home to breakfast. Alice went to S.S. with May. Went home in Eve.

August 5, 1916

Sat. Hot

Mowed lawn in A.M. May played hard all day. Sewed in P.M. Went home. Mother came over.

August 4, 1916

Fri. Hot.

Cleaned upstairs in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Mother, May & I went over to the LaFrance Block.

August 3, 1916

Thurs. Cool. Got $5 for birthday

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal with Alice, Mother and May in P.M. Alice stayed to supper. Boston girls beat Springfield 7 to 16.


August 2, 1916

Wed. Cooler Band concert.

Ironed in A.M. May & I went down town in P.M. Went to Mary Wheelers new house with her. Went down town with May & Mother.

August 1, 1916

Tues. Hot

Cleaned downstairs. Clothes came. Went to bed in P.M. May played with children. Mother came over.

July 31, 1916

Mon. Hot as blitzen

Washed palm beach suit & white dress. Sewed in P.M. Shower in P.M. May went to Helen's. Mother came over.

July 30, 1916

Sun. Cooler. Cloudy

May did not go to S.S. Stayed home. Did not change dress. Mother came over in Eve. May went home.

July 29, 1916

Sat. Cooler. Rain.

Mowed lawn. Went home in P.M. Went down town in Eve & to Ideal with Mother & May. Very good.

July 28, 1916

Fri. Hot

Cleaned upstairs. Mrs.Doane & mother called in P.M. shirley came over. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother & May.