
October 28,1916

Sat. Lovely

Mr. Huntoon's butter came. Up to $.38. Two cases of diptheria in town. Mother, May & I went to Ideal in Eve. Got my hat.

October 27, 1916

Fri. Fine

Cleaned upstairs and E.'s room.Looks fine. Mended in P.M. Mother came over. Went to bed early. May May went to Ideal after school with kids. The Fairy & The Way.

October 26, 1916

Thurs. Lovely & Cold

King's Daughters Fair at Opera House. Ironed all day. Made cake for bazaar. May went over to Helen's.

October 25, 1916

Wed. Fine day

May is doing fine in school. Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. May went over to Helen's after school. E. stayed with her.

October 24, 1916

Tues. Lovely

Laundry came. Worked hard all day. Washed curtains. May went home to dinner. Mother came over.

October 23, 1916

Mon. Lovely

Washed a little in A.M. Went home to breakfast with May. Mrs. Noyes came in P.M. Mother came over. Went to bed early.

October 22, 1916

Sun. Cooler

May & I went home to breakfast. Did not go to S.S. Nellie & Francis called in P.M. May & I put all the potatoes in barrels & boxes.

October 21, 1916

Sat. Lovely Day. Cooler

Worked like the dickens all day. Mother, May & I went to Ideal in Eve. Cleaned bath room in P.M. May played all day.


October 20, 1916

Fri. Warm as summer

Cleaned down stairs. Went to Gossard Corset demonstration at Ideal with Mrs. Powers. Bum.

October 19, 1916

Thurs. Rain

Mrs. Manley came in A.M. Stayed 2 hours. Went home in P.M. E. did not go out. All went to bed early. Rainy Eve.

October 18, 1916

Wed. Lovely

Cleaned bedroom & trunk. May & I went down town in Eve.Bought May's tan shoes size 11. $1.65. Leland's Pit. Pots.

October 17, 1916

Tues. Windy & Cold

Ironed in A.M. Went home in P.M. Past Masters Banquet at Masonic Hall. Ernest went. Chicken Pie.

October 16, 1916

Mon. Lovely

Washed a little in A.M. Laundry came in P.M. May & I played school in P.M.

October 15, 1916

Sun. Lovely

May went to S.S. and home to dinner. Fred went to Taunton in P.M. E. May & I went for a walk in Eve.

October 14, 1916

Sat. Beautiful

Cooked in A.M. Fred came in P.M. Mother is better. May & I went down town in Eve. May went to Josephine's.

October 13, 1916

Fri. Rain

May is promoted to 3rd grade. Miss Johnson is teacher. Hope she does well. Went to Club at Mrs. Avery Miller's in Eve. Club Tea.

October 12, 1916

Thurs. Lovely day

Columbus Day. May went to Ideal in P.M. with me. School does not keep. E. does not work in P.M.

October 11, 1916

Wed. Lovely

Cleaned our bedroom but [not?] windows. Tired in P.M. Went down town in Eve. Mother came in.


October 10, 1916

Tues. Lovely

Better today. Ironed in A.M. Went home in P.M. Crocheted in Eve. and sewed. Mother has cold.

October 9, 1916

Mon. Cold & Cloudy

Woke up with headache. Sick nearly all day.Mr. Huntoon [?] brought potatoes. Fred went to Taunton. Helen & Alice came in.


October 8, 1916

Sun. Lovely day

Rally Day at Congo Church. May went to S.S. Exercises in her class. Went to S.S. with Mrs. Rowe. Went to walk in Eve.

October 7, 1916

Sat. Lovely

Cooked in A.M. Raked a mound of leaves in P.M. Fred came. Co. K. arrived in Eve. Big time down town. Cold.


October 6, 1916

Fri. Beautiful day

Cleaned closet in our room and upstairs. Mother went to Felchville to district meeting. Mrs. Powers came in P.M. Went to walk in Eve. with E. & May.

October 5, 1916

Thurs. Beautiful

Preserved 9 jars of peaches and made 9 tumblers of peach jelly. May went to church to rehearse after school. to bed early.


October 4, 1916

Wed. Beautiful day

Ironed in A.M. Tired in P.M. Went to bed. May went to Josephine's. Went to Mrs. Bennet's in Eve to P.T. Reception. Served on refreshments.


October 3, 1916

Tues. Beautiful day

Took May to barbers in A.M. Went down town in P.M. & to Mrs. Rowes. Went to "Ever Afterward" in Eve. with Mrs. Rowe.

October 2, 1916

Mon. Cool & Fair

Washed a little in A.M. May goes to school P.M.s for two weeks. Paid Ione. Went to Mrs. Rowes & Annie Greenes.

October 1, 1916

Sun. Cool & Fair

May went to S.S. Ernest & May went to walk in P.M. Fred went to Rochester in P.M. Wrote five letters. Went to walk.

September 30, 1916

Sat. Cool & Fine

Cooked in A.M. Fred came from N.Y. in P.M. Went down town in Eve. Wesley Covell has bought Powers House.


September 29, 1916

Fri. Warm & rain in P.M.

Made 9 tumblers of crab apple jelly. May stayed with Mother in P.M. Went to Mrs. Bryant's in P.M. Committee meeting of Parent Teachers.

September 28, 1916

Thurs. Warm

Cleaned uptairs. Mrs. Powers called in P.M. Mother came over. Went to Ideal in Eve. Saw "Where are my children" Charleston Fair.

September 27, 1916

Wed. Warm & Fair

Ironed in A.M. May & I did not wake up until 8 o' clock. Frances Aher very low. "bright's disease" "Scotty" Graham dead. May & I went to walk in Eve.

September 26, 1916

Tues. Lovely

Laundry came in A.M. Went home. Visited with Mrs. Powers inP.M. Went over to Lucy's. went to walk with Mary Lawrence.

September 25, 1916

Mon. Lovely

Washed a little in A.M. May went to school as usual. Mother came in. Sewed & crocheted in Eve. May played with Sheila.

September 24, 1916

Sun. Fine Day

May went to S.S. & home to dinner. Mother came over. May & Ernest went to walk in P.M. Went home in Eve.