
January 1, 1917

Lovely day

Everything has gone wrong. 1917 will be grand. E. did not work in P.M. Sick headache. Mr. Beardsley called. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Miss R. Ted Miller operated on.

Note: A strange tantalizing way to start the 1917 diary. I have no idea what Ada means by this. Is she referring to her mother and May being sick?
"Miss R." is Marion Roberts, a teacher and soon to be Ada's unmarried brother Fred's steady lady friend.


December 31, 1916

Sun. Cold & Fair

May sick all lst night. Acute laryngitis. Better to-day. Has fever. Fred came over. Brought her ice-cream. Fred & Miss Roberts went to ride.

December 30, 1916

Sat. Cold & Fair

May & I went home to breakfast. Cleared downstairs. Fred came. Went down town in Eve. Got May's nighties. May sick in night. Called Dr. Paid machine.

December 29, 1916

Fri. Cold & Fair

Finished ironing in A.M. Went home in P.M. & Eve. Went to Doane's & back in P.M. May has a terrible cold. Played games in P.M.

December 28, 1916

Thurs. Cold & Windy

Went home in A.M. to breakfast. Mother is lots better. Got card from Harry. May gave Grandpa comb. May & I went to Ideal in P.M. May has cold.

December 27, 1916

Wed. Rain in A.M.

Washed in A.M. Did some of mother's. Mother is better. May & I went to the Ideal in Eve. "The Masked Rider." Great. Went home in Eve.

December 26, 1916

Tues. Fair & Cold

Mother is better. May played with "fat" doll nearly all day. We went down in P.M. Played games in Eve. E. did not go out. Went home in P.M. May is tired.

December 25, 1916

Mon. Lovely Day Merry Xmas

Mother is a little better. Had Xmas at home. Got chain from Fred. May got "fat" doll that she wanted & sleigh. Made my first chicken pie.

December 24, 1916

Sun. Lovely Day

Our anniversary. Married 11 years. May went to S.S. E. worked all day at office. Xmas concert at Church. May spoke. Wore new shoes.

December 23, 1916

Sat. Fine Day.

Paid $2. Machine. May went to rehearsal in P.M. Mother is not very well. Fred came. Went down town in Eve. Teapot from Prov.

December 22, 1916

Fri. Snow & Rain & Wind

Cleared upstairs in A.M. School closed at noon for the Holidays. Sewed in P.M. Went down town in Eve. Mother about same.

December 21, 1916

Wed. Fine.

Finished ironing.Went home. Mother has a cold. Sewed in P.M. Sent the last of the packages. Went down town in Eve.

December 20, 1916

Wed. Cloudy

Ironed in A.M. Sent packages to Prov. Sewed in Eve. Went home. Mother got medicine from Dr. Tired.

Note: It's interesting the connection to Providence. We know there were relatives down there from Ada's mother's photo album - some of which I've posted on Flickr in the set "Unknown Rhode Island People" but they are from an older era. Obviously at this point in time (1916) there was still a strong enough connection to send (I assume) Christmas presents.
I've found a lot of other family through Flickr - so maybe one day we'll figure out this Providence connection!

December 19, 1916

Tuesday Lovely

Washed in A.M. Went home. Sewed in P.M. May went over to Charlotte's after school. Went down town in Eve.

December 18, 1916

Monday Fine Day

Better today.Finished Ladie's bag & Dorothy's collar. E. put on dining room windows.Went home. Mother has cold. Went down town in Eve. with May.


December 17, 1916

Sun. Clear & cold

May went to S.S. in a.M. Wore new hat & coat. Class. Head ached. Fred came over. Went home in Eve. Fred gave Pa watch.

December 16, 1916

Sat. cold & windy

Mother -May & I went to Claremont. bought out 5 & 10. Saw Kincees [?] and Stoddards. Took dinner at Restaurant. Went down town in Eve. 9:30 A.M. Fred came.

December 15, 1916

Fri. Snow & cold

Worked hard all day. Mother's brass bed came. Got May's hat. Fixed May's coat. Went home in Eve. Snowed all day.

December 14, 1916

Thurs. Cold ###

Headache again. E. got dinner. Better in P.M. Crocheted in Eve. Mother came over. Shirley came up after school.

December 13, 1916

Wed. Lovely

Ironed nearly all day. Head is better. Pa came over and started the furnace twice. Went out. Went home in Eve. Early to bed.

December 12, 1916

Tues. Snow Stuffed rabbit for Robbie

Headache all day. Ironed a little & mended. Explained May's examples. She got them all done. She was tickled. Went sliding after school.

December 11, 1916

Mon. Lovely

Did my washing all myself. Tired in P.M. and Eve. Went home in P.M. May felt bad because she did not get number work right.

December 10, 1916

Sun. Pleasant & Colder

May went to S.S. in A.M. Came home with some pieces to speak Xmas. Fred came over. Went to Boston. Went home in Eve. "Grandma" Farnum buried.