
Yikes Everyone - Sorry!

Hello from me in 2011! I am so sorry that I appear to have missed many many comments! apologies to all - and now I see an easier way to keep track I'll hopefully respond in a more timely fashion! Thanks, everyone for your patience - and thank you for continuing to check out the blog despite my apparent rudeness!


March 24, 1917

Sat. fine Day

Mother is better. Still in bed. Worked over home all day. E. loafed awhile in A.M. Water men fixed water in cellar. E. paid machine.

March 23, 1917

Fri. Big Cloud

Mother did not get up. Worse. Doctor said she came very near pneumonia. Acute congestion. Worked over there in A.M. Did my work in P.M. Water run into cellar. Altrurian Club here in Eve.Reverend Park Mayer [?] of Windsor addressed the club.

March 22, 1917

Thurs. Fine Day

Ma & Pa went to Ideal. cleaned up stairs. Mother came home sick. Had doctor in Eve. May went down town in P.M.

March 21, 1917

Wed. Rainy & cloudy

Fred came at noon. Went home. May played with kids nearly all day. Fred came over. Mother's club postponed.


March 20, 1917

Tues. Snow & Rain

Musical stock co. here three nights.Went home in A.M. Ironed in A.M. Mother came over. Fixed sofa pillow.

March 19, 1917

Mon. Lovely Day

Washed in P.M. Clothes all dry. School ( the little building) closed on acc't scarlet fever.May is glad. Went home.

March 18, 1917

Sun. cold & Windy

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. E. & I set up new furniture.Pretty slick. Mother came over in P.M. May - Ma - & I went to walk in Eve.

March 17, 1917

Sat. Snow & Rain

May coughed quite a bit last night.We slept until 9-10A.M. Eggs $.35. E. paid machine. May & I went home in P.M. Pa came in. Another case of scarlet fever in 3rd grade.


March 16, 1917

Fri. Beautiful day

Cleaned upstairs & hall. May coughed hard last night. Czar of Russia gives up throne. Went home in A.M. Quite a few cases of scarlet fever.

March 15, 1917

Thursday Lovely & Windy

May coughed hard all last night. Did not go to school in A.M. Went in P.M. Ma & Pa went to movies. Ma came over in Eve.

March 14, 1917

Wed. snow

Finished ironing in A.M. Went over to Mrs. P in A.M. went over to Gladys C. Jim Bradley has crazy spells. Went down town in P.M.

March 13, 1917

Tues. Lovely

Ironed a little. Went home in A.M. & P.M. May has a little cold. Mother went to Rebeckah's in Eve. Tired.


March 12, 1917

Mon. Grand Day

Washed in A.M. Punched hand in pantry door. Made me sick. Gladys Chynowith called in P.M. Club postponed. Mother came over. Furniture came. Shampoo in Eve.

March 11, 1917

Sun. Snow & rain.

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. Jim Bradley had crazy spell. Mr. Pundy got 1st constable's office.Went to walk.

March 10, 1915

Sat. & Grand day

Eggs $.48 Butter $.40 May stayed in nearly all day.Went down town in A.M. Made bolster for bed. E. paid machine. Ma Came in.


March 9, 1917

Fri. fine day

Cleaned up the house. Went down town in P.M. Called on Mrs. Lane in P.M. Saw bed set. Very pretty. May & I played cards.

March 8, 1917

Thurs. Fine day

Cleaned up stairs. Mrs. Powers came in P.M. Went home. Fred is in Cleveland. sewed in P.M. & mended.


March 7, 1917

Wed. snow in A,M.

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. May went over to Charlottes in P.M. after school.

March 6, 1917

Tues. Colder & Fair

Town meeting day. All the hayseeds in town. Went down town in P.M. Bought cretonne for spread. Sewed on it. Charlotte came to play with May. May got dandy report card.

March 5, 1917

Mon. Snow

Big building closed on acc't of scarlet fever. 11 members of Congress kill bill to arm ships. US mad. May went to school. Washed in A.M.

March 4, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May went to S.S. in A.M. President Wilson took oath of office. Everyone talking war. Cooked in A.M. May & I went to walk in Eve. Bradley boy has scarlet fever.

March 3, 1917

Sat. Fine

Went to barbers with May. Got dandy haircut. E. paid machine. Eggs $.40 E. got flour & groceries at A&P. Mother came over.

March 2, 1917

Fri. Lovely day ###

Cleaned down stairs in A.M. sick in P.M. Better toward Eve. went to club at Mrs. Jacobs. Mrs. Smith of White River Junction. Great.

March 1, 1917

Thurs. Beautiful

March came in like a lamb. Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Went down town - up to Florence Robinson's & Mrs. Powers.

February 28, 1917

Wed. Lovely day

Cooked a little in A.M. May went to Charlotte Guild's with Shirley. Sewed all P.M. Played cards in Eve with May.


February 27, 1917

Tues. colder Frozen

Better walking. Ironed in A.M. Went home in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Went to Ideal with Ma. "Foolish Virgin" Fine.

February 26, 1917

Mon. Rain

Terrible walking. Went to meet May at noon. Washed in A.M. May wore new serge dress. May went to Helen's after school. Helen came over to supper.