
May 30, 1917

Wed. Pleasant. Memorial Day

Grandma & Sam went to Perkinsville in A.M. Got Pa & Fred's dinner. Ironed in P.M. Mother -May & I went to Ideal. "Big Tremaine." Very good.

Note: Several of the family are buried in Perkinsville Cemetery. I think Sam and his mother have gone to put flowers on the graves.

May 29, 1917

Tues. Rain Fred came

Schools out at 3pm. Shirley came up after school. May and she went after flowers. got wet. Fred came. Mother came over. No exercises at school. Mrs. Smith's recital. May & I got invite. Did not go.

May 28, 1917

Mon. Cold & Fair Rain in Eve

Washed in A.M. Went home in P.M. May went to Shirley's after school. Ann Stiles came over in Eve. May & I went down town in Eve.

May 27, 1917

Sun. Lovely in P.M. Rain in A.M.

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. Sue & Clyde came up in P.M. Ma & Pa & fred came over. E. May & I went to walk. Mr. Barnum's brother dead. Gone to N.Y.

May 26, 1917

Sat. Lovely

We bought the Perkins House. $3600 cash. Smith's bought fleming hosue $3250. May & Frank & Bertha are here. Fred came. Bought foreign flags.

May 25, 1917

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Went over to Mrs. Smith's in P.M. Pa came over. May - Ma & I went to Ideal in Eve. "The Selfish Woman."

May 24, 1917

Thurs. Lovely

Went up to school in A.M. Enjoyed it. May is doing fine. Worked all P.M. Mended in Eve. Made May a slip. Mother came over.

May 23, 1917

Wed. Rain

Did not do very much. Did not feel very well. Went home. Mother & I went to Ideal in P.M. May came in after school. Mme Pavlova in "Extravagence."

May 22, 1917

Tues. Rain

Ironed in A.M.& P.M. Went home. "Auz" P. came up in P.M. Couldn't spell my name. May went over to Helen's after school. Pa came in.

May 21, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Washed in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. May played with Helen after school. Pa & Ma came over. E. went down town to "Auz" P.

May 20, 1917


May went to S.S. E. went down to see "Auz" P. Going to have house. Pa came over & Ma. Went home. Ironed parlor curtains.

May 19, 1917

Lovely & Hot

May & Helen had a picnic. Washed the house with hose. Went down town in Eve & P.M. Paid machine & $3 at Standard.

May 18, 1917

Fri. Showers & Fair

A. Perkins came in A.M. Told him we would buy house. Smith wants it. Mother & Pa came over. Cleaned Parlor. Helen Perry came to play with May. Tired.


May 17, 1917

Thurs. Cool & Pleasant

Do not feel very good to-day. Kind of upset. E. went to bank. Got a letter from Perkins. Went down town in P.M. Mother - May - & I went to walk.

May 16, 1917

Wed. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. Very good. House for sale. $3600. Going to buy it. Thank goodness we won't have to move. Ma & Pa came over. May went up to Helen Perry's.

May 15 1917

Tues. Lovely

Painted back door. Got sliver in under finger nail. Awfully sore. May's cold is better. Mended in P.M. & Eve. Mother came over in Eve.

May 14, 1917

Mon Lovely

Washed in a.M. Went down town in P.M. Mother came over in Eve. Bought Sam's birthday presents. Mended in Eve. May has a cold. Sam's birthday.

Note: Sam is Ada's maternal uncle. He never married and he lived next door with his sister his whole life.


May 13, 1917

Sun. Pleasant

May went to S.S. Went after May flowers in P.M. with Ernest and Charlotte G. Got a lot. Tired. May & I went home. Early to bed.

May 12, 1917

Sat. Fair & Showers

May & Helen dug dandelions. Paid her $ .20. Mrs. Powers called. Washed kitchen floor. Went home. Mother came. Pa& May went to Dibs {?} auction.


May 11, 1917

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned front stairs and lower hall.Went down town in P.M. May went to Helen's.May & I went to Ideal.Went home. Went to walk with Mary L.


May 10, 1917

Thurs. Windy & Showers

Ironed until 8 P.M. Cleaned closet in den. May & Helen went after violets after school. Mother is better. Crocheted on bag in P.M. Tired.

May 9, 1917

Wed. Rain

Cleared upstairs hall. Mother still has the headache. Shirley - Helen & May went after violets after school. May & I went down town in Eve. Bought collar.

May 8, 1917

Tues. Pleasant

Washed in A.M. Mother still has headache. May went up to Helen Perry's after school. E. raked rest of lawn after supper. Nell Herrick called.

May 7, 1917

Mon. Rain

Sick all night. Better in A.M. Cleaned gas stove. Went home. Mother has headache. Mrs. LaFountaine called.

May 6, 1917

Sun. Cloudy & Rain

Ironed in A.M. Head-ache all day. Went to bed in P.M. Mother came over. Better in Eve. Went home.

May 5, 1917

Sat. Rain

E. went fishing in A.M. Got 6. took storm door & windows off in P.M. Paid H. & Symonds Co. $22.52. Paid Albee $.50.Paid machine & mother.Whitney Doane has German Measles.

May 4, 1917

Fri. Fine

cleaned E.'s room. Looks fine. Eliz. Stiles came. Last Meeting of Alt. club. Did not go. Went to bed early. Tired. Teachers Meeting. School did not keep.

May 3, 1917

Thurs. Rain in P.M.

Ironed in A.M. Raked half of lawn. Cleaned up-stairs. May played with Helen after school. Sent Fred's gifts.


May 2, 1917

Wed. Rain

cleaned bath-room. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother. May - Mother & I went down town in Eve. Bought Fred's presents. Went home in Eve.