
July 10,1917

Tues fine

Archie - Inez 3 kids- Edith, Harry & Rob came up in P.M. & supper. Went to Ideal in Eve with Maude & Mother & May.

Note: Archie is Harry's brother and Inez (Sumner) is Harry's wife. They had 5 children - Howard, Edward, Robert, Ruth and Anna. Harry is another brother and Edith is his wife. I don't know about their children but one of them must have been Rob.


July 9, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Went home. Maude came over. Went to Movies in Eve. with Mother - May & Maude. Walked around block.

July 8, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Maude came. took pictures. Sam - Maude - Ma E. & I with Mr. Rowe. took auto ride. Gassets - Chester & Bellows Falls.

Note: Wish I had that photo!
Both "tooks" are strangely uncapitalized.

July 7, 1917

Sat. Hot

Butter .40 Eggs .40. Maude came over. Ma & Pa came. We all went down town in Eve. Tired to death.

July 6, 1917

Fri Hot & Fine

May & Maud went down town in A.M. Maud went with Ernest on route. Bradley C. came up. Maud - Mother - May & I went to Ideal.

July 6, 1917

Fri Hot & Fine

July 5, 1917

Thurs. Fine & Hot

Maude here all day. Went down town in P.M. Made tuna fish salad. Mother - May - Maude & I went to movies in Eve.

July 4, 1917

Wed. Hot & Fine

Regimental band from Fort Ethan Allen here in A.M. Maud - May & I went to Fair Grounds in P.M. Nothing doing. Came home in Albee's car. Movies.

July 3, 1917

Tues. Fair

Worked nearly all day. May & I went to Charlestown to meet Maud. Maud came in Maud came in Eve. Looks fine. E. went to Ed Baileys.

July 2, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Cleaned pantry. Washed a little in A.M. Went home. May played with kids. May & I took baths in P.M. Sewed on green skirt in P.M. and Eve.

July 1, 1917

Sun. Beautiful showers in P.M.

May went to S.S. in P.M. Miriam Doane in Eve. Ferm paid rent. Mr. Herbert stayed with him last night. Read all day.