
October 31, 1917

Tues. Rain all day

Ironed a little Feel bum. Mother is better. thank goodness. Finished May's coat. PA came in. Went to bed in P.M.

October 30, 1917

Mon. Rain in P.M.

Mother is not as well. Dr. D. changed medicine. Sewed in P.M and Eve. went home about 5 times. Evelyn Greene came in P.M. with May.

October 29, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Worked all day. Miss R. went to church. Headache in P.M. Went home. Mother does not feel well again. Oh dear. Pa came over. May went to walk.

October 28, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Mother is a lot better. Hurrah. Helped at food sale at LaFountains store. Altrurian club made $23.60. Went down town in Eve. All in. S.H.S. tied Amherst.

October 27, 1917


Mother is about the same. Wish she was well. Sewed in P.M. Went home about 5 times. May is fine only coughs. Knit in Eve.

October 26, 1917

Thurs. Beautiful

Mother feels a lot better. Hurrah. She went out a little in A.M. Went over in P.M. & sewed. Pa went to Civilisation. Bum.

October 25, 1917

Thurs. Cloudy & Fair

Mother is better to-day. Got gold beads from Fred. She is tickled to pieces with them. Put them right on. went down town in P.M. to Drs. All in.

October 24, 1917

Wed. Rain

Liberty Loan Day. Flag raising at J&L. E. did not work in P.M. Mother is not feeling well again. What will i do. Went to Drs & Ideal in Eve.

October 23, 1917


All discouraged about Ma. Wish I could do something to make her feel better. Paid Miss Baker for Sept. $ .54. Went home nearly all day.

October 22, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Cleaned shed & pantry. Went home. Sold paper & rags. Got $ .50. Sewed & knit in Eve. Went home in Eve. Shirley came in.

October 21, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May did not go to S.S. Mother is a whole lot better. Glad. Miss R. May & I went to walk in P.M. Put candles of [sic] table for lunch. Pa came in.

October 20, 1917

Sat. Beautiful

Went to Council of War at Opera House in P.M. with Miss R. It was grand. Thrilled everyone. May - Miss R. & I went down town in Eve. Tired.

October 19, 1917

Fri. Grand

Made three pumpkin pies. Went down town in P.M. Ironed in Eve. Stockings & petticoat came from Gilchrists. Grand.

October 18, 1917

Thurs. Grand day.

Went down town in P.M. for Ma. She is a whole lot better. Awfully glad. Dr. Doane came. Went to Movies.

October 17, 1917


Worried about Mother. Dr. Doane came up. Says she must be careful. Went to movies with Miss R. Pretty good.

October 16, 1917


May promised to behave in school. Ironed in P.M. Pa May & I went to movies in P.M. They were pretty good.


October 15, 1917


Report cards today. May got a horrid. [sic] She raised the dickens in school. Talked with Miss Flavin after school. May cried.

Note: I think this is the only time May is "bad" until much later in her life. She was a very smart child - she had skipped a grade - and was a lifelong and proud member of Mensa.
I wonder what was going on for her at this time?

October 14, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May went down town with E. Went to ride with Doane's in P.M. E. May & I went to Claremont. Grand.

October 13, 1917


Cooked in A.M. May is a lot better. Mother came over. Mrs. Bichees [?] auction in P.M. Sam bought toilet set.

October 12, 1917

Fri. Columbus Day

E. has half holiday but did not work all day. Rainy. Went to movies with Miss R. They were bum.

October 11, 1917


May did not go to school. One session today. Parent - Teacher's Convention here today & tomorrow. Mary Leland called in Eve.

October 10, 1917


Ironed in A.M. & cooked. May stayed home from school. Went to movies in Eve. with Miss R. Saw Petrova. She was bum. Tired.

October 9, 1917

Ironed a little. May's cold is just the same. Went down town in P.M. Knit on sweater in Eve.

October 8, 1917


Fred went in A.M. May has a little cold. Washed a little in A.M. Knit in Eve. Went home. Ma has a cold.

October 7, 1917


Worked hard. Helped mother with a feed in Eve. May went to S.S. Miss R. & I were silly in Eve. Fred came over.

October 6, 1917


Worked hard as dickens. Miss R. bought hat & shoes. May & I stayed home in Eve. Did not touch Miss R.s candy.

Note: What the HECK does that mean?

October 5, 1917

Fri. Cleaned up stairs

Ernest & I went to Children's Night at Eastern Star Hall. May was in the dances & drills. Mary Leland director.

October 4, 1917

Thurs. Fine

Fred came over. Ironed in A.M. Ma & Pa came over. May & I went to Movies with Ma. They were good.

October 3, 1917


Fred came for vacation. Brought music & May's music roll. Parent - Teacher's Meeting. Did not go.


October 2, 1917

Tues. Lovely

Made nine glasses of crab apple jelly. Drafted men go to Ayer. Lead off at 11-40. Did not go. Sam went to Bockton [?] Fair. He is the limit.

Note: Sam is her uncle - her mother's brother. I'm not sure what his story is but he lives with his sister until he dies (in the 1930s)
I've never heard of "Bockton" but that's what it looks like.
No, I guess it's Brockton and it looks like it's in MA.

October 1, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Whistles blew all over N.S. at 10A.M. 2nd Liberty Bond campaign. Blew 5 minutes. Washed a little in A.M. Lura came over. Knit.

September 30, 1917

Sun Rain in P.M. Fine in P.M.

Did not get up until after nine. Stayed in all day. Miss R. made fudge in P.M. May went home to dinner. Ma came over for tea.

September 29, 1917

Sat. Beautiful

Cooked and cleaned down stairs. May played with kids all day. Went to Ideal in Eve. with May & Miss R. Fire (small) in Eve.

September 28, 1917

Fri. Fine

Last day of school this week. May took knitting in P.M. Finished ironing. Cleaned up stairs. Knit in P.M. & Eve. Tired as dickens.

September 27, 1917

Thurs, Beautiful

May took knitting to school. Everybody's doing it. Went up to Florence Gutterson's in Eve. to see about Parent - Teacher Reception. Julian J. platte[?] on.

September 26, 1917

Wed. Fine

Laundry came. Looks fine. May is getting along great. Does not cough badly any. Went to Ideal with Miss R. & Ma. Good.