
April 1, 1918

Mon.  Lovely

Cleaned up stairs. Merton W. & Adin H. counted votes at Standard Shoe Store. E. got the auto. Beat Wilson 81 : 467. Awfully glad. Marion came. Miss Rideout stayed here all night. Did not sleep good.

Note: I'm not sure why this was a vote - but I believe that the car was given to Ernest for his mail deliveries. (He was a mail carrier at this point.)

Note#2 - If you look under Ada's photo, you will see that I've added a link to an Ada "photo album." Enjoy!


March 31, 1918

Sun. Easter

Grandma & I went to church to Easter Concert. May spoke twice. Wore green suit. "Tink" B. is here for day. Made fudge. Went home.


March 30, 1918

Sat.  Fine

May is kind of croupy. Fred's birthday. May went to rehearsal in P.M. Bought May's dress at Mrs. Eastman's. Did not do much today. "Ike" Hall's funeral.

March 29, 1918

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned downstairs. Got 2 gal syrup - eggs & butter of Huntoon. British push Germans back. Found "Myties" letter. Feel awfully bad.

Note: This is one of those tantalizing entries that will never be solved. By "found" she must mean that it wasn't sent to her but was in the house - so sent to Ernest? Or possibly in her parents' house, I suppose.What about it made her feel "awfully bad?" Ada always tends to understate, so this is strong stuff.
I have found a photo of a couple of women on a mountain top (I think it's Springfield) and it looks like one of them is named "Mytie" (I"ll post it with the Flickr album soon.) That still gives no idea about the mystery of this post and that long ago letter.


March 28, 1918

Thurs.  Beautiful

Marion went to Boston at noon. Gave me $10. Ma came over. Have not heard from contest yet. Wilson put in $100. Ironed in A.M & P.M. Went home. British push Germans back 4 miles. Hooray. May went up to Virginia Wilcomb's.


March 27, 1918

Wed.  Cloudy

Marion did not go to school until P.M. Better. Miss Miller called. Auto contest ends tonight. Hope E. gets it. Lura came in. May took music lesson after school. Mother & I went down town in Eve. Bought $5 worth of stockings for us all.


March 26, 1918

Tues.   Colder

Marion did not go to school. Gladys G. & Miss Durke called. Dr. came in Eve. Called it intestinal conjestion. [sic] Pa came. Went down town in P.M. All in.


Hello again, folks!

Well, I'm pretty sure that I was delusional thinking that my life was going to be less full if I waited a year - but  oh well, we'll give it another try.
If you've you've come back to read more about Ada and her life in Springfield, Vt in the teen years of the 20th century - welcome back. And thanks for sharing my interest in Ada, my husband's maternal grandmother, and the days of her life.
 In a few days (or soon anyway) I'll put up a link to Flickr where you can see more photos of Ada and her family.

Now on to 1918:

March 25 Mon. Lovely

May went to school. Marion does not feel well. Dr. says she has a slight attack of appendicitis. Mother - May & I went to Movies. They were great. Tired.