
May 1, 1918

Wed.  Rain in A.M.

A little better today. Worked quite a bit. May went to rehearsal  after school. Marion - Mother & I went down town after school. Ma & I went to movies in P.M. Mrs. Smith called.


April 30, 1918

Tues.  Rain in P.M.

Better today. Washed a little in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. Miss Murray came. Marion washed her hair after school.

April 29, 1918

Mon  Rain  ###

Cooked. Sick in P.M. Slept in P.M. Set down two of May's dresses. May went over to Josephine's after school. Ma came over. 2nd draft today. Harold Stiles went. Kat Hooke shower at Laurena's.


April 28, 1918

Sun.  Lovely  Warm

May went to S.S. in A.M Wore new shoes. Got prize for attendance. Marion May E & i went nearly to Windsor. Phillys Thomas came.

April 27, 1918

Sat. Hot as anything

Cooked in A.M. May went to rehearsal & movies in P.M. Marion & I went down town in P.M. All in - kind of sick. Went to bed early.


April 26, 1918

Fri.   Lovely

Liberty Day. E. did note work in P.M. New holiday. Ironed in A.M. Paid Miller Bros. & Water rent. Houghten $5. Marion paid me. Ma. Marion E. May & I went to ride.


April 25, 1918

Thurs.   Colder

Ironed in A.M. & cooked. Went down town in P.M. Bought marabou [sp?] stole. Went to I.O.O.F. Minstrel Show in Eve. with Ma - Pa - Marion & May. Kind of good.

April 24, 1918

Wed.   Lovely  Colder

Cleaned a little. Ironed in P.M. May went to rehearsal. Marion had Red Cross Party here. Went down town in A.M. May & I went home in Eve.


April 23, 1918

Tues.   Beautiful  Rain in Eve.

Washed in A.M. Wesley Covell died in A.M. Terribly sorry for Flora. Lura came in P.M. Went down town in P.M. May is tired.


April 22, 1918

Mon. Showers & Sun

Mended in A.M Sewed in P.M. Ma came in P.M. Lura came in Eve. Marion & I went to Ideal. Went to Damon's Serenade. Would not buy bond.

April 21, 1918

Sun.  Rain all day

May went to S.S. and over home. Went to bed in P.M. and slept 2 hrs. Marion made fudge. Gave May bath.


April 20, 1918

Sat.  Beautiful

Worked like dickens in A.M. May went to Movies in P.M. Marion & I went down town in P.M. MOther - Marion & I in Eve. May stayed with Gramp.


April 19, 1918

Fri.  Lovely

Finished ironing & cleaned upstairs. Mended a little. Sewed in Eve. Lura & Mother came in Eve. Did not go to club. All in. Early to bed.


April 18, 1918

Thurs.  Rainy in A.M.  Cold

Ironed in P.M. May went to rehearsal after school. Paul Corliss came & tried E. uniform on. Great. Marion's show in Eve. It was great. All but London Pink.

Note: I don't know what she means about London. Any clues anyone? Something about the War?

April 17, 1918

Wed.  Beautiful

Finished cleaning "cubby-hole." Worked hard. Ma came over. Went down town in P.M. with Marion. May took lesson after school. Mother-May & I went down town in Eve.


April 16, 1918

Tues. Lovely

Cleaned "cubby-hole" today. Put some things in the attic. E. & Pa raked across road. Alma White came in Eve. Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. Very good.


April 15, 1918

Mon. Beautiful - Hot.

Paid milk - electric light - gas bills. May rehearsed for play. Raked yard in P.M. Ted Louden came in Eve. Miss Flavin came. E. learnt to run car. All in.

April 14, 1918

Sun.  Lovely

Marion gave May white fur. Tickled to pieces with it. Fire alarm in P.M. Ideal Theater. Soon out. Marion - My & I went. All tired out. Went home in P.M. May went to S.S. in A.M.


April 13, 1918

Sat.  Raining & Cloudy

The trees & shrubs look beautiful. Heavy with snow. May has a little cold. Stayed in all day. Ma & I went down town in Eve. Got hat. Like it very much.


April 12, 1918

Fri.  Snow

Cleaned up stairs. Cooked finished ironing. Marion paid me. Went home. Ma came over in A.M. & Eve. Mended in Eve.


April 11, 1918

Thurs.   Cold

May went to school. Ironed in P.M. Made pie. Ma & Pa - May & I went to Ideal. Not very good. Blind man sang & sold music. May got "Jimmie Boy" E. went to ride.


April 10, 1918

Wed. Cold but lovely

May's school didn't keep. No teacher. Went to Josephine's in A.M. May took music lesson. Went to movies with Mother & May in P.M. Lura borrowed purple shirt for show.


April 9, 1918

Tues.  Rain

May's school did not keep. Went to Josephine's in A.M. Stayed with me in P.M. Cleaned in cubby hole in P.M. Ma came over. Went home.

April 8, 1918

Mon   Cloudy

Mrs. Albee is very sick - Helen stayed to supper with May. Almost crazy with noise. Ma & Pa came over. Barry sent for E.'s number for car.


April 7, 1918

Sun.  Lovely

May went to S.S. Ironed in A.M. Finished it, thank goodness. May & Marion went down town in P.M. Polanders funeral today. Mark LaFountin here. Looks good.


April 6, 1918

Sat. Beautiful

U.S. in War one year today. Stove exploded in Polanders house on Clinton St. Mother & 3 children burned to death - 2 very low. Young's house on Cherry Hill burned. Brushfire  on Wall St.

April 5, 1918

Friday  Fine  ##

Sick nearly all the day. Got dinner and that was about all. Better in P.M. May went to Helen Perry's in P.M. All in.


April 4, 1918

Thurs.  Fine & cold

Ironed in A.M Went to movies in Eve with Pa & Ma & Marion. Went home. Pa & Ma came over. May went to Helen Perry's after school.


April 3, 1918

Lovely  Wed.

Washed in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Do not feel very well. Went to bed early. Ma went down town in Eve. Miss Flavin [sic] other sister died.


April 2, 1918

Tues.  Beautiful

So glad E. won in the contest. Pa & Ma came over. Worked in yard in P.M. Miss White came in Eve. Marion went to school as usual. Tired.