
December 26, 1918


 Snowing. Washed in A.M. & P.M. Went home in A.M. May went to Helen's in A.M. Helen & may went to Movies in P.M. All in. Had a nap.


December 25, 1918


Merry Xmas. We went home to dinner. May had tree and bushels of gifts. Velvet dress and bracelet. Who rang the bell? Fred came in A.M. and back at night.

December 24, 1918

Tues.  Rain in P.M.

Did up the last of the packages. Went down town in P.M. with Ma. May went to Josephine's birthday party. May & I went down town in Eve.

December 23, 1918


Ma - May & I went to Claremont at 11:25. Had fine time. Saw Mattie & Harold ayer. Ate at New York lunch. Class.

December 22, 1918


Ma - May & I went to church in A.M. May spoke fine. Church tree and concert. Worked on Maude's book all P.M. & Eve.


December 21, 1918


Slept late. May & I went home to breakfast. May & I went down town in Eve. Did lot of shopping. Worked all day.


December 20, 1918


Last day of school. Out at noon. Marion went home at noon. Gave her a casserole & May gave her  handkerchiefs.


December 19, 1918


Mrs. Millet telephoned. Went to Committee Meeting at schoolhouse. Visited May's school. Very nice. Saw Marion after school.

Note: I'm puzzled by these "Saw Marion after school" pieces. I thought she was still boarding with Ada, but apparently not.

December 18, 1918


Went down town in P.M. with Ma. bought card board for Sadies book. Saw Marion after school.


December 17, 1918


Went home. Seemed good. Had a cup of tea. Worked like a trooper to-day. Cooked and swept upstairs.

December 16, 1918


Better to-day. Went around like someone to-day. May helped with the dishes. Marion & I sewed in Eve.

December 15, 1918


Better to-day. Seems good. Marion went to church. May went to S.S. Worked quite a bit. Awfully weak.


December 14, 1918

Sick as the deuce. May & Marion ate over home. Dr. D. came in P.M. Cried all day. Pa came over in Eve.

Note: One of the few days that Ada did not write the day of the week, or the weather at the top of the entry.


December 13, 1918


 No better. E. got me some different medicine. Hope it does the "biz." Never had such a throat. Early to bed. Tired.

December 12, 1918


Throat just the same. Feel terrible. Don't seem to get any better. May is very good. Ma went down town.


December 11, 1918

Wed.  Snow in P.M.

Marion went to school. Throat no better. Feel Rotten. Did not do much to day. May went to dentist.

December 10, 1918

Tues.  Warmer

Snow nearly gone. Throat is something fierce. Dr. D. came in P.M. Swabbed it out. Hurt. Marion sick in P.M. Did not go to school. Fred went to Newport.

December 9, 1918

Mon. Cold

Washed a little. Throat feels bad. Put onions on. Sewed. May played with sled over to Shirley's after school. Tired.

December 8, 1918

Sun. Lovely

May went to S.S. Wore new black shoes. Marion made fudge. Throat feels funny. Went home in P.M. Mrs. Auber called.


December 7, 1918

Sat.  Cold

Ground covered with snow. E. bought May new sled. Coasted all P.M. Worked all day. Fred came in A. M. Likes Newport. Went down town.

December 6, 1918

Fri.  Snow

Marion - May & I went to Movies. Rotten. Not even funny. Cleaned up stairs and cooked. May earned $.40 this week in arithmetic.

December 5, 1918

Thurs.  Cold

Cleaned up stairs. Fred went to Newport Vt. on Midinight. May is fine. Sewed in Eve and crocheted.
Cold as deuce in Eve.


December 4, 1918

Wed.  Snowy & Rainy

Cooked in A.M. Ironed in P.M. Sewed in Eve. Went down town in Eve. May went to bed early. Dodges go to Keene tomorrow.

December 3, 1918

Tues.  Snowy

Marion's birthday. May & I gave her envelopes. Fred - shirtwaist Ma a dresser scarf. May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were very good.


December 2, 1918

Mon.   Sent May H. Oyster Forks. Wrote to Harry.

Marion came last eve also Fred. Washed a little in A.M. Went down town in P.M. May & I played Authors. Early to bed.

December 1, 1918


May's cold is better. Did not go to S.S. Went home. Read & ironed & mended. All in. Went to sleep in P.M. Tired.