
November 5, 1919


Rain. Went down town in P.M. Bought birthday gift for Ma. Got fudge & waist from Fred & Marion.

November 4, 1919


Cleaned Parlor. All in. Rain. May is sick of rain. We went home in Eve. All in.

November 3, 1919


May went up to Shirley's. Went home. Stayed in all day. Cold is bum. Early to bed.

November 2, 1919

Mon. Lovely

Cold is a little better. Stayed in only went home. May & I sewed in Eve. Early to bed.

November 1, 1919


May went to S.S. Went to walk with Shirley in P.M. My cold is bum. Went home. Boiled steak for dinner. Great.


October 31, 1919

Sat. (Really Fri.)

 E. went to Dartmouth football game with Colgate with Doane - Smith - bowman - Crosby - and Martin. Score 7 - 7. Rained in Eve. Went down town.

October 30, 1919

(Somehow Ada has the days mixed up for awhile, The 30th was really Thurs - but I'll put down what she has written.)

Ironed in P.M Went to Club at Mrs Flinns in Eve and then to Masquerade Ballet at Community club with Jessie Ellis. Bum. May went to Halloween Party at Helen's.


October 7 - October 29, 1919

All pages blank.

October 6, 1919


Laundry came. May & I went to Tom Sawyer at Movies. Good. May went to Josephines in P.M. after school. Sewed & read in P.M.

October 5, 1919


May went to S.S. Sam went to Rutland & saw the Red Sox beat Rutland. Eliz. Abernathy came in P.M. to see May.

October 4, 1919


May & the girls went to the Gym. Like it very much. May went to the Movies in P.M. Worked all day. Ma & I went down town in Eve.

September 26 - Oct 3 1919

All pages blank.

September 25, 1919


Charlestown Fair. Did not go. May went to Shirleys after school. We went home in Eve. E. did not go out.

September 24, 1919


Ma & I went down town in P.M. May & I went to Howes pictures with Doanes & Josephine. Very good.

September 23, 1919


Fair in P.M. Washed in A.M. Laundry . Cloudy. Went over home. Rain as usual. E. worked at club.

September 22, 1919

Mon.  Rain.

Sewed in P.M.  and went to bed. May stayed home after school. Went home in Eve. Tired.

September 21, 1919

Sun.  Warm.

May went to S.S. with Shirley and to ride with her in P.M. Went home. Feel fine to-day.

September 20, 1919


Worked hard all day. May went to Shirley's & Movies in P.M. Played with Helen In P.M. Did not go down town.

September 19, 1919


Shirley - May & I went to Movies in Eve. Rotten. Went down town in P.M. Bought Cutex. Went to ride with Pearl. Joke. [?] Jake?

September 18, 1919


Head is funny to-day. May went to Shirleys after school. Went home in Eve & sewed. May is getting along fine in school. May & I went down town in Eve.

September 17, 1919


Went down town in Eve. Got oilcloth for mother. Saw Nell H. & Mrs. Rice. Ironed in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. May went to Shirleys.

September 16, 1919

Tues.  Cloudy

Mark went to Claremont for awhile. May went to Shirleys. Went down town in P.M. May & I went to Movies in Eve. Very good.

September 15, 1919

Mon.  Rain

Hemmed white skirt. Laundry came. Went home in Eve with May & sewed. Let down May's green dress. May went to Shirleys.

September 14, 1919

Sun. Cold.

May went to S.S. E & May collected Mail in fliver. Mrs. S. & Lura called in P.M. Mrs. Wheatherluad came in Eve.

September 13, 1919

Sat.  Beautiful.

May helped me in A.M. Went to Movies in P.M. Ma - May & I went down town in Eve. Bought underwear for May.

September 12, 1919

Fri.  Rain

The S.S. picnic postponed. May went to Josephines after school. We went home in Eve. Street lights out.

September 11, 1919


May & I went to Movies in P.M. May played with the girls. Went to band concert in Eve with Doanes. Class.

September 10, 1919


May went to school as usual. Went up to Shirleys after school. I went down town in Eve. Brought slips for May. Ironed in A.M.

September 9, 1919

Tuesday   Rain

Laundry came. May loves Miss White. Went down town in P.M. Went to "Little Women" at Ideal with Mrs. D & kids.


September 8, 1919


School began. May is in 6A. Miss White. Out early this P.M. Shirley & May went to Movies. Ma went down town in A.M.

September 7, 1919


Seems good to have Ma better. Went home. May went to S.S. Went to walk with Josephine in P.M. E - May & I went in Eve.

September 6, 1919


May's birthday. 10 yrs. Had party. 19 girls here. Lovely presents. Rain cape from Gram and money from Gramp. Sam came home.

September 5, 1919


Doanes invited May & I to go to Fair with them. Lovely time. Saw Mrs. - Dr. Morse & Clyde Perkins. Aviator did stunts. Tired.

September 4, 1919


Lovely. May & I went to Fair. Saw airplane. Had lovely time. Saw Doanes & Dodges. Went round to-gether. Saw Frank & Edna Bailey. Tired.

September 3, 1919

Wed. Fair postponed.

Rain. Cleared toward night. Ironed as usual. May & I went to Movies with Shirley. Hope is pleasant tomorrow. [sic]

September 2, 1919


First day of Fair. Rained all day. Ironed and cooked. Mother is much better. The new medicine is fine. Thank the Lord.

September 1, 1919


May went to Helen Perry' [sic] party in P.M. Gave her some stationary. E. worked all day. Saw the airplane when it came.

August 31, 1919


Sam went to Athole in P.M. Mother read on piazza in P.M. Is lots better. Pa is all in. Eliz is an old stink.

August 30, 1919


Cleaned up stairs. It was a mess. Went down town in Eve with May. Bought Ma some fruit. Rained of course.


August 29, 1919


John came at noon. The company left in P.M. We all went to bed. Ironed in Eve. Seems good to be by ourselves.

August 28, 1919


Stayed home until Eve. We are all nearly crazy. Went on cherry Hill in Eve. Mother coughs terribly. All in.

August 27, 1919

Wed.  Rain in P.M.

We all went to Movies in P.M. but Ma & Pa.They went to bed. Mother is better. All tired. Ironed in Eve. All in.

August 26, 1919


Gladys G. called in P.M. Went home in P.M. & Eve. Mother is about same. Coughs terribly. Wish the company would go.

August 25, 1919


Finished ironing thank goodness. Mother is not feeling good but some better. May went to Movies. Eliz & I went down town.

August 24, 1919


Mother is lots better. John - Eliz & D. went to church. They spent the day at our house. Lots of fun. All in. Went home in Eve. Glad mother is better.

August 23, 1919

Sat.  Hot

Mother sick in A.M. Better in P.M. John came in P.M Eliz. Dorothy & I went down town in P.M. May went to Shirley's in P.M. Went home in Eve.

August 22, 1919


Ironed & cleaned up stairs. May played with D. all day. Mother's better. All rested in P.M. Ironed. We all went to walk in Eve.

August 21, 1919


Ironed as usual. Eliz learned to crochet. May & dorothy have heaps of fun. Ma & they came over in P.M. We all went to walk in Eve.


August 20, 1919


John went up thru Vt. Started in A.M. Mother - Eliz -  Dorothy & I went down town in P.M. and to Movies in Eve. May went up to Shirleys in P.M. Tired.

August 19, 1919


Rained in A.M. John & Eliz. & Dorothy came in P.M. in Princine[?] auto. John & E. went to club. Eliz. & dorothy & Mother came over in Eve.


August 18, 1919

Mon. Rain

Did not wash. Cooked a little. May went to Movies with Shirley & kids. John did not come. Cleaned up house & cooked.

August 17, 1919

Sun.  Cloudy & Rain

Slept late. Went home. Mr & Mrs. Weatherhead called. Glad we did not go to Hampton Beach. May went to Shirleys. Helen came.

August 16, 1919

Sat.  Lovely ##

Lovely. Slept late. Seems good to be here. May went to Movies with Shirley & girls in P.M. Went home. E went blackberrying. Got 8 qts.

August 15, 1919


Left Rockport at 09A.M. Ate dinner at Filenes. Shopped all around. Started for Vt. at 2:30P.M. Fred Gill brought us home.

August 14, 1919

Thurs.  Rain all day.

Terrible storm at sea. Terrible surf. Mr. & Mrs. Thayer went in bathing. Visited Morses all day. Walked to station.

August 13, 1919

Wed. Lovely

Went in bathing in A.M. with May. The Morse's mother & I walked to Paradise Cliffs in P.M. 5 mi. Took a short walk in Eve.

August 12, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Went in bathing in A.M. with May. went to Gloucester in P.M. to "Daddy Long Legs." Mary Pickford & Waylon Hamilton.

August 11, 1919


Went in bathing in A.M. with May. Went to docks in A.M. with Mother & May. Saw 3 boat loads of silver hake. Took long walk in Eve.

August 10, 1919


Went in bathing with May. Fine. In Pm with to Bare Skin Neck [sic] & watched boats. Turkey for dinner. Went for long walk in Eve. Mrs. Phillips called.


August 9, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Went in bathing in A.M. May went in twice. Down on beach in P.M. Went to Movies with Morse's. [sic] All in.

August 8, 1919


Lovely. Went in bathing in P.M. May went in twice. Took a walk in Eve. Listened to Mrs. Wilcox sing. Fish on beach.

August 7, 1919


Beautiful in P.M. May & I went in bathing in P.M. Went over to Broadway Tea House for tea. Movies in Eve.


August 6, 1919

Wed.  Rainy in Eve.

Saw a small boat burn this A.M. Returned suits in P.M. My bathing suit came. It is great. Went in bathing this P.M. with May.

August 5, 1919


May went in bathing. Stayed on beach all day. Ma - May & I went to ride with Mr. White. It was lovely.


August 4, 1919


Walked to bear skin neck. [sic] May went [...] bathing twice to-day. Very warm. Ma - May & I went to Movies very good. Having a lovely time. 100 Marines went by on hike.

August 3, 1919


May went in bathing. In P.M. Went all over the Delaware.May enjoyed it as much as me. Very interesting. Turkey for dinner.


August 2, 1919


Feel fine. The house is fine here. Saw the Delaware 500 sailors leave for Bosotn to be discharged. Went to Glocester.[sic]

August 1, 1919


Started for Rockport 6-45 A.M. Sick headache. Feel rotten. Got here for supper. Early to bed. All in.



July 30, 1919


May went to Movies with Constance & Lester Hill. Ma -May & I went down town in Eve. All in.

July 29, 1919


Washed & sewed nearly all day. Ma - May & I went to Movies in Eve. E. took job at club. $4 a week.

July 28, 1919


Went down town in A.M. with Marion. they went in P.M. Ma felt bad. Gone to Cleveland. Ma [?] & I went to bed.

Note: does she mean May?

July 27, 1919


E. took us all to the Club. It is swell. Marion - Ma May & I went to walk. Saw Cora. Wore new hat. Tired.

July 26, 1919


Fred & Marion came at noon. Went down town in P.M. & Eve. Marion bought hat. E. & Fred went to Club.

July 25, 1919


May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were great. Mother is better. Thank goodness.

July 24, 1919


Mother spit blood. went to Dr.'s. Says she is run down. Grace - Ray & Mr. Carpenter & Rayna Came to supper in P.M. tired.


July 22 & 23, 1919

"Forgot" is written on both pages

July 21, 1919


Washed a little. Ma - May & I went to Movies in P.M. They were rotten. All in.


July 20, 1919

Sun.  Hot

Sunday School closed for two months. Inez - Rob - Archie & kids came in P.M. Such kids. All in. May & I went to walk in Eve.

July 19, 1919

Sat.  Hot

May made a cake. Got lavender hat. E went to Claremont to ball game with Smith & Doane. 1-0 Claremont. May - Ma & I went wont town in Eve.


July 18, 1919


Made current jelly. Sewed in P.M. May - Ma & I went to Movies. They were great. May played with Josephine.

July 17, 1919


Ironed in A.M. May went to Joe's in A.M. & the Movies in P.M. Went to band concert with Joe in Eve. All in.

July 14 - 16, 1919

All blank

July 13, 1919

June Sloane's birthday
13 yrs. old.

July 6 -12

All blank.

July 5, 1919


Airplane shooting around all day. It looks great. Tirzah S went up. Accident with Harry L[?] I. [?] in[?] All smashed up. Hard luck.

July 4, 1919


Great celebration. Ma - May & I went down town in A.M. with Florence L. Grand parade. Saw airplane. Went to fireworks with E & May.

July 3, 1919


Staid in nearly all day. Went up to [?] in P.M. To trim Altru. float. No-one showed up. Went to Movies in Eve with Ma.

July 2, 1919


May went to Chataqua three times to-day. She likes it very much.

July 1, 1919


Junior Chataqua kids went on hike and cooked their breakfast. May liked it.

June 30, 1919


Fred & Marion started for Orange in thier beautiful car. It looks like a circus van.

June 29, 1919


Fred & Marion came about noon in DeG[?] car. Marion & I went to chataqua in Eve. Cold.

June 28, 1919

Pa's birthday

(Scrawled in pencil.)

June 23 - June 27, 1919

Pages all blank.

June 22, 1919

Sun.  Cold.

Had fire in range. May went to S.S.  Mother - May & I went to walk in Eve. Terrible cold. Mark O. came in P.M.

June 21, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Cleaned up stairs. Cooked. Went down town in Eve with Mother & May. E. had headache in Eve. Cooler.

June 20, 1919

Fri.  Rain in A.M.

Finished ironing. Went home as usual. May went to band concert with Doanes in car. Class.

June 19, 1919

Thurs.  Hot

Stores close in P.M. Mark paid. Mrs. S. had Dr.Guild - no better. Gladys came. Bought chataqua.

June 18, 1919


Went down town in P.M. & Eve. with Mother May played with Helen. Ate her supper out doors.

June 17, 1919


Better to-day. Cleaned den. Ma-May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were great. Ironed a little in P.M. All in.

June 16, 1919

Mon.   Hot

Washed in A.M. Wrote to Marion. Forgot E. nightshirt. Mrs. Smith no better. Too bad. Tired to death. Went to bed in P.M.


June 15, 1919

Sun.  Hot

Started home about 11:30. Came home thru Montpelier etc. and here about 6:30. Lovely ride. All in. Ate at Williamstown. Great.

June 14, 1919

Sat.  Thunderstorms in A.M.   Went to Butors[?] Fine[?]

Beautiful afterwards. Helped Marion in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Ate at tea house. took a sail up Lake Memphragog in Eve. Beautiful.

June 13, 1919

Fri.  Lovely

E. - May - Ted B. - Gladys & I motored up to Newport, VT. Started at 1:30 and got there at 8:30. Beautiful ride. Fred & Marion tickled to see us.


June 12, 1919


Went down town A.M. Sores close in P.M. May played with kids. Gladys came down in P.M. Planned lunch.

June 11, 1919


Went down town in Eve. with Mother & May. bought waist 2.90. May went to Movies with Shirley in P.M. Hot.


June 10, 1919

Tues.  Laundry came. Washed a little in a.M. Took May to barbers in P.M. bought stockings. E. sized steps. Gladys came in A.M.

June 9, 1919

Mon.  Rainy

May & Shirley went to Movies in PM. Washed wood work in kitchen. Mended in Eve. Gladys telephoned in P.M.

June 8, 1919

Sun.  Cloudy & Rainy

Childrens' Day. Ma & I went to church & heard May speak. Made short-cake. Went home.Ironed in P.M.

June 7, 1919

Sat.  Hot

Terrible thunder shower in P.M. May went to school in A.M. & to rehearsal in P.M. Pa came in Eve & Ma.


June 6, 1919


Ironed & washed piazza. Mowed lawn & cooked. Went to Movies in Eve with Doanes - Helen - Josephine - May & Ma. Good.


June 5, 1919


Headache in A.M. Washed a little. Went to Movies in Eve with May & Ma. They were great.


June 4, 1919

Wed.  Hot as blitzen

Went to Parent-Teacher Meeting with Mrs. Albee. May was in Japanese drill. Wore new kimona. [sic]

June 3, 1919


Laundry came. Hot as deuce. Fixed Mays kimona [sic] inP.M. & Eve. Looks cute. Head is bum. Osgood came.

June 2, 1919

Mon.  Hot

Ma & I went down town in P.M. Saw Mark Osgood. He came & looked at room & hired front room. Tired.

May 29, 1919

May 29, 30, 31st and June 1st are blank.

May 28, 1919

Wed.  Lovely

Cleaned lower hall & washed bathroom walls. Looks fine. E. put up piazza boxes and cleaned hall rugs. May is tired.

May 27, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Swept up stairs. Mrs. Albee came in Eve. May went to rehearsal in P.M. and played. Sewed in Eve. All in.

May 26, 1919


Washed a little and put up blue curtains in E.s room. May - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve. Petrova.

May 25, 1919

Sun.  Cooler

May went to S.S. in A.M. and to walk in P.M. E. got down piazza chairs. Did not do much of anything.

May 24, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Worked hard all day. May went to school in A.M. Went down town in A.M. and in the Eve. Rain in Eve.

May 23, 1919

Fri.  Warm & pleasant

Seems good to see the sun. Donated to Salvation Army. May - Shirley - Helen - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve.

May 22, 1919

Thurs. Rainy.

Washed some on kitchen wall. Hard work. May stayed to rehearse. Sent for May's kimona. [sic] Went down town in P.M. All in.

May 21, 1919

Wed.  Rainy

Mrs. S. is better. Mr. C.'s men came. Daubed all over everywhere. Not very good job. Ma came over. May stayed for rehearsal of Japanese thing.


May 20, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Laundry came. Put paper all round house for Mr. Castledine. Tacked them on wall. Went home. Ma came over. All in.

May 19, 1919

Mon.  Lovely

Mrs. Smith is no better. Washed a little in A.M. May went to Shirley's in P.M. May & I went to Lyman Howe's pictures in Eve. Very good.

May 18, 1919


Rain has stopped. May went to S.S. Went to walk in P.M. Went home. George Stiles came in P.M. Made Westerns for lunch.

May 17, 1919


Rained something fierce all day. E. wet through. May went to school in A.M. & Movies in P.M. Worked all day. Mrs. Smith sick.


May 16, 1919


Cleaned upper hall and swept up stairs. Ma& I went to Movies with May & Doanes in the Electric. Class to us. good.


May 15, 1919


Worked all day. Ironed in P.M. & Eve.Worked across the road. Looks great. May went to Movies in P.M. Played afterward.


May 14, 1919


Cleaned E's room. Looks fine. E. cleaned rug. May played with Helen. Visited with Mrs. Albee. Went home for tea.


May 13, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Washed in A.M. Had a large one. E worked in yard in Eve. May took lessons in P.M. Helen & her played in P.M.

May 12, 1919

Mon.  Rainy

Laundry went in A.M. and came in Eve. Class. Shirley came in P.M. May went to library in Eve. Sewed.

May 11, 1919


Mother's Day. May wore carnation to S.S. Awfully cold. May made fudge in P.M. Read nearly all day. Feel bum.

May 10, 1919

Sat.  Rainy

Worked all day. Did not change dress all day. May went down town in Eve for us. Bought flowers.

May 9, 1919

FRi.  Colder

Worked all day. Went to Alt. banquet at congo church. Lovely supper. Went with Mrs. Albee. May & E went to Movies. Tired.

May 8, 1919

Thurs.  Lovely

Mowed lawn. Finished painting bedroom floor. Ironed in Eve. E. & Barnum went fishing. Did not get any. Tired.


May 7, 1919

Wed.  Rainy ###

Red Cross & Alt Club gave boys (soldier) supper & dance. They looked grand. May & I went down town in Eve. Sick in A.M.

May 6, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

May & I went to Movies. Laundry came. Made custard pie for church. Went home. Painted half of bedroom floor. Looks good.

May 5, 1919

Mon.  Lovely

May has a little cold. Went over to Helen's in P.M. Ma is better. Varnished bathroom. Looks fine. Sewed on violet hat. Went home.

May 4, 1919

Sun.  Lovely. Terrible thunder storm in Eve.

 Ma has a cold. Varnished chair. May & I went down on bank for violets. May played two pieces at Smiths.

May 3, 1919

Sat.  Cooler

Swept whole house. Went to 1.0.0. F. parade with Albees in their car. Some parade. May did shopping in Eve.

May 2, 1919

Fri.  Lovely

Cleaned guest room. Ironed curtains. Went to Movies with Shirley, May & Helen. Good. All in.

May 1, 1919

Thurs.  Cloudy. Rain in Eve.

May & I went to Maovies in P.M. May hung May baskets in Eve. She got 4. Saw Dr. Lawrence. Too fat.

April 30, 1919


Ironed in A.M. and finished in P.M. went to Movies in P.M. with Ma. May did not care to go. Went over to Helens.

April 29, 1919

Tues.  Rainy & Cloudy in A.M.

May went after flowers in P.M. with Helen. took lesson at 3.30. Sewed in P.M.

April 27, 1919

Sun.  Lovely

May went to S.S. May & I went after flowers in Hartness Park. Pa worked until 5 PM. Washburn sick. Read in Eve. Tired.

April 26, 1919

Sat.  Cold

School kept in A.M. to make up the lost time. May & Helen peddled bills for Helen's father in P.M. Earned 35. Went down town.


April 25, 1919

Fri.  Cold

J.D. parade at Boston. Loved to have gone. Ironed in P.M. Swept in A.M. Went to club in Eve at Mrs. La Fountain's. May went to Movies in P.M.

April 24, 1919


Rainy. Raked yard. May Ma & I went to Movies in P.M. Very good. Ma came over in Eve. Tired. Cleaned refrigerator.

April 23, 1919

Wed.  Warm

Worked all day. May went May flowering with girls. May took lesson. All in. Ma & I went down town in Eve. May has headache.


April 22, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

May & I went to Claremont. Had fine time. Saw lots of Springfield people there. Had glasses fixed. Came home at 4 from Claremont. Helen Bro??d [?] went.

Note: Possibly "Brossard"?

April 21, 1919

Mon.  Lovely

Washed kitchen & pantry windows & pantry curtains. Went down town in P.M. May went to Movies in P.M. Went home in Eve.

April 20, 1919

Sun.  Easter  Beautiful

May wore new cape & brown hat. Looks great. Spoke at church. Went in A.M. Mother - May & I went to Vespers.

April 19, 1919

Sat.  Lovely  Cold

Finished May's cape. Looks cute. Went down town in Eve with May & Mother. Mahar-Boss and some others of 26 Y.D. here. [?]

April 18, 1919

Fri.  Warmer - Cloudy

Sewed on cape. Edith Miller came. Mrs. S came in P.M. Went to Movies in Eve with Doanes.

April 17, 1919

Thurs.  Warmer

Finished cleaning pantry. went down town in P.M. Sewed in Eve. Paid for hat. May played with Shirley.

April 16, 1919

Wed.  Cold & Rainy

Finished ironing. E has sore throat. Paid milk bill. Cut out May's brown cape. May took music lesson after school.

April 15, 1919

Tues.  Cold

Worked out doors in A.M. Went home in P.M. Ironed. E raked across road. looks fine. [sic] May played with girls.

April 14, 1919

Mon.  Colder

Phyllis B. has a little girl. Washed a little in A.M. School began. May is glad. Got 100. Played with kids in P.M. Went down town in P.M.

April 13, 1919


May went to S.S. Head ached all day.  Pressed E pants. [sic] E worked on bank. Went home in A.M. with May.


April 12, 1919

Sat. Lovely

May & Shirley went to Movies in P.M. May & I  went down town in Eve. Got pattern for May's cape. Sam bought May tulips. Tired.


April 11, 1919

Fri. Rain in Eve.  ##

May went to Hazel Carelton's party. Had good time. all in. Sick nearly all day. Better in Eve.

April 10, 1919

Thurs.  Fine & colder

May stayed home to-day. Cooked for me. She & I went to Movies in Eve. They were good. Painters came to Pas. Mrs. Pratt died of pneumonia.

April 9, 1919

Wed.  Fine

Finished ironing in P.M. May played out all day. Went down town in Eve. Mrs. Pratt very low.


April 8, 1919

Tues.  Warm

Washed quilt & blankets. May & Helen ate dinner on piazza. Played out all day. Took music lesson. Went home in Eve. Library & Movies open.

April 7, 1919

Mon.  Cloudy & Rain

Cleaned nearly all pantry. May played with Helen. Went home. All in. Saw a J.D. soldier to-day. Sewed in Eve.

Note: I don't know what "J.D. soldier" means.


April 6, 1919

Sun. Lovely & Warm

Shampooed my hair. May went to walk in P.M. Went home. Pa came over. Went home in Eve. All in.

April 5, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Worked hard all day. May made pie and cake. Played with kids all P.M. Went down town in Eve. Got suit from tailors.


April 4, 1919


Cleaned kitchen drawers, buffet & desk. Sewed on table-cloth in Eve. Rainy. May went out in P.M. Tired.

April 3, 1919


 May made Grandma & I a cake. Cleaned up stairs. May & I went down street in P.M. Went home in Eve. All in. Throat sore.

April 2, 1919

Wed. Cold

Mr. ford killed with saw. Terrible. windy. Went home with May. Sewed in P.M. Made two aprons. Ironed. All in.


April 1, 1919

Tues  Colder

Finished Ma's floor. Looks fine. May fooled everyone. Made black bag. It looks fine. Ma is a lot better. Pa came over in P.M.


March 31, 1919

Mon  Fine

May went out quite a bit to-day. Carpenters came and worked on Ma's kitchen floor. May did not cough all night.


March 30. 1919

Sun.  Cold

May & I saw a lot of birds. Feel kind of sick. May made a cream cake. Took a tablespoon of castor oil.


March 29, 1919

Sat.  Cold & Windy

Huntoon did not come. Went down town in Eve. Awfully cold. May stayed in.  Cleaned down stairs & cooked.


March 28, 1919

Fri.  Snow and windy

Richard and Arthur R. buried. Pa went to Richard's funeral. Ironed in P.M. May stayed in all day. All in.


March 27, 1919


Went down town in P.M. Bought pajamas for Fred. May made birthday cake for him. Went home in Eve. Tired.

Note: Fred is Ada's younger brother.


March 26, 1919

Wed.  Lovely

May played out of doors nearly all day. Burt Bannister died. Went home in P.M. and embroidered. Ruth came to play with May.


March 25, 1919


Movies closed. Richard L. died. Feel awfully sorry. Mrs. Albee came home from hospital. Ma got nervous. Had Doctor. All right now. May had little earache.

March 24, 1919

Mon.  Fine

Washed a little. Arthur robinson died. Richard L. worse. Everything is so depressing. May & I went down town in P.M.


March 23, 1919

Sun.  Kind of rainy

Ma & May are better a lot. Richard L is no better. Hope he gets well. Churches closed on acct of flu. Fred is promoted to Supt. Class.

March 22, 1919

Sat.  Colder

Lillian (Armstrong) Gilpatric died. Richard Longworth very sick. May & Ma are better. May went out this P.M. Went down town in Eve, went home.


March 21, 1919

Fri  Warm

May is better. Ma had Dr. Better.Arthur Leland has "flu". Schools closed on acct of "flu". Not as bad as Oct. Mended & sewed in Eve. All in.


March 20, 1919


Warm as dickens. Went down town in P.M. Headache in P.M. Went to bed in early Eve. Better in Eve. May is better.


March 19, 1919

Wed  Warm

May is lots better. Frank Spellman died. Went down town in Eve. Bought May's brown hat.


March 18. 1919


May is better. Also Ma. Embroidered in P.M. & Eve. Hot as the deuce. Howard Finn has the "flu". Lots of sickness.

March 17, 1919

Mon.  Rain ###

May did not go to school. Cold is better. Went to Dr. in Eve for her. E. joined Woodmen. Little building is closed on acct. of sickness.

March 16, 1919

Sun. Rain

May has a cold. Went home to breakfast. E. made fudge. May made gingerbread. Made vinegar candy.

March 15, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

May made her first cake. It was fine. She went to Movies and over to Sheilas in P.M. Went down town in Eve. with Ma & May.

March 14, 1919

Fri.  Cold

Sewed in A.M. went home Went to Club in Eve. at Tuppers. Mrs. Gilbert Davis spoke. She was great. Big fire last Eve. South End Restaurant.

March 13, 1919

Thurs.  Cold.

E went to party at Mrs. Reed's last night. Went to Locke's this P.M. Paid $1.75. Pa went to I.O.O.F. meeting in Eve. MAy & I went home in Eve. Ma went to Movies in P.M.

March 12, 1919

Wed.  Beautiful

Throat sore. Went to Ionies[?] opening in P.M. May went to Josephine's after school. May - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve.

March 11, 1919

Tues.  Cloudy

May took lesson. May had toothache last night. Went to Lockes in A.M. & had it pulled. Made her sick and hurt like deuce. Went to lecture on the Foreigner American….[?] Bum.

March 10, 1919

Mon.  Fine  Windy

Stayed home & embroidered. Ma & I went to the Recital at Mrs. S. The kids did well. May played great.

March 9, 1919

Sun. Rain

May had toothache last night until 12. Did not wake up until 10A.M. Did not go to S.S. Stayed in all day. Terrible out doors.

March 8, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Ann & Shirley came in A.M. May went to Shirleys & Helens in P.M. [sic] Practices music at Mrs. S. May - Ma & I went down town in Eve.


March 7, 1919

Fri.  Lovely

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Cooked. Went home. May & I went to Movies in Eve. Under 4 Flags. Very good. Shirley & Joe went.

March 6, 1919

Thurs   Colder

Ironed in A.M. Went home. Ma & I went to Movies in P.M. Josephine came to play with May after school. Dan Grey's funeral.


March 5, 1919


Laundry came. Paid for this last week. $1.35. Embroidered in P.M. & Eve. Heard of Dan Grey's death. Cooked in A.M. All in.

March 4, 1919

Tues.  Fine

Town Meeting Day. Went to Claremont for glasses. Edmunds examined eyes. $1.00. Saw Flora & Ralph. Ray took us to Jct. Came home with them.

March 3, 1919

Mon.  Beautiful.

Washed windows up stairs in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Small fire in Eve on clinton St. Embroidered on slips. May sewed.

March 2, 1919

Sun.  Beautiful.

May went to S.S. May & I went to walk in P.M. E. made fudge. Went home in P.M. & Eve. May played dolls.

March 1, 1919

Sat.  Rain in A.M.

May cut out dolls all A.M. Went to Movies in P.M. Went to Alice O'dettes without permission. Went down town in Eve. Mopped piazza.

February 28, 1919

Fri.  Rainy in Eve.

Cleaned up stairs. Went down town in P.M. Went to club at Eliz. Stiles in Eve. Mrs. Drury joined. Came home with Mrs. Albee. Tired.

February 27, 1919

Thurs.   Fine

Ironed in A.M. & P.M. Shirley came after school. Ma is better. Ma & I went to Movies in Eve. Good. Hostipal [sic] Play to-night.

February 26, 1919


Ground covered with snow again. Snowed all night. Ma had doctor. Better. May went snow-shoeing with Fred's snow shoes after school.

February 25, 1919

Tues.  Fine

Cleaned in pantry. Fixed May's doll's arm. Went down town in P.M. May took music lesson. May & I went down town in Eve.

February 24, 1919


Side is better to-day. Did not do much. Went home. Ma has little cold. Wilson arrives in Boston. Big time.

February 23, 1919


Ground covered with snow and still snowing. May shoveled path. E made fudge. Went home. Took baths in P.M.

February 22, 1919


Washington's Birthday. E. did not work in P.M. May went to Movies with Helen - Ruth - Ann - Roger. Went down town in Eve. All in.

February 21, 1919


Rhoda smarts brought here for burial. George S. came up in Eve. May went to Shirley's after school. Telephone Ball to-night. Mended.


February 20, 1919

Thurs. Fine

Ironed in A.M. May went to Helen P. after school. Premier Clemenceau shot, not fatal. Ma & I went to Movies in P.M.

February 19, 1919


Better to-day. Mended E.'s old uniform. Went down town in P.M. Sent Maud's dress. May played with Helen after school. Quite cold.

February 18, 1919

Tues. ###

Did not do much this A.M. Went to bed in P.M. May took music lesson after school. Ma - May & I went to Movies in Eve.

February 17, 1919


Washed two blankets. Did not change dress. Sewed in Eve. May went over to Helen's after school.

February 16, 1919


May went to S.S. Made fudge. read the Ne'er do Well and 23 1/2 hours. leave [sic] Both bum. Early to bed.

February 15, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

May went sliding in P.M. & A.M. Went down town with Harry in A.M. Harry went home in P.M. Went down town in Eve.

February 14, 1919


Feel fine. E. went to work. Ma - May - Harry & I went to Movies in Eve. they were very good. "On Trial".

February 13, 1919


Harry told us all about France. Went down town in P.M. E is better. E & I went to Masonic ball. Wore Maude's dress. Lovely time.


February 12, 1919


Ma . May & I went to Orange to Fred's wedding. Very quiet. Had lots of fun. E. & Harry went to Basket Ball game. Came home at midnight.

Note: Fred married Marion - Ada's boarder, and the teacher at May's school.

February 11, 1919


E. came home sick. worried about him. Ironed. Harry & Percy came in P.M. Percy went back in Early P.M. Went down town.

Note: Harry & Percy are E.'s brothers.


February 10, 1919


Washed in A.M. Did not send laundry. Went home. Went down town in A.M. All in. Early to bed.

February 9, 1919


May went to S.S. Fred come in Early a.M. Went to Boston in P.M. Made fudge. All in. Fred has fur collar on coat.


February 8, 1919


Worked all day. Went down town in Eve. with May & Mother. Bought music. Bought cabbage. Class.

Note: Class for buying a cabbage? Not quite sure about that one!

February 7, 1919

Fri. Lovely

May got 83 in Arith. 99 in Geo. Class. Worked all day. May & I went to Library in Eve. Brush fire in Eve. All in.


February 6, 1919


Exams in Arith. & Geo at May's school.Easy. Went to Movies in P.M. Marion cutler at Ma's. Mrs. Ellison buried. Ma came over in Eve.


February 5, 1919


 Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. got invite to Masonic Ball. E. won't go. Feel bad. Had planned to go. May & I studied geography.

February 4, 1919


Laundry came. Went down town after school. May took music lesson. May & I went to Movies in Eve.


February 3, 1919


Washed a little in A.M. Went down town to Dr. D's. office. Got bottle filled. Went to walk with Gladys. H. & baby. Sewed in Eve.


February 2, 1919


May wore new hat to-day. It looks great. Went to S.S. Went home in P.M. Read nearly all day. All in.


February 1, 1919


Worked all day. Cooked & ironed in P.M. Ma - [May?] - Mother & I went down town in Eve. Saw R.W. bought some music.


January 31, 1919


School did not keep. Teacher's convention at Bellows Falls. We all went to :Hearts of the World" in P.M. Terrible crowd. went to club in Eve at Fannie Stearns.


January 30, 1919

No post for today.
Tomorrow, Jan 31st, Ada starts to post regularly again.


January 29, 1919


Altrurian Musicale at Mrs. W. Slacks. Wore Maude's evening gown. Class to me. E. went. Flute and piano.


January 25, 1919

No post today or until January 29th.

January 24, 1919


McNeilly Dance in Opera House. Military Ball. Ma & I went to Balconey. Stayed until 1-30. Awfully good time.


January 16, 1019

There are no entries from now until January 24.

January 15, 1919

Wed.  Warm

Ironed. Went home. Frank Stone came up. Talked us blind. Went to Movies in P.M. May went sliding in P.M. after school. Tired.

January 14, 1919

Tues. Fine Warm

Laundry came. May went sliding. New dress came. Sage. Filene. May & I went to Movies. Good. Wore new dress.

January 13, 1919


Houghton. Simonds [?] Sale. did not go. Marion went home. May went sliding after music. May & I went down town.


January 12, 1919

Sun.  Cold

May did not go to S.S. Went home. Marion went to Gallups in Eve & P.M. Mended in Eve. Cold.

January 11, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

May went sliding nearly all day. Went down town in P.M. & Eve with Marion. Cold as dickens.

January 10, 1919


Ironed a little. Went to Society Circus at School House. It was great. Mr. Wood very low at Brattleboro. Too bad.

January 9, 1919


May went sliding again after school. Marie Dressel came up. Went home. Sewed in Eve.

January 7, 1919

Do not know how to properly insert Jan 8, as I left as a draft and didn't publish.

January 8, 1919


May went sliding after school. May went to Movies in Eve with me. Teachers give Marion a shower at Gallups. Blankets and a [.?.]gy.

Note: Marion has obviously become engaged to Ada's brother Fred - although she has not mentioned that.


Ironed a little. Marion went to circus rehearsal. Went up to Mrs. Slacks in Eve. Ernest has terrible headache.


January 6, 1919

Mon.  Roosevelt died at 4 A.M.

Washed a little in A.M. Went home in P.M. May went out with kids. Took music lesson. Went down town.

January 5, 1919


Marion went to church.  May went to S.S. Marion May & I went to walk   in P.M. Cold. Made fudge. Tired.

January 4, 1919


May played with kids all day. Went on Shirley's hill. Cooked in A.M. Marion went to Durkee's to supper. Worked hard.


January 3, 1919


First snowstorm. May is glad. Went sliding after school. Feel fine. Cleaned upstairs. Ma came over.


January 2, 1919


Better to-day. Thank heavens. Cosmopolitan concert did not go. [sic] Ma came over. Sewed in Eve. May is fine.

January 1, 1919


Feel rotten. School does not keep. E. did not work. May went to Movies in P.M. Ernest did work to-day.

December 31, 1918


No better. Had doctor. All run down. Gave me medicine. Hope I am better. All discouraged.

December 30, 1918


School began. Marion & May go as usual. Got breakfast. All in. Can't eat. On couch only when I get meals. [sic]

December 29, 1918

Sun. ###

Better to-day. Very weak. On couch all day. Marion come on midnight. Ma did work.

December 28, 1918

Sat.  Lovely

Sick as the deuce. Laid on couch all day.
Can't walk.

December 27, 1918


Feel tired to death. Have eaten nothing all day but a piece of pie. May & I went to Movies. All in when I come back.