
January 31, 1919


School did not keep. Teacher's convention at Bellows Falls. We all went to :Hearts of the World" in P.M. Terrible crowd. went to club in Eve at Fannie Stearns.


January 30, 1919

No post for today.
Tomorrow, Jan 31st, Ada starts to post regularly again.


January 29, 1919


Altrurian Musicale at Mrs. W. Slacks. Wore Maude's evening gown. Class to me. E. went. Flute and piano.


January 25, 1919

No post today or until January 29th.

January 24, 1919


McNeilly Dance in Opera House. Military Ball. Ma & I went to Balconey. Stayed until 1-30. Awfully good time.


January 16, 1019

There are no entries from now until January 24.

January 15, 1919

Wed.  Warm

Ironed. Went home. Frank Stone came up. Talked us blind. Went to Movies in P.M. May went sliding in P.M. after school. Tired.

January 14, 1919

Tues. Fine Warm

Laundry came. May went sliding. New dress came. Sage. Filene. May & I went to Movies. Good. Wore new dress.

January 13, 1919


Houghton. Simonds [?] Sale. did not go. Marion went home. May went sliding after music. May & I went down town.


January 12, 1919

Sun.  Cold

May did not go to S.S. Went home. Marion went to Gallups in Eve & P.M. Mended in Eve. Cold.

January 11, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

May went sliding nearly all day. Went down town in P.M. & Eve with Marion. Cold as dickens.

January 10, 1919


Ironed a little. Went to Society Circus at School House. It was great. Mr. Wood very low at Brattleboro. Too bad.

January 9, 1919


May went sliding again after school. Marie Dressel came up. Went home. Sewed in Eve.

January 7, 1919

Do not know how to properly insert Jan 8, as I left as a draft and didn't publish.

January 8, 1919


May went sliding after school. May went to Movies in Eve with me. Teachers give Marion a shower at Gallups. Blankets and a [.?.]gy.

Note: Marion has obviously become engaged to Ada's brother Fred - although she has not mentioned that.


Ironed a little. Marion went to circus rehearsal. Went up to Mrs. Slacks in Eve. Ernest has terrible headache.


January 6, 1919

Mon.  Roosevelt died at 4 A.M.

Washed a little in A.M. Went home in P.M. May went out with kids. Took music lesson. Went down town.

January 5, 1919


Marion went to church.  May went to S.S. Marion May & I went to walk   in P.M. Cold. Made fudge. Tired.

January 4, 1919


May played with kids all day. Went on Shirley's hill. Cooked in A.M. Marion went to Durkee's to supper. Worked hard.


January 3, 1919


First snowstorm. May is glad. Went sliding after school. Feel fine. Cleaned upstairs. Ma came over.


January 2, 1919


Better to-day. Thank heavens. Cosmopolitan concert did not go. [sic] Ma came over. Sewed in Eve. May is fine.

January 1, 1919


Feel rotten. School does not keep. E. did not work. May went to Movies in P.M. Ernest did work to-day.

December 31, 1918


No better. Had doctor. All run down. Gave me medicine. Hope I am better. All discouraged.

December 30, 1918


School began. Marion & May go as usual. Got breakfast. All in. Can't eat. On couch only when I get meals. [sic]

December 29, 1918

Sun. ###

Better to-day. Very weak. On couch all day. Marion come on midnight. Ma did work.

December 28, 1918

Sat.  Lovely

Sick as the deuce. Laid on couch all day.
Can't walk.

December 27, 1918


Feel tired to death. Have eaten nothing all day but a piece of pie. May & I went to Movies. All in when I come back.