
June 15, 1919

Sun.  Hot

Started home about 11:30. Came home thru Montpelier etc. and here about 6:30. Lovely ride. All in. Ate at Williamstown. Great.

June 14, 1919

Sat.  Thunderstorms in A.M.   Went to Butors[?] Fine[?]

Beautiful afterwards. Helped Marion in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Ate at tea house. took a sail up Lake Memphragog in Eve. Beautiful.

June 13, 1919

Fri.  Lovely

E. - May - Ted B. - Gladys & I motored up to Newport, VT. Started at 1:30 and got there at 8:30. Beautiful ride. Fred & Marion tickled to see us.


June 12, 1919


Went down town A.M. Sores close in P.M. May played with kids. Gladys came down in P.M. Planned lunch.

June 11, 1919


Went down town in Eve. with Mother & May. bought waist 2.90. May went to Movies with Shirley in P.M. Hot.


June 10, 1919

Tues.  Laundry came. Washed a little in a.M. Took May to barbers in P.M. bought stockings. E. sized steps. Gladys came in A.M.

June 9, 1919

Mon.  Rainy

May & Shirley went to Movies in PM. Washed wood work in kitchen. Mended in Eve. Gladys telephoned in P.M.

June 8, 1919

Sun.  Cloudy & Rainy

Childrens' Day. Ma & I went to church & heard May speak. Made short-cake. Went home.Ironed in P.M.

June 7, 1919

Sat.  Hot

Terrible thunder shower in P.M. May went to school in A.M. & to rehearsal in P.M. Pa came in Eve & Ma.


June 6, 1919


Ironed & washed piazza. Mowed lawn & cooked. Went to Movies in Eve with Doanes - Helen - Josephine - May & Ma. Good.


June 5, 1919


Headache in A.M. Washed a little. Went to Movies in Eve with May & Ma. They were great.


June 4, 1919

Wed.  Hot as blitzen

Went to Parent-Teacher Meeting with Mrs. Albee. May was in Japanese drill. Wore new kimona. [sic]

June 3, 1919


Laundry came. Hot as deuce. Fixed Mays kimona [sic] inP.M. & Eve. Looks cute. Head is bum. Osgood came.

June 2, 1919

Mon.  Hot

Ma & I went down town in P.M. Saw Mark Osgood. He came & looked at room & hired front room. Tired.

May 29, 1919

May 29, 30, 31st and June 1st are blank.

May 28, 1919

Wed.  Lovely

Cleaned lower hall & washed bathroom walls. Looks fine. E. put up piazza boxes and cleaned hall rugs. May is tired.

May 27, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Swept up stairs. Mrs. Albee came in Eve. May went to rehearsal in P.M. and played. Sewed in Eve. All in.

May 26, 1919


Washed a little and put up blue curtains in E.s room. May - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve. Petrova.

May 25, 1919

Sun.  Cooler

May went to S.S. in A.M. and to walk in P.M. E. got down piazza chairs. Did not do much of anything.

May 24, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Worked hard all day. May went to school in A.M. Went down town in A.M. and in the Eve. Rain in Eve.

May 23, 1919

Fri.  Warm & pleasant

Seems good to see the sun. Donated to Salvation Army. May - Shirley - Helen - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve.

May 22, 1919

Thurs. Rainy.

Washed some on kitchen wall. Hard work. May stayed to rehearse. Sent for May's kimona. [sic] Went down town in P.M. All in.

May 21, 1919

Wed.  Rainy

Mrs. S. is better. Mr. C.'s men came. Daubed all over everywhere. Not very good job. Ma came over. May stayed for rehearsal of Japanese thing.