

July 30, 1919


May went to Movies with Constance & Lester Hill. Ma -May & I went down town in Eve. All in.

July 29, 1919


Washed & sewed nearly all day. Ma - May & I went to Movies in Eve. E. took job at club. $4 a week.

July 28, 1919


Went down town in A.M. with Marion. they went in P.M. Ma felt bad. Gone to Cleveland. Ma [?] & I went to bed.

Note: does she mean May?

July 27, 1919


E. took us all to the Club. It is swell. Marion - Ma May & I went to walk. Saw Cora. Wore new hat. Tired.

July 26, 1919


Fred & Marion came at noon. Went down town in P.M. & Eve. Marion bought hat. E. & Fred went to Club.

July 25, 1919


May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were great. Mother is better. Thank goodness.

July 24, 1919


Mother spit blood. went to Dr.'s. Says she is run down. Grace - Ray & Mr. Carpenter & Rayna Came to supper in P.M. tired.


July 22 & 23, 1919

"Forgot" is written on both pages

July 21, 1919


Washed a little. Ma - May & I went to Movies in P.M. They were rotten. All in.


July 20, 1919

Sun.  Hot

Sunday School closed for two months. Inez - Rob - Archie & kids came in P.M. Such kids. All in. May & I went to walk in Eve.

July 19, 1919

Sat.  Hot

May made a cake. Got lavender hat. E went to Claremont to ball game with Smith & Doane. 1-0 Claremont. May - Ma & I went wont town in Eve.


July 18, 1919


Made current jelly. Sewed in P.M. May - Ma & I went to Movies. They were great. May played with Josephine.

July 17, 1919


Ironed in A.M. May went to Joe's in A.M. & the Movies in P.M. Went to band concert with Joe in Eve. All in.

July 14 - 16, 1919

All blank

July 13, 1919

June Sloane's birthday
13 yrs. old.

July 6 -12

All blank.

July 5, 1919


Airplane shooting around all day. It looks great. Tirzah S went up. Accident with Harry L[?] I. [?] in[?] All smashed up. Hard luck.

July 4, 1919


Great celebration. Ma - May & I went down town in A.M. with Florence L. Grand parade. Saw airplane. Went to fireworks with E & May.

July 3, 1919


Staid in nearly all day. Went up to [?] in P.M. To trim Altru. float. No-one showed up. Went to Movies in Eve with Ma.

July 2, 1919


May went to Chataqua three times to-day. She likes it very much.

July 1, 1919


Junior Chataqua kids went on hike and cooked their breakfast. May liked it.

June 30, 1919


Fred & Marion started for Orange in thier beautiful car. It looks like a circus van.

June 29, 1919


Fred & Marion came about noon in DeG[?] car. Marion & I went to chataqua in Eve. Cold.

June 28, 1919

Pa's birthday

(Scrawled in pencil.)

June 23 - June 27, 1919

Pages all blank.

June 22, 1919

Sun.  Cold.

Had fire in range. May went to S.S.  Mother - May & I went to walk in Eve. Terrible cold. Mark O. came in P.M.

June 21, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Cleaned up stairs. Cooked. Went down town in Eve with Mother & May. E. had headache in Eve. Cooler.

June 20, 1919

Fri.  Rain in A.M.

Finished ironing. Went home as usual. May went to band concert with Doanes in car. Class.

June 19, 1919

Thurs.  Hot

Stores close in P.M. Mark paid. Mrs. S. had Dr.Guild - no better. Gladys came. Bought chataqua.

June 18, 1919


Went down town in P.M. & Eve. with Mother May played with Helen. Ate her supper out doors.

June 17, 1919


Better to-day. Cleaned den. Ma-May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were great. Ironed a little in P.M. All in.

June 16, 1919

Mon.   Hot

Washed in A.M. Wrote to Marion. Forgot E. nightshirt. Mrs. Smith no better. Too bad. Tired to death. Went to bed in P.M.