
August 29, 1919


John came at noon. The company left in P.M. We all went to bed. Ironed in Eve. Seems good to be by ourselves.

August 28, 1919


Stayed home until Eve. We are all nearly crazy. Went on cherry Hill in Eve. Mother coughs terribly. All in.

August 27, 1919

Wed.  Rain in P.M.

We all went to Movies in P.M. but Ma & Pa.They went to bed. Mother is better. All tired. Ironed in Eve. All in.

August 26, 1919


Gladys G. called in P.M. Went home in P.M. & Eve. Mother is about same. Coughs terribly. Wish the company would go.

August 25, 1919


Finished ironing thank goodness. Mother is not feeling good but some better. May went to Movies. Eliz & I went down town.

August 24, 1919


Mother is lots better. John - Eliz & D. went to church. They spent the day at our house. Lots of fun. All in. Went home in Eve. Glad mother is better.

August 23, 1919

Sat.  Hot

Mother sick in A.M. Better in P.M. John came in P.M Eliz. Dorothy & I went down town in P.M. May went to Shirley's in P.M. Went home in Eve.

August 22, 1919


Ironed & cleaned up stairs. May played with D. all day. Mother's better. All rested in P.M. Ironed. We all went to walk in Eve.

August 21, 1919


Ironed as usual. Eliz learned to crochet. May & dorothy have heaps of fun. Ma & they came over in P.M. We all went to walk in Eve.


August 20, 1919


John went up thru Vt. Started in A.M. Mother - Eliz -  Dorothy & I went down town in P.M. and to Movies in Eve. May went up to Shirleys in P.M. Tired.

August 19, 1919


Rained in A.M. John & Eliz. & Dorothy came in P.M. in Princine[?] auto. John & E. went to club. Eliz. & dorothy & Mother came over in Eve.


August 18, 1919

Mon. Rain

Did not wash. Cooked a little. May went to Movies with Shirley & kids. John did not come. Cleaned up house & cooked.

August 17, 1919

Sun.  Cloudy & Rain

Slept late. Went home. Mr & Mrs. Weatherhead called. Glad we did not go to Hampton Beach. May went to Shirleys. Helen came.

August 16, 1919

Sat.  Lovely ##

Lovely. Slept late. Seems good to be here. May went to Movies with Shirley & girls in P.M. Went home. E went blackberrying. Got 8 qts.

August 15, 1919


Left Rockport at 09A.M. Ate dinner at Filenes. Shopped all around. Started for Vt. at 2:30P.M. Fred Gill brought us home.

August 14, 1919

Thurs.  Rain all day.

Terrible storm at sea. Terrible surf. Mr. & Mrs. Thayer went in bathing. Visited Morses all day. Walked to station.

August 13, 1919

Wed. Lovely

Went in bathing in A.M. with May. The Morse's mother & I walked to Paradise Cliffs in P.M. 5 mi. Took a short walk in Eve.

August 12, 1919

Tues.  Lovely

Went in bathing in A.M. with May. went to Gloucester in P.M. to "Daddy Long Legs." Mary Pickford & Waylon Hamilton.

August 11, 1919


Went in bathing in A.M. with May. Went to docks in A.M. with Mother & May. Saw 3 boat loads of silver hake. Took long walk in Eve.

August 10, 1919


Went in bathing with May. Fine. In Pm with to Bare Skin Neck [sic] & watched boats. Turkey for dinner. Went for long walk in Eve. Mrs. Phillips called.


August 9, 1919

Sat.  Lovely

Went in bathing in A.M. May went in twice. Down on beach in P.M. Went to Movies with Morse's. [sic] All in.

August 8, 1919


Lovely. Went in bathing in P.M. May went in twice. Took a walk in Eve. Listened to Mrs. Wilcox sing. Fish on beach.

August 7, 1919


Beautiful in P.M. May & I went in bathing in P.M. Went over to Broadway Tea House for tea. Movies in Eve.


August 6, 1919

Wed.  Rainy in Eve.

Saw a small boat burn this A.M. Returned suits in P.M. My bathing suit came. It is great. Went in bathing this P.M. with May.

August 5, 1919


May went in bathing. Stayed on beach all day. Ma - May & I went to ride with Mr. White. It was lovely.


August 4, 1919


Walked to bear skin neck. [sic] May went [...] bathing twice to-day. Very warm. Ma - May & I went to Movies very good. Having a lovely time. 100 Marines went by on hike.

August 3, 1919


May went in bathing. In P.M. Went all over the Delaware.May enjoyed it as much as me. Very interesting. Turkey for dinner.


August 2, 1919


Feel fine. The house is fine here. Saw the Delaware 500 sailors leave for Bosotn to be discharged. Went to Glocester.[sic]

August 1, 1919


Started for Rockport 6-45 A.M. Sick headache. Feel rotten. Got here for supper. Early to bed. All in.