
December 26, 1918


 Snowing. Washed in A.M. & P.M. Went home in A.M. May went to Helen's in A.M. Helen & may went to Movies in P.M. All in. Had a nap.


December 25, 1918


Merry Xmas. We went home to dinner. May had tree and bushels of gifts. Velvet dress and bracelet. Who rang the bell? Fred came in A.M. and back at night.

December 24, 1918

Tues.  Rain in P.M.

Did up the last of the packages. Went down town in P.M. with Ma. May went to Josephine's birthday party. May & I went down town in Eve.

December 23, 1918


Ma - May & I went to Claremont at 11:25. Had fine time. Saw Mattie & Harold ayer. Ate at New York lunch. Class.

December 22, 1918


Ma - May & I went to church in A.M. May spoke fine. Church tree and concert. Worked on Maude's book all P.M. & Eve.


December 21, 1918


Slept late. May & I went home to breakfast. May & I went down town in Eve. Did lot of shopping. Worked all day.


December 20, 1918


Last day of school. Out at noon. Marion went home at noon. Gave her a casserole & May gave her  handkerchiefs.


December 19, 1918


Mrs. Millet telephoned. Went to Committee Meeting at schoolhouse. Visited May's school. Very nice. Saw Marion after school.

Note: I'm puzzled by these "Saw Marion after school" pieces. I thought she was still boarding with Ada, but apparently not.

December 18, 1918


Went down town in P.M. with Ma. bought card board for Sadies book. Saw Marion after school.


December 17, 1918


Went home. Seemed good. Had a cup of tea. Worked like a trooper to-day. Cooked and swept upstairs.

December 16, 1918


Better to-day. Went around like someone to-day. May helped with the dishes. Marion & I sewed in Eve.

December 15, 1918


Better to-day. Seems good. Marion went to church. May went to S.S. Worked quite a bit. Awfully weak.


December 14, 1918

Sick as the deuce. May & Marion ate over home. Dr. D. came in P.M. Cried all day. Pa came over in Eve.

Note: One of the few days that Ada did not write the day of the week, or the weather at the top of the entry.


December 13, 1918


 No better. E. got me some different medicine. Hope it does the "biz." Never had such a throat. Early to bed. Tired.

December 12, 1918


Throat just the same. Feel terrible. Don't seem to get any better. May is very good. Ma went down town.


December 11, 1918

Wed.  Snow in P.M.

Marion went to school. Throat no better. Feel Rotten. Did not do much to day. May went to dentist.

December 10, 1918

Tues.  Warmer

Snow nearly gone. Throat is something fierce. Dr. D. came in P.M. Swabbed it out. Hurt. Marion sick in P.M. Did not go to school. Fred went to Newport.

December 9, 1918

Mon. Cold

Washed a little. Throat feels bad. Put onions on. Sewed. May played with sled over to Shirley's after school. Tired.

December 8, 1918

Sun. Lovely

May went to S.S. Wore new black shoes. Marion made fudge. Throat feels funny. Went home in P.M. Mrs. Auber called.


December 7, 1918

Sat.  Cold

Ground covered with snow. E. bought May new sled. Coasted all P.M. Worked all day. Fred came in A. M. Likes Newport. Went down town.

December 6, 1918

Fri.  Snow

Marion - May & I went to Movies. Rotten. Not even funny. Cleaned up stairs and cooked. May earned $.40 this week in arithmetic.

December 5, 1918

Thurs.  Cold

Cleaned up stairs. Fred went to Newport Vt. on Midinight. May is fine. Sewed in Eve and crocheted.
Cold as deuce in Eve.


December 4, 1918

Wed.  Snowy & Rainy

Cooked in A.M. Ironed in P.M. Sewed in Eve. Went down town in Eve. May went to bed early. Dodges go to Keene tomorrow.

December 3, 1918

Tues.  Snowy

Marion's birthday. May & I gave her envelopes. Fred - shirtwaist Ma a dresser scarf. May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were very good.


December 2, 1918

Mon.   Sent May H. Oyster Forks. Wrote to Harry.

Marion came last eve also Fred. Washed a little in A.M. Went down town in P.M. May & I played Authors. Early to bed.

December 1, 1918


May's cold is better. Did not go to S.S. Went home. Read & ironed & mended. All in. Went to sleep in P.M. Tired.


November 30, 1918

Sat. Fine

Worked hard all day. Gladys P. & "Chick" F. ran away last Eve. Terrible. Ma & I went down town in Eve. May stayed with Gramp.

November 29, 1918

Fri.  Stormy  ##

Fred & Marion went to Orange in A.M. Sick all A.M. Better in P.M. Mother & I went to Movies in Eve. Evelyn Thaw. Good.


November 28, 1918


Lovely Thanksgiving. Bushels to be thankful for. All the folks came to dinner & spent the day. Ate a lot. E. did not work. Seemed good. Tired.

November 27, 1918

Wed.  Cold

School closed at noon. May - Marion - Mother - Fred & I went to Movies in P.M. Saw Reo [?] Mr.Thompson. Fixed turkey in Eve. Went down town.

November 26, 1918

Tues. Snowy  Cold

Woke up and found a little snow on ground. May [sic] cold is better. Cooked. Ironed. in P.M. May & I did number work.

November 25, 1918

Mon. Fine

May got report cards. Very good card. Sewed in Eve. Washed in A.M. Mopped in P.M. Went home in P.M. E. went to work in P.M.

November 24, 1918

Sun.  Fine & Cold

May went to S.S. Marion made fudge. Worked nearly all day. Read in Eve. Gave May bath. Went home. May played phonograph.

November 23, 1918

Sat.  Fine

Cooked. Cleaned pantry. Looks fine. Swept down stairs. May & I went down town in Eve. Bought blankets for Marion's bed. Fred heard from Wash. that owing to cessation of hostilities no commissions anymore.

November 22, 1918

Fri  Cold

Cleaned up stairs. Marion & I went to club at Ethel Washburn's. Marion read paper. E. & May went to Charlie Chaplin at Movies.

November 21, 1918

Thurs.  Fine

May & I went to Movies in Eve. Fine. Marion went to McJuards. [sp?] Ironed in A.M. and P.M. Went home in P.M. Fred & Marion played cards.

November 20, 1918

Wed.  fine

Laundry came. Dried clothes in house. Look fine. Cooked. Went home. May took lesson after school. Tired.

November 19, 1918

Tues.  Fine

May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were great. Went down town in P.M. Marion played cards over home. Tired.

November 18, 1918

Mon.  Rain

Washed a little . Did clothes in house. Ma & Fred came over. Went home in P.M. Mended in Eve. All in. Early to bed.

November 17, 1918

Sun. Lovely

Promotion Sunday at S.S. Marion & I went. May was promoted. It was very cute. Worked hard when I got home.

November 16, 1918

Sat. Fine

Butler $.60 Cooked & cleaned kitchen. Fred piled camp chairs for me. Paid Cahee for them & paid Hardy. Brown 5.90. Tired.

November 15, 1918

Fri. Warm & Fair

Worked all day. Altrurian Club met here in Eve. 24 present. Miss Rhebeck joined. House looked slick. Ma & Fred came. E. & May went to Movies.

November 14, 1918

Thurs.  Fine & Warm

Ironed a little.  Left clothes out all night. All covered with black soot from factory chimneys. Went down town in P.M.


November 13, 1918

Wed.  Fine

Sewed & washed windows. Laundry came. Went down town in P.M. Went home. Kaiser fled to Holland.

November 12, 1918

Tues.  Fair

All in from celebrations. Washed a little & cooked. Just think the war is over. May & I went to Movies.

November 11, 1918


Hurrah. Armistice signed this A.M. Parades all day. Grand one in P.M. E. & Fred went hunting deer. Came home. May in parade as Belgium.


November 10, 1918

Sun.  Fair

May went to S.S. Eliz Abernathy came in P.M. Fred stayed to supper. Baked chicken for dinner. Tired.

November 9, 1918

Sat.  Rain

Worked all day. Ironed until 10 in Eve. E bought goods at one cent sale. May took peach stones down town. [?]

November 8, 1918

Fri  Fine

Rumor was a fake. The armistice is not signed. Club Meeting at Mrs. Slacks. Marion & I went. Good time.

November 7, 1918

Thurs. Fine

Report Germany signed armistice of Allies. Bells rung - school let out. Big celebration in Eve. May & I went.


November 6, 1918

Wed.  Cold - Fair

Mother's birthday. Pa & Fred gave party - May helped - Oyster supper. May played phonograph.


November 5, 1918

Tues  Rain

Laundry came. Washed a little. Mended. Went down town and bought Ma's birthdays [sic]

November 4, 1918


School began. Helen's birthday. Rain. May Shirley & Josephine went to Helen's to supper Bought May  new rubbers. $.85 -

November 3, 1918

Sun.  Cold

Influenza ban is lifted church opens.Marion made fudge. E. worked down cellar. Tired.

November 2, 1918

Sat.  ###

Cleaned kitchen. Looks good. Cooked. May & I went down town in Eve. Cold as dickens. Tired.


November 1, 1918


Ironed. Cleaned parlor. Looks fine. No club. Stayed in all day. Fred & Ma came over. Early to bed.

October 31,1918


Halloween. May went out with kids. Had fun. Moved all the steps (boys)  [Trick]? Girls came.

Note: Not sure if "Trick" is the word                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

October 30, 1918

Wed.  Cold

Did not go out. Ironed. Marion made fudge. Knit on sweater. Got it done. Looks fine.

October 29, 1918

Tues.  Cold

Laundry came yesterday. Ironed a little. Fred & Ma came over. Knit on sweater.


October 28,

Mon. Lovely

Worked all day nearly. Washed a little. May & I went down town. Knit. Early to bed. All in.

October 27, 1918

Sun.  Warm & Fine

Just like spring. Made fudge. Knit. Ma & Marion got theirs done. E. worked down cellar.

October 26, 1918

Sat.  Damp

Cleaned down stairs. Headache. Fred's induction papers came. Went to White River. Marion & I went down town.

October 25, 1918


No club meeting on acct. of influenza. Bake off Nov. 3. Wilcomb brought up Marion's coat. Went down town.

October 24, 1918

Thurs. Rainy a little

Ironed a little. Knit. Cooked. Fred came over. Marion & I went down town in P.M.


October 23, 1918


Cleaned up stairs. Worked all day. Went home in Eve & knit. May went with me. War is going fine.

October 22, 1918

Tues  Fine

Influenza is on the wane. Worked nearly all day. Marion & I went down town in P.M. Knit.

October 21, 1918

Mon Fine

Washed a little. May & I went down town in P.M. Got shine [?] for May & Jack o lantern. Tired.


October 20, 1918


Helen is better. Knit on Navy sweater. Made fudge. Fred over to supper. Cold as deuce. 4 funerals to-day. All in.

October 19, 1918

Sat. Cold  Lovely

Helen about the same. May played out to-day. Went down town in P.M. with Marion.Went down in Eve. Paid for May's shoes.


October 18, 1918

Fri Lovely Cold & damp

May did not go out to play. Helen very sick. Marion went up to Casey's. Going to teach. Gladys G. came. E's brother Harold died Tues. Got telegram today.


October 17, 1918

Thurs  Lovely  Cold

May played with cart nearly all day. Went down town in P.M. Andrew Cox & Mrs. Lena Whitcomb Gouring died. Influenza a terrible [sic]


October 16, 1918


1200 cases of Influenza. Mr. Tarro, Mrs. Bagley died. Went down town in Eve. May played out nearly all day. Harold died.

Note: I think Harold is Ernest's brother. Ada appears to have added this at a later date.

October 15, 1918

Tues Lovely

Influenza still hangs on. 4 dying at Emergency Hospital. Don white taken down. Terrible.


October 14, 1918

Mon.   Lovely

Washed May's serge dresses in A.M. No school for an indefinite time. May is improving fast.

October 13, 1918


Felt better to-day. Head bad in P.M. Lewis Brown & father died to-day. Saw Polander taken to Emergency.


October 12, 1918

Sat.  rainy in P.M. & Eve

Columbus Day. E. did not work all day. Sick all day. Did not do much of anything. May did not go out to-day.


October 8, 1918

Tues.  ###

Went down town in A.M. & P.M. Bought May's brown shoes. All in. Went to bed early.

Note: The next three days Ada wrote "Forgot". After that she begins to write regularly again.


October 1, 1918


No more entries until October 8.

September 30, 1918

May is sick. Can't write any more. Worried.


September 29, 1918


No church. Lovely day. Every one sick. Emergency Hospital at White House.


September 28, 1918


Board of Health closes everything. Spanish Influenza is at its height. No school or nothing.

September 27, 1918



September 26, 1918


Blank page.

September 25, 1918

Wed  Cloudy

Washed a little in A.M. Mother still improves. Pa & E worked again at mill. Fred stayed to supper. May & I went to Movies. They were good.


September 24, 1918

Tues.  Rain

Mother is lots better. E. & Pa worked down at mill tearing down buildings. May & I went to Movies in Eve. They were very good.


September 23, 1918

Mon.  Rainy & Fair

Cooked in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Paid H.& S. $10. All in. Went to bed with May. Mother is better.

September 22, 1918

Sun.  Cold

May went to S.S. with Josephine. Fred came over. Made fudge. Mother is better. Francis Lawrence & May walked.
[Funny looking symbol drawn and crossed out.]


September 21, 1918

Sat. Pleasant Cold

Cleaned down stairs. Mother had doctor in P.M. May & I went down town in Eve. Mother is better to-ward night.

September 20, 1918

Fri.  Rain

Ironed. Swept up stairs. Helen Perry came over to play with May. E. May & I went to Movies in Eve.


September 19, 1918

Thurs  Rain in A.M. &  P.M.

Ironed in A.M. Made pickle lily to-day. Fred came over as usual. Mother is about the same. Early to bed.


September 18, 1918

Wed.  Rain

Mother has a cold. Went to Movies in P.M. alone. May took music lesson. E. & I went down town in Eve. Fred & Marion stayed with May.

September 17, 1918

Tues  Rain

Fred chopped kindling all day. Helen Perry came to play with May. Ma went to Dr's for cold. Went home in Eve.


September 16, 1918

Mon.  Rainy in A.M.

School as usual. Pa's kindling came on big truck. Fred & he carried it in P.M. May went to play with Doris Stearns.

September 15, 1918

May - Marion & I went to church. Fred & Marion over nearly all day. Knit on sock. Miss Drinker & Mother came.


September 14, 1918


Finished ironing. Marion went to Beardley's shack in P.M. Alma White went to Springfield, Mass. to teach. Went down town in Eve.

September 13, 1918

Fri.  Fine ###

Ironed in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. Ernest - Marion - Fred - May & I went to Movies. "Doug" Fairbanks. Good.


September 12, 1918

Thurs.  Lovely

Ironed in A.M. & P.M. Mended a little. May - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve. They were good. Tired.

September 11, 1918

Wed.  Lovely

Cooked in A.M. Ma & I went to Movies in P.M. Saw Ray Wood. May took music lesson. Went down town in Eve.

September 10, 1918

Tues.  Fine

Washed a little in a.M. May - Ma & I went to Movies in Eve. They were good. Ernest & Frank Locke went.

September 9, 1918

Mon.  Rainy

Did not have much to do. Made 8 jars of crabapple jelly. Show here all week. Ma - May & I went down town.

September 8, 1918

Sun.  Fair

Marion went to church. Alma White came over in P.M. Made fudge. Fred was over all day.

September 7, 1918

Sat.  Lovely

Cooked in A.M.  alice White came. May went to Movies. Ma May & I went down town in Eve. Cold as deuce.


September 6, 1918

Fri.  Fair

May's birthday. 9 yrs old. Went down town in P.M. Bought sweater for her & books. Got lots of gifts. Went to Movies in Eve.


August 27, 1918

This page is blank, as are subsequent pages until September 6. (May's birthday.)
See you then!

August 26, 1918

Mon.  Fine

School began to-day. Ruby King is May's teacher. She liked it very much. In big building now.


August 25, 1918


Ma came over. Fred came on Midnight. Hot as deuce. Made fudge. Went to bed early.

August 24, 1918


Worked hard all day. Rain in Eve. Marion came in Eve. Ma came over. Did not go down town.


August 19,20, 21, 22, & 23

All blank.

August 18, 1918

Sun.  Cold & Fair

Worked hard all day. E. May & I went to Saxtons River & saw Grace & Rayna. Aunt Sarah & Uncle Henry. Had a good time. E's Birthday


August 17, 1918

Sat.  Hot

May went to Chaut. Junior Pageant in P.M. Ma - Pa - Sam & I went. Good. May was a duck & Belgian. May & I went in Eve. Weblin Male quartet.

Aug 16, 1918

Fri  Hot

May went to Chaut. as usual. Kiltie band from Canada. Mother & I went in Eve. It was great. Great speaking. May enjoyed it. E did not work in P.M.

August 15, 1918

Thurs   Hot

Ironed a little. Sick nearly all day. May went to Chaut. She enjoys it. Mother & I went to Movies in Eve. E did not work in P.M.


August 14, 1918

Wed.  Fine  Hot

Picnic breakfast on Monument Hill 2 miles Junior Chaut. May went. Bobby Gill burnt toe cooking May's bacon. Thunder showers.

August 13, 1918

Tues.   Fine  Hot

Chautauqua begins. May went at 9 A.M. Mrs. Dodge - Whitney & May & I webt to Circus at Charlestown. Great. May went to Chautauqua in Eve.


August 12, 1918

Mon  Lovely

Made May's costume for parade. Belgium. Chautauqua parade in Eve. 150 kids entered. Went to school ground with Mother. Lots of fun.

August 11, 1918

Sun   Cold

Stayed home nearly all day. Went home as usual. E collected. Keth . Sheila . May . Bell went with him.


August 10, 1918

Sat. Fine

Worked hard all day. Ma - May & I went down town in Eve. Bought May's Chautauqua ticket of Mrs. Johnson.

August 9, 1918

Fri.  Hot

Cleaned up stairs. Mother - May & I went to Movies in Eve. Charlie Chaplin& Bill Hart. Very good. Fred came over.

August 8, 1918

Thurs.   Hot

Went home. Sewed in P.M. Fred came home in P.M. Qutie a surprise. Went down [sic]


August 5, 6 &7

All blank.

Check back for Aug 8.

August 4, 1918

Sun  Cloudy  cold

Slept all night. Teeth feel a lot better. Went home with May to breakfast. War map looks great. Allies doing great. E collects.


August 3, 1918

Did not got to bed last night. Face ached all night. All in. 2 dresses purple shirt $2 & $3 Birthday. Face all burnt with linament. Did not go out.

Aug 2, 1918

Fri   Hot

Teeth bother something fierce. Cleaned down stairs. Went home. Sewed in P.M. Got a letter from Marion. She wants May & I to come down.


Aug 1, 1918

Thurs Hot

Cleaned up stairs. Teeth ache. Went to Movies in P.M. with Mother & May. May went to Band Concert with Albees.

July 31, 1918

Wed.  Hot as deuce

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Got May Haigs' marriage announcement. Wonders will never cease. Miss Flavin called.


July 30, 1918

Tues.  Hot

Ironed what I washed yesterday. Sewed in P.M. Ma & Pa came over. May went to knitting party at Francis Laurence's.


July 29, 1918

Mon Hot

Washed a little in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Ma came over. May played with the kids in A.M. Went home in Eve.


July 28, 1918

Sun.  Hot

Did not do much to-day. E. worked down cellar. Went down town in Eve. Got ice-cream for us all.

July 27, 1918

 Sat. Hot

Cooked in A.M. Worked nearly all day. May - Mother  & I went down town in  Eve. May put on bathing suit and I wet her with hose.


July 16, 1918


Note: Ada has written only "Forgot" on every day until July 27 with two minor exceptions. On July 21 she has put the # mark - the symbol for her period, and on July 26 she has written "Hot."

I'll be back on July 27th!

July 15, 1918

Mon.  Fine & cloudy & showers

Thunder showers off and on all day. May got yellow yarn. Made 5 jars currant jelly. Ma came over. May knit all day.


July 14, 1918

Sun   Fine

We went home in A.M. E & Pa went berrying in car. Got 2 qts a piece. They were lovely. Bath. Early to bed. All in.


July 13, 1918

Sat.  Fair  Cloudy in Eve.

Cooked & cleaned up stairs & down stairs. May went over to Helens. Went after cream with E in car. Took Helen.

July 12, 1918

Fri  Lovely

Finished ironing & cooked. E. May . Ma & I went to Movies. Saw Charlie Chaplin. They were all good. Big crowd.


July 11, 1918

Thurs   Lovely

Ironed in A.M. May had knitting club here. How they did eat. Did not knit much. May is all in. Early to bed.


July 10, 1918


Washed a little. May & I went home. May went to Movies in P.M. with Grandma & Gramp. Sewed in P.M. Tired.

July 9, 1918

Tues  Rain

May went to knitting club at Helen's. Made sleeves of wisteria dress. Helen came over to play after club.


July 8, 1918

Mon.  Fine

Coal came. May & I went home in A.M. Went to dentist with May in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Worked nearly all day.

July 7, 1918

Sun   Rain

No S.S. until Sept. Did not go anywhere only home. E worked down cellar all day. Ma & Pa came over.

July 6, 1918

Sat.  Cloudy Rain in Eve

Eggs. .46. Potatoes .90 per pk. Cleaned down stairs. Cooked. Ma came over. May did Errands. E took Inspector to Chester in Eve. May & I fixed yard. Baths.

July 5, 1918

Fri  Hot

Cleaned up stairs. Varnished hall stairs. Headache in P.M. E & May - Ma & I went to Movies. Doug Fairbanks. E liked them. May went to Helen's for fireworks.

Note: Is the last sentence a mistake or did she go to the fireworks twice?

July 4, 1918

Thurs  Hot

E did not work all day. Made a coal bin. Ma - May & I & E went to ride in P.M Ironed in A.M. May went over to Helen's to fireworks in Eve. Fine. Very quiet.

July 3, 1918

Wed.   Hot

Ironed in A.M. & P.M. May's knitting club went to Movies together. Mg [?] went. Went down town in Eve with Ma & May. Everything is very quiet.


July 2, 1918

Tues.  Fine

Washed in A.M Sewed in P.M. Ma & Pa came over. May went to knitting club with Helen & Joe & Sheila. Went to bed early.

July 1, 1918

Mon.   Rain

All in. Went home. May played with Helen. Ma & Pa came over in Eve. Made curtains for kitchen. Got card from Harry.

June 30, 1918

Sun  Lovely

May went to S.S. HOme to dinner. E May Grandpa Sam & I went to Windsor in P.M. Long ride. Ma sold furniture to Polander.

June 29, 1918

Sat.   Lovely

Cleaned down stairs. Made cookies. May played with kids. Went down town in Eve with Mother & May. Baths in Eve. All in.


June 28, 1918

Fri  Fine

All in today. Went home in A.M. E did not work. May took lesson. Springfield went over the top on W.S.S. Big time at Opera House. Leon Dabo [?] spoke. Did not go.


June 27, 1918

Thurs.  Lovely

E did not work. Ma May E & I went to Claremont. May had her glasses changed. Saw Mattie & Alice. Went to Movies in Eve. E took Warners to ride.

June 26, 1918

Wed.  Lovely  Warmer

May went to S.S. picnic picnic [sic] in P.M. at Hartness Park with kids. Mother & I went to Movies in P.M. Rotten. Mother May & I went to walk in Eve.

June 25, 1918

Tues.   Cold

Washed in A.M.May helped a lot to-day. Went to knitting club in P.M. Went home. Ma came over. Went home in Eve. with May. Tired.

June 24, 1918

Mon  Lovely   Cold

Better to-day. Did not do any hardly all day. [sic] W.S.S. campaign began. E pledged $10 a month until Jan 1. Went home and early to bed.


June 23, 1918

Sun.  Rain ###

Sick all day. May did not go to S.S. Went home. Judge Blanchard came. E worked on W.S.S. campaign in P.M. Mrs. Smith came for may to play to company.


June 22, 1918

Sat.  Rain

Headache all day. E got 42. Ma come over. May stayed in all day. Mother May & I went down town in Eve. Went home. Paid augell [?] & Handy Brown.

June 21, 1918

Fri   Fine  Rain in Eve

Last day of school. May promoted to 5th grade.Fine Report Card. All  Es & one G+.  Did not go to Alumni. Gave tickets to Albees. Went to Movies. Marion went home.


June 20, 1918

Thurs   Lovely

Visited May's school in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Marion took lunch. All went to Movies. Marion went to Grad. Exercises. Fire at Shoddy Mill. May went to knitting class. Sent Clifford girl flowers.


June 19, 1918

Wed. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went to Movies in Eve with Marion. Bought stockings for May to give to Miss Flavin.

Note: Rather an odd teacher's gift!


June 18, 1918

Tues  Lovely

Laundry came. E. has headache. Ma came over. Went down town in P.M. Went home. May went to knitting class.

June 17, 1918

Mon  Fine

Tired to-day. Washed a little and cleaned up stairs. Went to Movies. Pretty good. Marion went to Florence Hatch shower.


June 16, 1918

Sun.   Lovely

Old Carrick came again. Sent him flying. E. took he and some others to ride. Ma - Marion -  May E & I went to Sunapee in P.M. It was great.


June 15, 1918

Sat.  Fine

May went to magician. Mowed lawn. Swept downstairs.Teachers go to Beddsley's shack. Went down town in Eve with Mother & May. Bougas store opened.


June 14, 1918

Fri  Lovely

Cleaned up stairs. Ilene and Eleanor came in P.M. Went down to bridge to see "Blackstone the Magician" do his stunt. Saw dive.


June 12, 1918

No entry.

June 11, 1918

Tues.  Hot

Lura came over. Marion & she went out in Eve. Ma came over. May went to knitting class. Helen & Josephine came over.


June 10, 1918

Mon   Rainy & Cold

Cleaned up all around. Mended in P.M. & Eve. E did not work in P.M. Went fishing. Caught 29. Fine.

June 9, 1918

Sun   Lovely & hot

Children's Day. May spoke. Wore new dress. Cute. Went to church with Marion. Made fudge in P.M. May -Sam Grandma & E. went to lodge[?]

Note: not completely sure it says "lodge"


June 8, 1918

Sat.  Hot

Mrs. La F. came in A.M. Worked all day. Sewed on May's dress until 12 at night. Went down town in Eve. Eclipse on sun.


June 7, 1918

Fri. Rain in A.M.  Pleasant in P.M.

Cleaned up stairs & ironed. Sewed in P.M. Went to Honeymoon Lane. Mrs. La F. & Eliz S. & I sold tickets. Passed programmes. Big crowd. Good. May took lesson.

June 6, 1918

Thurs.  Cold

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went to Honeymoon Lane in Eve. Passed programmes. Pretty good. Sold dance tickets.

June 5, 1918

Wed  Fine

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went to rehearsal in Eve. down town in P.M. Rehearsal went bum. Costumes pretty.


June 4, 1918

Tues   Lovely

Sewed on May's dress all day. Laundry came. Cleaned upper hall. Marion went to rehearsal. Planted garden.


June 3, 1918

Mon.  Hot

Washed a little. U. Boat sink [sic] 15 vessels off Jersey coast. Terrible. Went to Movies. Skin g[--]e. [?] Pictures did not come. All excited.

Note: Altogether a rather strange post.


June 2, 1918

Sun.  Hot

May went to S.S. E. Marion . Mildred & I took long ride in P.M. Got back - 8-30. tired. Took Pa after we came home.

Sat June 1

Sat  Lovely

Worked hard all day. Marion went to ball game in P.M. Went down town in Eve. Put Posters in windows in Eve. All in.


May 31, 1918


Cleaned up stairs in A.M. School again to-day. May went over to Josephine's in P.M. Went to Movies in Eve. with May & Gram.


May 30, 1918

Thurs   Cloudy

Memorial Day. E went fishing in P.M. May & I went to Exercises at Opera House in P.M. and to movies in Eve. Mr. Casey spoke in P.M. Tired.


May 29, 1918

Wed  Hot & Cloudy

Cooked in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Went to rehearsal with Marion in Eve. Lots of fun. Sam - May - Grandma & E went to Perkinsville in Eve.


May 28, 1918


Washed a little in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went to Movies in Eve with Mother & May. Very good. Marion went to Priney's [?] to supper.


May 27, 1918

Mon.  Lovely  Warm

Sewed in P.M. Planted May's garden in Eve. May & Grandpa got pansy plants. Marion & Lura went to rehearsal in Eve.

May 26, 1918

Sun.  Rain in P.M. ###

May - Marion & I went to church in A.M. Memorial Sunday at Congo. Mr. & Mrs. Philbrook came in Eve. Also Lura. Mrs. Staples - Amidon - Shaw - Louden - Bromley - Johnson - La Fountain


May 25, 1918

Sat. Warm  Rain in Eve

Cleaned down stairs in A.M. & ironed.Ma & I went down town in Eve. got May's hat. $2.45 Ironed until 11-30 P.M. All in.


May 24, 1918

Fri  Fine

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Went down town in P.M. with May. Went to Movies in Eve with Mother - Marion & May.

May 23, 1918

Thurs  Fine

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal with Mother - Marion & May. good. bought Pyrodice for teeth. Only $1.00 per box. All in.

May 22, 1918

Wed  Fine

Cooked. Worked nearly all day. Sewed in P.M. Ma came over. Lura came in. Mrs LaFountain came.


May 21, 1918

Tues  Fine

Went to dentist in P.M. Went to Red Cross in Eve with Marion. Went down town in P.M. Ma came over.


May 20, 1918


Ethel Barney sick. (?) Too bad. "Tink"operated on for hining[?] at Devens. Worked a little. Did not go out.

Note: The first question mark is Ada's. Does this imply that Ethel is pregnant, I wonder?
The second question mark is mine. I just can't make out what Tink was operated on for.
Devens refers to Fort Devens in Massachusetts - where many many soldiers where stationed before going overseas. I believe there was a very high rate of Spanish Flu there.

May 19, 1918

Sun  Lovely

Lady picked lilacs. [?] Ma - Marion - May E & I went to ride in P.M. to Perkinsville. Fine. Went to walk in Eve.

Note: A photo of Perkinsville, but probably quite a few years earlier than their car ride.


May 16, 1915

Thurs.  Fine

May has a cold. Ironed in A.M.  Went down town in Eve. Took May to Lockes had tooth filled. [sic] Went to Movies in Eve. Tired.


May 15, 1918

Wed.  Beautiful

Laundry came. Looks fine. Went down town in A.M.  Cleaned bathroom in A.M. Marion & Lura went down town in Eve.

May 14, 1918

Tues  Beautiful

Ma came over as usual in A.M. and I went home as usual. Sewed in P.M. Went down in P.M. Marion went out.


May 13, 1918

Mon. Fine

Subscribed $1 a month for War Saving Chest. Marion - May - Mother & I went to Movies in Eve. Went down town in P.M.


May 12, 1918

Sun.   Rainy & Cloudy

May went to S.S. in A.M .Knit nearly all day. Did not go out only over home. May wore carnation. Mother's Day.


May 11, 1918

Sat.  Lovely

Mowed lawn & cooked in A.M. May & Helen went to Movies in P.M. Bought carnations of Dot Shaw. Mother - May & I went down town in Eve.


May 10, 1918

Fri.  Fine Thunder Shower

Terrible shower in Early Evening. Beautiful rainbow. May took music lesson in P.M. Played with kids after that.

May 9, 1918

Thurs   Fine

E. did not work. Took moths from trees. Went fishing in P.M. got 12. May enjoyed them. May - Mother & I went to Movies.


May 8, 1918

Wed.  Cooler

E. did not work. New carrier worked for him. Marion went to Orange for the wedding. Took May to the dentist in P.M. Found 3 brown tailed moths on maple tree.


May 7, 1918

Tues  Hot as blitzen

Fixed shrubs across road in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Ma came over in Eve. Marion & I fixed her evening dress. Went to library.


May 6, 1918

Mon.  Lovely

Washed in A.M. Schools begin one session again. Mays [sic] loves it. Marion & I went over to Lura's in Eve. Helen & May eat on lawn.


May 5, 1918

Sun Lovely

May went to S.S. and home to dinner. Ma - Marion -May- E & I had a dandy auto ride in P.M. Marion & I went & heard Porter Dale in Eve.

May 4, 1918

Sat   Lovely

May took lesson in A.M. Play again at Opera House in P.M. Went to Movies in Eve with Mother - Marion & May. They were rotten.

May 3, 1918

Fri  Lovely

Ironed in A.M.  Mother & I went to Opera House to May's play. "Miss Fresh Air Nurse" Very good. Went to club with Marion in Eve. Ma went to hall again.

May 2, 1918

Thurs   Lovely

Laundry came. Cooked in A.M. May went to rehearsal after school. Scotney & White at Opera House. Ma-Marion-May & I went to movies.


May 1, 1918

Wed.  Rain in A.M.

A little better today. Worked quite a bit. May went to rehearsal  after school. Marion - Mother & I went down town after school. Ma & I went to movies in P.M. Mrs. Smith called.


April 30, 1918

Tues.  Rain in P.M.

Better today. Washed a little in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. Miss Murray came. Marion washed her hair after school.

April 29, 1918

Mon  Rain  ###

Cooked. Sick in P.M. Slept in P.M. Set down two of May's dresses. May went over to Josephine's after school. Ma came over. 2nd draft today. Harold Stiles went. Kat Hooke shower at Laurena's.


April 28, 1918

Sun.  Lovely  Warm

May went to S.S. in A.M Wore new shoes. Got prize for attendance. Marion May E & i went nearly to Windsor. Phillys Thomas came.

April 27, 1918

Sat. Hot as anything

Cooked in A.M. May went to rehearsal & movies in P.M. Marion & I went down town in P.M. All in - kind of sick. Went to bed early.


April 26, 1918

Fri.   Lovely

Liberty Day. E. did note work in P.M. New holiday. Ironed in A.M. Paid Miller Bros. & Water rent. Houghten $5. Marion paid me. Ma. Marion E. May & I went to ride.


April 25, 1918

Thurs.   Colder

Ironed in A.M. & cooked. Went down town in P.M. Bought marabou [sp?] stole. Went to I.O.O.F. Minstrel Show in Eve. with Ma - Pa - Marion & May. Kind of good.

April 24, 1918

Wed.   Lovely  Colder

Cleaned a little. Ironed in P.M. May went to rehearsal. Marion had Red Cross Party here. Went down town in A.M. May & I went home in Eve.


April 23, 1918

Tues.   Beautiful  Rain in Eve.

Washed in A.M. Wesley Covell died in A.M. Terribly sorry for Flora. Lura came in P.M. Went down town in P.M. May is tired.


April 22, 1918

Mon. Showers & Sun

Mended in A.M Sewed in P.M. Ma came in P.M. Lura came in Eve. Marion & I went to Ideal. Went to Damon's Serenade. Would not buy bond.

April 21, 1918

Sun.  Rain all day

May went to S.S. and over home. Went to bed in P.M. and slept 2 hrs. Marion made fudge. Gave May bath.


April 20, 1918

Sat.  Beautiful

Worked like dickens in A.M. May went to Movies in P.M. Marion & I went down town in P.M. MOther - Marion & I in Eve. May stayed with Gramp.


April 19, 1918

Fri.  Lovely

Finished ironing & cleaned upstairs. Mended a little. Sewed in Eve. Lura & Mother came in Eve. Did not go to club. All in. Early to bed.


April 18, 1918

Thurs.  Rainy in A.M.  Cold

Ironed in P.M. May went to rehearsal after school. Paul Corliss came & tried E. uniform on. Great. Marion's show in Eve. It was great. All but London Pink.

Note: I don't know what she means about London. Any clues anyone? Something about the War?

April 17, 1918

Wed.  Beautiful

Finished cleaning "cubby-hole." Worked hard. Ma came over. Went down town in P.M. with Marion. May took lesson after school. Mother-May & I went down town in Eve.


April 16, 1918

Tues. Lovely

Cleaned "cubby-hole" today. Put some things in the attic. E. & Pa raked across road. Alma White came in Eve. Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. Very good.


April 15, 1918

Mon. Beautiful - Hot.

Paid milk - electric light - gas bills. May rehearsed for play. Raked yard in P.M. Ted Louden came in Eve. Miss Flavin came. E. learnt to run car. All in.

April 14, 1918

Sun.  Lovely

Marion gave May white fur. Tickled to pieces with it. Fire alarm in P.M. Ideal Theater. Soon out. Marion - My & I went. All tired out. Went home in P.M. May went to S.S. in A.M.


April 13, 1918

Sat.  Raining & Cloudy

The trees & shrubs look beautiful. Heavy with snow. May has a little cold. Stayed in all day. Ma & I went down town in Eve. Got hat. Like it very much.


April 12, 1918

Fri.  Snow

Cleaned up stairs. Cooked finished ironing. Marion paid me. Went home. Ma came over in A.M. & Eve. Mended in Eve.


April 11, 1918

Thurs.   Cold

May went to school. Ironed in P.M. Made pie. Ma & Pa - May & I went to Ideal. Not very good. Blind man sang & sold music. May got "Jimmie Boy" E. went to ride.


April 10, 1918

Wed. Cold but lovely

May's school didn't keep. No teacher. Went to Josephine's in A.M. May took music lesson. Went to movies with Mother & May in P.M. Lura borrowed purple shirt for show.


April 9, 1918

Tues.  Rain

May's school did not keep. Went to Josephine's in A.M. Stayed with me in P.M. Cleaned in cubby hole in P.M. Ma came over. Went home.

April 8, 1918

Mon   Cloudy

Mrs. Albee is very sick - Helen stayed to supper with May. Almost crazy with noise. Ma & Pa came over. Barry sent for E.'s number for car.


April 7, 1918

Sun.  Lovely

May went to S.S. Ironed in A.M. Finished it, thank goodness. May & Marion went down town in P.M. Polanders funeral today. Mark LaFountin here. Looks good.


April 6, 1918

Sat. Beautiful

U.S. in War one year today. Stove exploded in Polanders house on Clinton St. Mother & 3 children burned to death - 2 very low. Young's house on Cherry Hill burned. Brushfire  on Wall St.

April 5, 1918

Friday  Fine  ##

Sick nearly all the day. Got dinner and that was about all. Better in P.M. May went to Helen Perry's in P.M. All in.


April 4, 1918

Thurs.  Fine & cold

Ironed in A.M Went to movies in Eve with Pa & Ma & Marion. Went home. Pa & Ma came over. May went to Helen Perry's after school.


April 3, 1918

Lovely  Wed.

Washed in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Do not feel very well. Went to bed early. Ma went down town in Eve. Miss Flavin [sic] other sister died.


April 2, 1918

Tues.  Beautiful

So glad E. won in the contest. Pa & Ma came over. Worked in yard in P.M. Miss White came in Eve. Marion went to school as usual. Tired.


April 1, 1918

Mon.  Lovely

Cleaned up stairs. Merton W. & Adin H. counted votes at Standard Shoe Store. E. got the auto. Beat Wilson 81 : 467. Awfully glad. Marion came. Miss Rideout stayed here all night. Did not sleep good.

Note: I'm not sure why this was a vote - but I believe that the car was given to Ernest for his mail deliveries. (He was a mail carrier at this point.)

Note#2 - If you look under Ada's photo, you will see that I've added a link to an Ada "photo album." Enjoy!


March 31, 1918

Sun. Easter

Grandma & I went to church to Easter Concert. May spoke twice. Wore green suit. "Tink" B. is here for day. Made fudge. Went home.


March 30, 1918

Sat.  Fine

May is kind of croupy. Fred's birthday. May went to rehearsal in P.M. Bought May's dress at Mrs. Eastman's. Did not do much today. "Ike" Hall's funeral.

March 29, 1918

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned downstairs. Got 2 gal syrup - eggs & butter of Huntoon. British push Germans back. Found "Myties" letter. Feel awfully bad.

Note: This is one of those tantalizing entries that will never be solved. By "found" she must mean that it wasn't sent to her but was in the house - so sent to Ernest? Or possibly in her parents' house, I suppose.What about it made her feel "awfully bad?" Ada always tends to understate, so this is strong stuff.
I have found a photo of a couple of women on a mountain top (I think it's Springfield) and it looks like one of them is named "Mytie" (I"ll post it with the Flickr album soon.) That still gives no idea about the mystery of this post and that long ago letter.


March 28, 1918

Thurs.  Beautiful

Marion went to Boston at noon. Gave me $10. Ma came over. Have not heard from contest yet. Wilson put in $100. Ironed in A.M & P.M. Went home. British push Germans back 4 miles. Hooray. May went up to Virginia Wilcomb's.


March 27, 1918

Wed.  Cloudy

Marion did not go to school until P.M. Better. Miss Miller called. Auto contest ends tonight. Hope E. gets it. Lura came in. May took music lesson after school. Mother & I went down town in Eve. Bought $5 worth of stockings for us all.


March 26, 1918

Tues.   Colder

Marion did not go to school. Gladys G. & Miss Durke called. Dr. came in Eve. Called it intestinal conjestion. [sic] Pa came. Went down town in P.M. All in.


Hello again, folks!

Well, I'm pretty sure that I was delusional thinking that my life was going to be less full if I waited a year - but  oh well, we'll give it another try.
If you've you've come back to read more about Ada and her life in Springfield, Vt in the teen years of the 20th century - welcome back. And thanks for sharing my interest in Ada, my husband's maternal grandmother, and the days of her life.
 In a few days (or soon anyway) I'll put up a link to Flickr where you can see more photos of Ada and her family.

Now on to 1918:

March 25 Mon. Lovely

May went to school. Marion does not feel well. Dr. says she has a slight attack of appendicitis. Mother - May & I went to Movies. They were great. Tired.