
November 1, 1918


Ironed. Cleaned parlor. Looks fine. No club. Stayed in all day. Fred & Ma came over. Early to bed.

October 31,1918


Halloween. May went out with kids. Had fun. Moved all the steps (boys)  [Trick]? Girls came.

Note: Not sure if "Trick" is the word                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

October 30, 1918

Wed.  Cold

Did not go out. Ironed. Marion made fudge. Knit on sweater. Got it done. Looks fine.

October 29, 1918

Tues.  Cold

Laundry came yesterday. Ironed a little. Fred & Ma came over. Knit on sweater.


October 28,

Mon. Lovely

Worked all day nearly. Washed a little. May & I went down town. Knit. Early to bed. All in.

October 27, 1918

Sun.  Warm & Fine

Just like spring. Made fudge. Knit. Ma & Marion got theirs done. E. worked down cellar.

October 26, 1918

Sat.  Damp

Cleaned down stairs. Headache. Fred's induction papers came. Went to White River. Marion & I went down town.

October 25, 1918


No club meeting on acct. of influenza. Bake off Nov. 3. Wilcomb brought up Marion's coat. Went down town.

October 24, 1918

Thurs. Rainy a little

Ironed a little. Knit. Cooked. Fred came over. Marion & I went down town in P.M.


October 23, 1918


Cleaned up stairs. Worked all day. Went home in Eve & knit. May went with me. War is going fine.

October 22, 1918

Tues  Fine

Influenza is on the wane. Worked nearly all day. Marion & I went down town in P.M. Knit.

October 21, 1918

Mon Fine

Washed a little. May & I went down town in P.M. Got shine [?] for May & Jack o lantern. Tired.


October 20, 1918


Helen is better. Knit on Navy sweater. Made fudge. Fred over to supper. Cold as deuce. 4 funerals to-day. All in.

October 19, 1918

Sat. Cold  Lovely

Helen about the same. May played out to-day. Went down town in P.M. with Marion.Went down in Eve. Paid for May's shoes.


October 18, 1918

Fri Lovely Cold & damp

May did not go out to play. Helen very sick. Marion went up to Casey's. Going to teach. Gladys G. came. E's brother Harold died Tues. Got telegram today.


October 17, 1918

Thurs  Lovely  Cold

May played with cart nearly all day. Went down town in P.M. Andrew Cox & Mrs. Lena Whitcomb Gouring died. Influenza a terrible [sic]


October 16, 1918


1200 cases of Influenza. Mr. Tarro, Mrs. Bagley died. Went down town in Eve. May played out nearly all day. Harold died.

Note: I think Harold is Ernest's brother. Ada appears to have added this at a later date.

October 15, 1918

Tues Lovely

Influenza still hangs on. 4 dying at Emergency Hospital. Don white taken down. Terrible.


October 14, 1918

Mon.   Lovely

Washed May's serge dresses in A.M. No school for an indefinite time. May is improving fast.

October 13, 1918


Felt better to-day. Head bad in P.M. Lewis Brown & father died to-day. Saw Polander taken to Emergency.


October 12, 1918

Sat.  rainy in P.M. & Eve

Columbus Day. E. did not work all day. Sick all day. Did not do much of anything. May did not go out to-day.


October 8, 1918

Tues.  ###

Went down town in A.M. & P.M. Bought May's brown shoes. All in. Went to bed early.

Note: The next three days Ada wrote "Forgot". After that she begins to write regularly again.


October 1, 1918


No more entries until October 8.

September 30, 1918

May is sick. Can't write any more. Worried.