
December 12, 1917

Wed. Cold 20 below zero.

Cleaned down stairs in A.M. Men came in P.M. to put on storm doors. Mr. Hoisington very sick. Went down town after supper. Got a letter from Ma.

December 11, 1917

Tues. Cold

Washed a little in A.M. May & I went down town in P.M. Bought tickets for "Runaways". Pa came over. Sewed in Eve.

December 10, 1917

Note: Ada has written on this page but notes at the top "this is for November 6"

Mother's birthday. Gave her petticoat & gloves. Mother is feeling pretty good. Getting ready to go away after Thanksgiving. Pa gave her coat.

December 9, 1917

Sun. Cold & Windy

Wind blew & snowed all night. Went home in A.M. Took Sam's breakfast over to him. May & Grandpa has a feed. (sic) Grandpa came over. Bed early.

December 8, 1917

Sat. Snow in P.M.

Did not get up until10 min of 10. Went down town in P.M. with Marion. Bought blanket. Grandpa came over. May's yarn came. got letter from Ma. She is fine.
Halifax swept with blizzard after disaster.

December 7, 1917

Fri. Cold Big explosion at Halifax. 2,000 dead

Ironed in P.M. Went home and did work in A.M. Ironed Ma's clothes & mended Pa's & Sam's & my own in Eve. May is getting along fine.

December 6, 1917

Thurs. Cold & Fair

Went to movies in Eve, with Marion. May is a lot better. Went to Locke's in P.M. and had 2 teeth filled. Grandpa came over with May.

December 5, 1917

Wed. Cold & Fair

May is better. slept pretty good. Got a letter from Fred & Ma. She is fine. Awfully glad. May went over to Grandpa's in P.M. Went down town.

December 4, 1917

Tues. Lovely

May slept until 9:30 A.M. Much better today. Pa came over in P.M. Y Eve. Went down town. Home in a.M. & worked. Miss Fowler came in Eve. Bob at Fort M. Washington D.C.

December 3, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Mother & Fred started for Prov. by way of Boston. Class to Ma. Pretty lonesome. Wish I could go somewhere. Pa came over. Miss R.'s birthday. May suffers terribly.

December 2, 1917

Sun. Cold & Fine

Dr. Chapman put chicken pox card on house. Pa & Ma came over. Fred & Miss R. came from Orange in P.M. Over in Eve. Worked hard all day. Hate to have Ma go.

December 1, 1917

Sat. Snow

May has the chicken-pox, did not take lesson. Ma went down town in Eve. Hurrah. Sick headache all day. Pa & Ma over in Eve. Better.


November 30, 1917

Fri. Cloudy

May went over to Josephine's in P.M. Do not feel very well. Went down town in P.M. Red Cross yarn came. Started sweater. Fred came over.


November 29, 1917


Thanksgiving. Lots to be thankful for. Had 8 to dinner. Miss R. stayed here for turkey. May had a good time. E. made me tired. Feel bad.

November 28, 1917

Wed. Cloudy

School kept until quarter of one. Fixed turkey. Went down town in P.M. May went to Helen's. Fred came. May & I went down town in Eve,


No Entries

There are no further entries until November 28, other than "forgot" on every page.

November 10, 1917


all tired

November 9, 1917



November 8, 1917


Didn't get time to write.

November 7, 1917


Ma is sick.

November 6, 1917

Mon. Cold This is for Dec 10 [?]
Ironed in a.M. Went home Pa came over. Sewed in P.M. and Eve. Marion went to rehearsal. May is getting along fine.

Note: The diary gets sporadic for awhile. Ada's mother seems to take a turn for the worse again.

November 5, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Headache. Inez & Archie & kids came. Felt bum. Pa came over. MAy had good time. Went home in Eve.

Note: Archie is Ernest's brother and Inez(Sumner) Illingworth is Archie's wife. They had three boys at this point, Howard, Edward and Robert. They later had two girls. Ruth and Ann. I think they lived in Bellows Falls and I don't think Ada was very fond of them.

November 4, 1917


Worked nearly all day. Brought up coats from H. & S. May went to Movies in P.M. Pa came over. Down town in Eve.

November 3, 1917


Marion's furs came. Returned them. Went to Parent teacher Reception at School House. Bum. We were over-dressed. Came home & changed.

November 2, 1917


There is no entry for this date.

November 1, 1917


Ironed a little in A.M. Went home. Mother is better. Knit & sewed in P.M. & Eve


October 31, 1917

Tues. Rain all day

Ironed a little Feel bum. Mother is better. thank goodness. Finished May's coat. PA came in. Went to bed in P.M.

October 30, 1917

Mon. Rain in P.M.

Mother is not as well. Dr. D. changed medicine. Sewed in P.M and Eve. went home about 5 times. Evelyn Greene came in P.M. with May.

October 29, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Worked all day. Miss R. went to church. Headache in P.M. Went home. Mother does not feel well again. Oh dear. Pa came over. May went to walk.

October 28, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Mother is a lot better. Hurrah. Helped at food sale at LaFountains store. Altrurian club made $23.60. Went down town in Eve. All in. S.H.S. tied Amherst.

October 27, 1917


Mother is about the same. Wish she was well. Sewed in P.M. Went home about 5 times. May is fine only coughs. Knit in Eve.

October 26, 1917

Thurs. Beautiful

Mother feels a lot better. Hurrah. She went out a little in A.M. Went over in P.M. & sewed. Pa went to Civilisation. Bum.

October 25, 1917

Thurs. Cloudy & Fair

Mother is better to-day. Got gold beads from Fred. She is tickled to pieces with them. Put them right on. went down town in P.M. to Drs. All in.

October 24, 1917

Wed. Rain

Liberty Loan Day. Flag raising at J&L. E. did not work in P.M. Mother is not feeling well again. What will i do. Went to Drs & Ideal in Eve.

October 23, 1917


All discouraged about Ma. Wish I could do something to make her feel better. Paid Miss Baker for Sept. $ .54. Went home nearly all day.

October 22, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Cleaned shed & pantry. Went home. Sold paper & rags. Got $ .50. Sewed & knit in Eve. Went home in Eve. Shirley came in.

October 21, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May did not go to S.S. Mother is a whole lot better. Glad. Miss R. May & I went to walk in P.M. Put candles of [sic] table for lunch. Pa came in.

October 20, 1917

Sat. Beautiful

Went to Council of War at Opera House in P.M. with Miss R. It was grand. Thrilled everyone. May - Miss R. & I went down town in Eve. Tired.

October 19, 1917

Fri. Grand

Made three pumpkin pies. Went down town in P.M. Ironed in Eve. Stockings & petticoat came from Gilchrists. Grand.

October 18, 1917

Thurs. Grand day.

Went down town in P.M. for Ma. She is a whole lot better. Awfully glad. Dr. Doane came. Went to Movies.

October 17, 1917


Worried about Mother. Dr. Doane came up. Says she must be careful. Went to movies with Miss R. Pretty good.

October 16, 1917


May promised to behave in school. Ironed in P.M. Pa May & I went to movies in P.M. They were pretty good.


October 15, 1917


Report cards today. May got a horrid. [sic] She raised the dickens in school. Talked with Miss Flavin after school. May cried.

Note: I think this is the only time May is "bad" until much later in her life. She was a very smart child - she had skipped a grade - and was a lifelong and proud member of Mensa.
I wonder what was going on for her at this time?

October 14, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May went down town with E. Went to ride with Doane's in P.M. E. May & I went to Claremont. Grand.

October 13, 1917


Cooked in A.M. May is a lot better. Mother came over. Mrs. Bichees [?] auction in P.M. Sam bought toilet set.

October 12, 1917

Fri. Columbus Day

E. has half holiday but did not work all day. Rainy. Went to movies with Miss R. They were bum.

October 11, 1917


May did not go to school. One session today. Parent - Teacher's Convention here today & tomorrow. Mary Leland called in Eve.

October 10, 1917


Ironed in A.M. & cooked. May stayed home from school. Went to movies in Eve. with Miss R. Saw Petrova. She was bum. Tired.

October 9, 1917

Ironed a little. May's cold is just the same. Went down town in P.M. Knit on sweater in Eve.

October 8, 1917


Fred went in A.M. May has a little cold. Washed a little in A.M. Knit in Eve. Went home. Ma has a cold.

October 7, 1917


Worked hard. Helped mother with a feed in Eve. May went to S.S. Miss R. & I were silly in Eve. Fred came over.

October 6, 1917


Worked hard as dickens. Miss R. bought hat & shoes. May & I stayed home in Eve. Did not touch Miss R.s candy.

Note: What the HECK does that mean?

October 5, 1917

Fri. Cleaned up stairs

Ernest & I went to Children's Night at Eastern Star Hall. May was in the dances & drills. Mary Leland director.

October 4, 1917

Thurs. Fine

Fred came over. Ironed in A.M. Ma & Pa came over. May & I went to Movies with Ma. They were good.

October 3, 1917


Fred came for vacation. Brought music & May's music roll. Parent - Teacher's Meeting. Did not go.


October 2, 1917

Tues. Lovely

Made nine glasses of crab apple jelly. Drafted men go to Ayer. Lead off at 11-40. Did not go. Sam went to Bockton [?] Fair. He is the limit.

Note: Sam is her uncle - her mother's brother. I'm not sure what his story is but he lives with his sister until he dies (in the 1930s)
I've never heard of "Bockton" but that's what it looks like.
No, I guess it's Brockton and it looks like it's in MA.

October 1, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Whistles blew all over N.S. at 10A.M. 2nd Liberty Bond campaign. Blew 5 minutes. Washed a little in A.M. Lura came over. Knit.

September 30, 1917

Sun Rain in P.M. Fine in P.M.

Did not get up until after nine. Stayed in all day. Miss R. made fudge in P.M. May went home to dinner. Ma came over for tea.

September 29, 1917

Sat. Beautiful

Cooked and cleaned down stairs. May played with kids all day. Went to Ideal in Eve. with May & Miss R. Fire (small) in Eve.

September 28, 1917

Fri. Fine

Last day of school this week. May took knitting in P.M. Finished ironing. Cleaned up stairs. Knit in P.M. & Eve. Tired as dickens.

September 27, 1917

Thurs, Beautiful

May took knitting to school. Everybody's doing it. Went up to Florence Gutterson's in Eve. to see about Parent - Teacher Reception. Julian J. platte[?] on.

September 26, 1917

Wed. Fine

Laundry came. Looks fine. May is getting along great. Does not cough badly any. Went to Ideal with Miss R. & Ma. Good.


September 25, 1917

Tues. Fine

Laundry came. Sent it back. Ma & Pa came over. Lura came over. Got pictures from Maude. Great. Knit in Eve.

September 24, 1917

Mon. Cold as Iceland

Washed a little in A.M. May is getting along fine. Went home in Eve. and knit. May went to bed early. Miss R. went out.


September 23, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Went to Episcopal church with Miss R. in A.M. May . she & I went to walk in P.M. Ma came over in Eve. Played piano.


September 22, 1917

Sat. Lovely Warmer

May went to Matinee in P.M. Grand. Worked all day nearly.Ma came in Eve. Ma- May & I went to Ideal in Eve.


September 21, 1917

Fri. Cold & Fair

Cleaned upstairs in A.M. Ironed in P.M. Went to Ideal with mother & Miss R. in Eve. May stayed with E. Miss R. has a boil on arm.

Note: Sometimes things should be left unrecorded!


September 20, 1917

Thurs. Cold & Fair

Ironed again. Will I ever get it done. Mrs. Auber came in Eve. Miss R. went out. May is a whole lot better.


September 19, 1917

Wed. Fine

Ironed again. May slept fine. Miss R. came in Eve. and knit. Ma & Pa came over. Went down town in P.M.


September 18, 1917

Tues. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Washed a little. Mopped shed. Looks fine. Miss R. came down in Eve. May's cough is better.

September 17, 1917

Mon. fine

May did not go to school in A.M. Went in P.M. Hoyt's Revue here all week. Miss R. Mother & I went in Eve. Very good. Laundry came. May went to Shirley's.

September 16, 1917

Sun. Ovely

Got along fine with meals. May is better. E. & May picked plums. Ma & Pa came over in Eve. Miss Flavin came in Eve. Sang in Eve.

September 15, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Cooked in A.M. Miss Flavin went to Stiles in A.M. Miss Roberts ate dinner here. Teachers went to shack. Ma & I went down town in Eve.

September 14, 1917

Lovely day

May has another cold. Sick all night. did not go to school. Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Eliz. L. came in Eve. Pa & Ma came in.

September 13, 1917

Thurs. fine & Warmer

Ironed in a.M. Ma came in. Went down town in P.M. Orrin North came for Perkins :junk." Glad it is gone. Miss roberts & flavin came down in Eve.

September 12, 1917

Wed. Warmer

E. got $5. Mary L. & I gave silver tea in Ever Onward. Made 9.20. Lovely feed. Lura & Fannie served. May went to Shirley's after school. Perkins came up for goods. Did not get mean. [?]

September 11, 1917


Worked like dickens in A.M. Made plum conserve. 12 tumblers.Mary L. came. We went shopping in P.M. May likes school.


September 10, 1917

Mon. Lovely

School begins. May enters 4th grade. Miss Flavin teacher. Went to Mary Lawrences in P.M. Lonesome without May. Tired.

September 9, 1917

Sun. Lovely day Cold

May did not go to S.S. Miss Flavin & Roberts came in. P.M. May & I went to walk in P.M. Ironed. E. & May picked plums.

September 8, 1917

Sat. Lovely cold

Worked hard in A.M. & P.M. Did not change dress. Mowed lawn. Marion R.s trunk came. Pa & Ma came over. Early to bed. Miss Flavin called for room.


September 7, 1917

Fri. Cold ###

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Mary Lawrence called in P.M. Went to Ideal in Eve with Ma. May is better. Anxious for school.


September 6, 1917

Thurs. Cold & Rain

May's birthday. 8 yrs. old. Big girl. Got $4 - dress - book - pencil box. Went down town in P.M. Saw Mrs. Dooris[?] went over to Mary Lawrence's in P.M. Tired.


September 5, 1917

Wed. Cold & damp

Washed in A.M. May & I went down town in P.M. Went home in Eve and knitted. May did not cough once all last night.

September 4, 1917

Tues. Fine

Cleaned some of the house in A.M. Sent laundry. May did not take music lesson. Headache all P.M. Mr. Perry sent vegetables.


September 3, 1917

Labor Day Great

Started for home at 9.09 A.M. Ate in Boston and got home at 4 P.M. Saw Agnes Bing & sister. May's cough is better. Went to bed early.

September 2, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Did not go to church. Miss Pickles & Heald arrived. Went to ride with Mr. white in A.M. Saw Mother Ann. Great. Saw aeroplane. Went to Long Beach in P.M.

September 1, 1917

Sat. Lovely Rain in P.M.

Went down on beach after breakfast until after noon. Went up to Gloucester in P.M. Rained. Went up to ride with Mr. White in Eve. Long ride. May liked it.


August 31, 1917

Fri. Lovely

Went to walk after breakfast. Went on beach until noon. We went to Gloucester in P.M. Bought May's dress at Browns. Went to walk in Eve.

August 30, 1917

Thurs Rained in P.M.

Played on beach in A.M. until noon. Went up to Bare Skin Neck with our knitting. Rained. Came home. Knit in Eve.

Note: Could that really be "Bare" Skin Neck?


August 29, 1917

Wed. Hot

May played all A.M. on beach. Cough is better. Mother - May & I went to Headlands in A.M. Called on Dr. Phillip at Pigeon Cove.


August 28, 1917

Tues. Hot

May coughed very little. She played on beach in A.M. I knitted. Went to Gloucester in P.M. Wrote cards & walked in Eve.

August 27, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Mother - May & I started for Rockport at 7 in A.M. Saw Lucien Trombley in street. Got in Rockport about 4. Tired.

August 26, 1917

Sun Lovely

Packed trunk. Ma & Pa came over. Ironed in A.M. Put up lunch. May & I went to bed early. Fern called.

August 25, 1917

Fine Day

Cooked in A.M. butter .45 Eggs .45 E. mowed lawn. May is better. Ironed in P.M. Got hat. Did not go down town.

August 24, 1917

Fri Rain in A.M. & P.M. Fair & Hot in P.M.

Ironed in A.M. & P.M. Washed & cooked in P.M. May is better. Ma & Pa came over. Fred Davis is not going to get well. Tired. Sewed in Eve.

August 23, 1917

Thurs Cloudy & Hot

Ironed in A.M. & P.M. Cleaned up stairs. Marion Roberts telephoned she'd take room. May is very much better. Hurrah.

August 22, 1917

Wed. Lovely & Hot.

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. May is better. Does not cough so much. Mother bought up dresses for May. Ann came over.

August 21, 1917

Tues. Lovely

Laundry came. Fern moved up to his new home. Paid room rent. Washed a little. Went home. May went to Perkinsville with Smiths. May took music lesson. Paid.

August 20, 1917

Mon. Lovely

May only coughed two or three times. Washed a little. H&S sale. Bought green suit.$10. Terrible accident at crossing. Mrs. E. Perkins killed.

August 19, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May did not cough as much as usual. May went home to dinner. Fixed May's coat. Head-ache in P.M. Went home in Eve.

August 18, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Cleaned dining room & parlor. cooked. Butter - .45 Eggs - .45. May & I took baths in P.M. Mr & Mrs. Fleming called. Went down town.

August 17, 1917

Fri. Rain

Ironed in A.M. May coughed pretty hard in night. Ironed in P.M. All in. Sewed in P.M.

August 16, 1917

Thurs. Hot

Cleaned den. May better. Olive stopped in P.M. Mother came over. Bennington day. E. did not work.


August 15, 1917

Wed. Rain

Laundry came. Fixed waist out of silk shirt. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Ma & Pa. Saw Olive & Clarence. Good.

August 14, 1917

Tues. Cloudy

May coughed quite a bit. Slept late. Took music lesson. Paid. Went to Mrs. Smith in P.M. Finished May's dress in Eve.

August 13, 1917

Mon. Hot.

May's cough is better. Hurrah! She slept until 10 min of 1 in a.M. Washed a little. Embroidered in P.M. Went home. Mother came over.

August 12, 1917

Sun. Lovely & Hot

May coughed all night again. Had Dr in Eve. Bronchitis. Fred went to Syracuse in P.M. Mother came over. E. went down town.

August 11, 1917

Sat. Hot. Paid machine

Eggs .45. butter .45. Fred came home. Quite a surprise. Better today. May's cough is no better. New sweater came. also mothers. Went down town in Eve.

August 10, 1917

Fri. Cloudy but no rain ###

Sick all day. May coughed all night. Stayed on couch nearly all day. E. got medicine for May. Went to bed early.

August 9, 1917

Thurs. Hot day

Ironed in A.M. Went home. Slept late. May coughed hard. May played out quite a lot. Went to walk with E.

August 8, 1917

Wed. Cooler

Ironed in A.M. May did not cough as much last night. Went to Ideal in P.M. Ethel Barrymore. Great. Ma & Pa went in Eve.

August 7, 1917

Tues. Cooler & Fair

Laundry came. Went home. May coughed hard in night. Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. May & I knit & sewed all P.M.

August 6, 1917

Mon. Hot as usual

May has a terrible cough. Washed a little. Decided not to go to Rockport. Bought knitting needles & yarn for E's sweater. Started it. Lura & Dan Campbell called in Eve.

August 5, 2011

Sun. Cooler & fine

Went home with May to dinner. Ernest came home from Wells Beach. Brought home a big cod and 12 lobsters. May - Mother & I went to walk.


August 4, 1917

Sat. Lovely & Cool

Cooked in A.M. and cleaned up stairs. Mr. Quimby passed in draft exam. May got card from E. May & I went down town in Eve.

August 3, 1917

Fine Cooler

Ironed in A.M. Went home. Mended in P.M. Got a lovely sweater for my birthday. Mother - May & I went to Ideal. Mowed lawn in Eve.

August 2, 1917

Thurs. Hot as usual

Terrible thunder shower in P.M. Pa . Ma & May & I went to Ideal in P.M. Shower over when we came out. Letter from Ernest. Ironed in A.M. Nearly melted.

August 1, 1917

Wed, Still terrible hot

Made 11 jars of currant jelly. Laundry came. Almost sick with heat. May stayed around home all day. May Mother & I went down town in Eve.

July 31, 1917

Tues. something terrible {heat I assume}

Mended in A.M. So hot can't do anything. Got letter from Ernest. Went to Windsor in Eve. with Mother & May - Doane's & Smiths. Marion Cutler at Mothers.

July 30, 1917

Monday Hot as pepper

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. The heat is something terrible. Pa came over also Ma. Embroidered in P.M. Went home in Eve. Went down town with Mother & May. Dr. Rue's mist[?]rel here.

Note: Possibly "minstrel" as in a traveling show?

July 29, 1917

Cooler & lovely

Begin quite a lovely day. May & I kind of lonesome. Stayed over home most of the time. Picked currants. Mother, May & I went to walk in Eve. Tired.

July 28, 1917

Sat. Hot & lovely

E worked in A.M. Started for Wells, Me at 12:30 with Lock& Whitney for a week in car. Paid machine. Met Miss Limenueau. Went down town in Eve.

July 27, 1917

Fri. Fine day. Hot.

Washed blanket. Finished ironing, pressed E clothes, mowed lawn in P.M. Helen & Ruth came over to play. Went to walk.

July 26. 1917

Thurs. Hot

Ironed in A.M. Cleaned up stairs. Went to machine dements. at Furniture store. Mrs. Walter Alleus sister got machine. Went to Ideal with Ma.

July 25, 1917

Wed. Fine

Ironed in A.M. May picked currants & played tennis at court. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother & May. Went down town in Eve.

July 24, 1917

Tues. Fine

Made 8 jars of currant jelly. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother & May. May played all day. Took first music lesson.


July 23, 1917

Mon. Hot as Pepper

Washed a little in A.M. Mother came over in P.M. Sewed in P.M. Fred's red ink[?] no is 1645-9107 no drawn. Went to walk in Eve.

Note: Is this Fred's draft number?

July 22, 1917

Sun. Lovely Fern did not pay rent

May went to S.S. No more S.S. this week. Ma & Pa came over. Went to walk in Eve with Ma & May. Visited with E. & Fern in Eve.

July 21, 1917

Sat. Hot

Draft today. Lots of people I know drafted. Terrible.Worked nearly all day. Mother - May & I went down town in Eve. Mays shoes came.

July 20, 1917

Fri Hot as blitzen

Finished ironing. Cleaned upstairs. May knitting needles and yarn came. She went to Helen's with knitting. Went home.

July 19, 1917

Thurs. Hot Showers in P.M.

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Mother came over & Pa. Pa. Ma May & I went to Ideal in Eve. Charley Chaplin. May liked it.

July 18, 1917

Hot Showers in Eve

Cleaned all up stairs in A.M. Sewed in P.M. May took flowers to flower show in A.M. Mother May & I went down town in Eve.


July 17, 1917

Tues. Hot

Cleared shed in A.M. Looks fine. Went to Smiths last Eve. Ma & Pa & I took walk in Eve. Suicide at Hillside Inn. Stores closed.

July 16, 1917

Mon. Hot as dickens

Washed a little in A.M. Mother & Pa came over. Heard Lizzie L. & Constantine was married. Sam went on vacation.

July 15, 1917

Sun. Muggy & Fair

Sick in A.M. Read in P.M. May did not go to S.S. Mr. Herbert stayed with Fern last night. May feels bad because Maude is gone.

July 14, 1917

Sat. Rain in A.M.

Sick all day. Maude went home at noon. E & May went to car with them. Maude gave May $1. Mother & I are all in. Early to bed.

July 13, 1917

Fri. Hot as pepper ####

Ironed in A.M. Maude over all day. Went down town. Took pictures in P.M. The Herricks took Maude & Ma & I to No. Charlestown to Band concert.

July 12, 1917

Thurs. Fine

Went home. Maude came. Went to walk in P.M. with Maude & Maud. [?] Went to Band concert & auto ride with Nell Herrick.

July 11, 1917

Wed Fine & Rain

Clothes came. Maude over to dinner & supper. Went to Ideal in Eve with Mother & May . Maude. Ma & Pa over in Eve.


July 10,1917

Tues fine

Archie - Inez 3 kids- Edith, Harry & Rob came up in P.M. & supper. Went to Ideal in Eve with Maude & Mother & May.

Note: Archie is Harry's brother and Inez (Sumner) is Harry's wife. They had 5 children - Howard, Edward, Robert, Ruth and Anna. Harry is another brother and Edith is his wife. I don't know about their children but one of them must have been Rob.


July 9, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Went home. Maude came over. Went to Movies in Eve. with Mother - May & Maude. Walked around block.

July 8, 1917

Sun. Lovely

Maude came. took pictures. Sam - Maude - Ma E. & I with Mr. Rowe. took auto ride. Gassets - Chester & Bellows Falls.

Note: Wish I had that photo!
Both "tooks" are strangely uncapitalized.

July 7, 1917

Sat. Hot

Butter .40 Eggs .40. Maude came over. Ma & Pa came. We all went down town in Eve. Tired to death.

July 6, 1917

Fri Hot & Fine

May & Maud went down town in A.M. Maud went with Ernest on route. Bradley C. came up. Maud - Mother - May & I went to Ideal.

July 6, 1917

Fri Hot & Fine

July 5, 1917

Thurs. Fine & Hot

Maude here all day. Went down town in P.M. Made tuna fish salad. Mother - May - Maude & I went to movies in Eve.

July 4, 1917

Wed. Hot & Fine

Regimental band from Fort Ethan Allen here in A.M. Maud - May & I went to Fair Grounds in P.M. Nothing doing. Came home in Albee's car. Movies.

July 3, 1917

Tues. Fair

Worked nearly all day. May & I went to Charlestown to meet Maud. Maud came in Maud came in Eve. Looks fine. E. went to Ed Baileys.

July 2, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Cleaned pantry. Washed a little in A.M. Went home. May played with kids. May & I took baths in P.M. Sewed on green skirt in P.M. and Eve.

July 1, 1917

Sun. Beautiful showers in P.M.

May went to S.S. in P.M. Miriam Doane in Eve. Ferm paid rent. Mr. Herbert stayed with him last night. Read all day.


June 30, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Cooked in A.M. May played with children. Mrs. Powers came. Mother-May & I went down town in Eve. Saw Annie Stone. Class. Sam went to Claremont. Bought May gaiters & stockings.

June 29, 1917

Fri. Rain

E. went fishing all day. Got 4. Bought Pa hat & Palm beach suit. Got another letter from Clyde P. for rent. May had haircut in A.M. Helen came over.

June 28, 1917

Thurs. Beautiful

Cleared dining room. Feel better today. E. did not work. Mother & Pa came over. May went to ride with Albees in Eve. E. sent money to Clyde P. Troops landed in France.


June 27, 1917

Wed. Fine

Finished ironing in A.M. Washed dining room curtains. E. did not work. Got bill from Clyde P. for $21 for May rent. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother & May. Band concert.


June 26, 1917

Tues. Fine

Ironed in A.M. E. did not work. Went fishing. Got 15. Went home in A.M. Rain in P.M.

June 25, 1917

Mon. Beautiful

Sent washing to Peyor's Laundry. Got letter from Maude. She is coming up. Mildred & Dorothy came in P.M. Josephine in A.M. Went home.

June 24, 1917

Sun. Rain

May went to S.S. in A.M. Fern paid $2.00. Read "The Triflees" [?] Good. Went home in P.M. May played paper dolls all P.M.

June 23, 1917

Sun. Lovely & Hot

Washed piazza. Cooked. All in. Went down town in Eve. with May & Mother.ruth Wooson married in Eve. Embroidered for May's dress.

June 22, 1917

Fri. Lovely & Hot.

Last day of school. May is promoted to 4th Grade. Shirley came to play after school. May gave Miss Johnson correspondence cards. Alumni [play]? did not go. Gave tickets to Mrs. Watten.

June 21, 1917

Thurs. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Sewed in P.M. Mrs. La Fountain called and Miss Roberts in P.M. Nearly 7 o' clock when we ate. May - Mother & I went down town.

June 20, 1917

Wed. Lovely & Hot

Went to Picnic (Sunday School) with May & Mary Lawrence & Doanes. Fine time. Went down town in Eve with Mother & May. All in.

June 19, 1917

Tues. Fine & warm ###

Ironed in A.M. Fairbanks girl hit by auto. May took supper with Frances Lawrence. Mrs. Heath called in Eve. Mother came. Sick all day.

Note: Just a reminder that the cross hatches are a sign of Ada beginning her period. she is almost always sick on the first morning but generally it doesn't go all day.

June 18, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Washed in A.M. Powers moved to La France Block. Dean Boy killed by auto. Mother & I went to Ideal. Pa came over.

June 17, 1917

Sun. Rain

Enameled & varnished two screen doors. Fern paid room rent. Went home in P.M. Baccualate (sic) Sermon at Universalist Church. Tired.

June 16, 1917

Sat. Fair & showers

Mowed lawn. Childrens picnic postponed. worked all day. Liberty Loan wins. Got more than they expected. May played all day.

June 15, 1917

Fri. Fair & showers

Finished ironing. Cleaned upstairs. Mildred W. came over to play with May. Mother -May & I went to Campfire Girls Party for Red Cross at Lowells.

June 14, 1917

Thurs. Fine day

Ironed in A.M. & mended in P.M. Mother came over in P.M. May went over to Helen's after school. May-Ma & I went to walk.

June 13, 1917

Wed. Lovely day

Ironed in A.M. & went home. three more day (sic) for the Liberty Loan.Hope we get it. Went down town in Eve with Mother & May.

June 12, 1917

Tues. Fair & Warm

Washed in A.M. Smiths moved into Powers house. Mrs. P. still there. Ma & Pa & I went to Ideal in P.M. "Easiest Way." May came in after school.

June 11, 1917

Mon. Rain

Worked hard all day & did not do much of anything. Lura Smith is here. Ma & Pa called over. The whistles blow every night for the Liberty Loan.

June 10, 1917

E. went fishing with Ed. B. up to Minevah & car. Caught 38. Fern H. came here to room. Went home in Eve. E. was wet through.

Note: Ada must mean Lake Ninevah in Mount Holly. I don't know what she means by "& car"

June 9, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Mowed lawn in A.M. Worked all day. PA came over. May & I went down town in Eve. Bought nickel soap dish & glass holder. Paid machine.

June 8, 1917

Fri. Pleasant E. did not work.

Cleaned upstairs in A.M. Mended in P.M. May - Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. Went home in Eve. & A.M. Mother came over. E. went fishing in P.M. Caught 21.

June 7, 1917

Thurs. Rain

Enameled screens inA.M. Went home. Helen & Ruth came to see May after school.Ironed in P.M. Went home in Eve. Mother came.


June 6, 1917

Wed. Fine & Hot

May's glasses came from Edmunds. Washed outside of house & windows. Went home in P.M. May went to Josephine R. after school. Trimmed hat. May - Mother & I went down town in Eve.

June 5, 1917

Tuesday Fair Rain in P.M.

Mary Laurence came over in A.M. Washed in A.M. Gladys Chynowth & Maurice Henry married. Hooray. At last. May - Mother & I went to Ideal. All men between 21 & 31 register today.

June 4, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Went to Claremont at 11-40AM. Eyes examined by Carlton. Bought hat at Woolworths. Got home at 4.00PM. Evelyn Green came after school with May.


June 3, 1917

Sunday Thunder Showers Fair

May did not go to S.S. Went home. Fern H. came to look at room. Going to take it. Fred went to Eastern, Pa. Potatoes. $1.20 pk. Went home in P.M.

Note: They are renting out to a boarder. Many families did that then it seems.

June 2, 1917

Sat. Lovely Hot

E. did not work. Went fishing in A.M. got 17. Worked around house in P.M. May has picture taken on pony. Went down town in Eve. with May & Mother.

Note: Wow! Now I can date my photo of May on a pony on my Flickr stream - cool!

June 1, 1917

Fri. Cool & Fair Rain

cleaned up stairs. Went home. Sewed in P.M. Fred came. Mother - May & I went to walk in Eve. May went to Virginia Wilcombs after school.

May 31, 1917

Thurs. Lovely & Warm

First time May has gone without a coat. Cleaned den. Went home. Mother cleaned dining room. Pa came over. May went up to Helen Perry's. Mended.


May 30, 1917

Wed. Pleasant. Memorial Day

Grandma & Sam went to Perkinsville in A.M. Got Pa & Fred's dinner. Ironed in P.M. Mother -May & I went to Ideal. "Big Tremaine." Very good.

Note: Several of the family are buried in Perkinsville Cemetery. I think Sam and his mother have gone to put flowers on the graves.

May 29, 1917

Tues. Rain Fred came

Schools out at 3pm. Shirley came up after school. May and she went after flowers. got wet. Fred came. Mother came over. No exercises at school. Mrs. Smith's recital. May & I got invite. Did not go.

May 28, 1917

Mon. Cold & Fair Rain in Eve

Washed in A.M. Went home in P.M. May went to Shirley's after school. Ann Stiles came over in Eve. May & I went down town in Eve.

May 27, 1917

Sun. Lovely in P.M. Rain in A.M.

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. Sue & Clyde came up in P.M. Ma & Pa & fred came over. E. May & I went to walk. Mr. Barnum's brother dead. Gone to N.Y.

May 26, 1917

Sat. Lovely

We bought the Perkins House. $3600 cash. Smith's bought fleming hosue $3250. May & Frank & Bertha are here. Fred came. Bought foreign flags.

May 25, 1917

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Went over to Mrs. Smith's in P.M. Pa came over. May - Ma & I went to Ideal in Eve. "The Selfish Woman."

May 24, 1917

Thurs. Lovely

Went up to school in A.M. Enjoyed it. May is doing fine. Worked all P.M. Mended in Eve. Made May a slip. Mother came over.

May 23, 1917

Wed. Rain

Did not do very much. Did not feel very well. Went home. Mother & I went to Ideal in P.M. May came in after school. Mme Pavlova in "Extravagence."

May 22, 1917

Tues. Rain

Ironed in A.M.& P.M. Went home. "Auz" P. came up in P.M. Couldn't spell my name. May went over to Helen's after school. Pa came in.

May 21, 1917

Mon. Lovely

Washed in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. May played with Helen after school. Pa & Ma came over. E. went down town to "Auz" P.

May 20, 1917


May went to S.S. E. went down to see "Auz" P. Going to have house. Pa came over & Ma. Went home. Ironed parlor curtains.

May 19, 1917

Lovely & Hot

May & Helen had a picnic. Washed the house with hose. Went down town in Eve & P.M. Paid machine & $3 at Standard.

May 18, 1917

Fri. Showers & Fair

A. Perkins came in A.M. Told him we would buy house. Smith wants it. Mother & Pa came over. Cleaned Parlor. Helen Perry came to play with May. Tired.


May 17, 1917

Thurs. Cool & Pleasant

Do not feel very good to-day. Kind of upset. E. went to bank. Got a letter from Perkins. Went down town in P.M. Mother - May - & I went to walk.

May 16, 1917

Wed. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. Very good. House for sale. $3600. Going to buy it. Thank goodness we won't have to move. Ma & Pa came over. May went up to Helen Perry's.

May 15 1917

Tues. Lovely

Painted back door. Got sliver in under finger nail. Awfully sore. May's cold is better. Mended in P.M. & Eve. Mother came over in Eve.

May 14, 1917

Mon Lovely

Washed in a.M. Went down town in P.M. Mother came over in Eve. Bought Sam's birthday presents. Mended in Eve. May has a cold. Sam's birthday.

Note: Sam is Ada's maternal uncle. He never married and he lived next door with his sister his whole life.


May 13, 1917

Sun. Pleasant

May went to S.S. Went after May flowers in P.M. with Ernest and Charlotte G. Got a lot. Tired. May & I went home. Early to bed.

May 12, 1917

Sat. Fair & Showers

May & Helen dug dandelions. Paid her $ .20. Mrs. Powers called. Washed kitchen floor. Went home. Mother came. Pa& May went to Dibs {?} auction.


May 11, 1917

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned front stairs and lower hall.Went down town in P.M. May went to Helen's.May & I went to Ideal.Went home. Went to walk with Mary L.


May 10, 1917

Thurs. Windy & Showers

Ironed until 8 P.M. Cleaned closet in den. May & Helen went after violets after school. Mother is better. Crocheted on bag in P.M. Tired.

May 9, 1917

Wed. Rain

Cleared upstairs hall. Mother still has the headache. Shirley - Helen & May went after violets after school. May & I went down town in Eve. Bought collar.

May 8, 1917

Tues. Pleasant

Washed in A.M. Mother still has headache. May went up to Helen Perry's after school. E. raked rest of lawn after supper. Nell Herrick called.

May 7, 1917

Mon. Rain

Sick all night. Better in A.M. Cleaned gas stove. Went home. Mother has headache. Mrs. LaFountaine called.

May 6, 1917

Sun. Cloudy & Rain

Ironed in A.M. Head-ache all day. Went to bed in P.M. Mother came over. Better in Eve. Went home.

May 5, 1917

Sat. Rain

E. went fishing in A.M. Got 6. took storm door & windows off in P.M. Paid H. & Symonds Co. $22.52. Paid Albee $.50.Paid machine & mother.Whitney Doane has German Measles.

May 4, 1917

Fri. Fine

cleaned E.'s room. Looks fine. Eliz. Stiles came. Last Meeting of Alt. club. Did not go. Went to bed early. Tired. Teachers Meeting. School did not keep.

May 3, 1917

Thurs. Rain in P.M.

Ironed in A.M. Raked half of lawn. Cleaned up-stairs. May played with Helen after school. Sent Fred's gifts.


May 2, 1917

Wed. Rain

cleaned bath-room. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Mother. May - Mother & I went down town in Eve. Bought Fred's presents. Went home in Eve.


May 1, 1917

Tues. Rain May Day

Washed in A.M. Washed a quilt. Read & crocheted in P.M. May went down to Shirley's after school. Hung May baskets in Eve. May got 7 pretty ones.

April 30, 1917

Mon. Cloudy

Went home in A.M. May went to school. Ironed in A.M. Read in P.M. Mended in Eve. May went down to Shirley's after school. E. stayed in.

April 29, 1917

Sun. Fair

Ernest & Barnum went fishing all day. Did not get many. May & I stayed alone. Went to walk in Eve.

April 28, 1917

Sat. Fine day

Tired to death. Glad Fi-fi is over. Slept late. May played with Helen.Shirley came. May went to ride with Dr. & Shirley. Pa was in parade. 98th anniversary of Odd Fellows. Big parade at evening. Charlestown band. Mother - May & I went down town.


April 27, 1917

Fri. cloudy

Packed house at Fi-fi. Dance after. Did not stay. Wore green skirt and dresden polanaise, powdeed hair, white stockings & black shoe. Everything fine. Olive & Jones here. Joe & I have left stage & going to movies.

Note: Sort of an odd entry. Who's Joe?


April 26, 1917

Thurs. Fine Day

Fixed tinsel on May's white dress. First night of "Fi-fi of Toy Shop." May was a fairy. Big Gr[?] Our dance was good. Garter broke. No-one knew it.

April 25, 1917

Wed. Fine ###

May went to school in P.M. Full rehearsal at Opera House. More f[?} Went bum. Came home with Mrs.Lorden[?}


April 24, 1917

Tues. Rain in P.M.

Washed curtains in A.M. May is better. She went to rehearsal in P.M. We rehearsed at Gladys C. May & I rode up with Doanes.

April 23, 1917

Mon. Fine day

Washed in a.M. Did not get through work until late. May did not go to school. I went to rehearsal in Eve.


April 22, 1917

Sun. Rain

May is better. Did not go out. I went over home. Ma & Pa came over. I worked nearly all day.

April 21, 1917

Sat. April Showers

May had croup all night, better in morning. Horsington baby died last night. Had doctor for May in night. Went to rehearsal. Big thunderstorm in Eve.


April 20, 1917

Fri. April showers

Swept all up stairs. Went home. Rehearsal at 5:30 P.M. Murdock very pleasant. May does not feel well. Got costumes. Green.


April 19, 1917

Thurs. Warm & Grand

Cleaned our room to-day. May went to Rehearsal after school. Murdock got peeved. Gave him ice cream too. Gone off Jake.

Note: Not sure what this is about. A temperamental director?


April 18, 1917

Wed. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Shirley came to play with May. I went to bed in P.M. Rehearsal at Mrs. Dodges. Ice cream with Gladys Myhely [?] Hobbs - Safford & Auber. Firing off Cape Cod.

Note : I remember vaguely hearing about the German shots of Cape Cod. Anyone know about this?

April 17, 1917

Tues Fine

Mother & S went to the Ideal. "Unafraid." Grand. May went to rehearsal of FiFi after school.

Note: I think "S" is Sam, her mother (Sarah Grimshaw's) brother. Sam lived with his sister until he died in the late 1930s.


April 16, 1917

Mon. Grand

Washed in A.M. Went to bed in P.M. Went to rehearsal of FiFi in Eve. Mrs. Auber - Safford - Stiles - Nelson - Myerburg - Flavin - Hows - Chynworth & myself.

May 15, 1917

sun. Fair & cold

May did not go to S.S. Went to walk in P.M. E. & I hid. Mother came over. Went to bed early.

April 14, 1917

Sat. Grand

Eggs .33 Worked nearly all day. May [?] 3 lemon pies. Went down town in Eve. with Mother & May. Paid machine.


April 13, 1917

Fri. Grand

Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Mother & I went to Ideal. "The thousand Dollar husband." Grand. E. & May played.

April 12, 1917

Thurs. Grand

Finished the ironing. Cleaned closets up stairs. Went home. Crocheted in Eve. Went down town.


April 11, 1917

Wed. Cold

Ironed in A.M. Did not get it all day. Went home. Mother & Pa came over. May, Mother & I went down town.

Note: If "did not get it all day." means being out of it - I really like that expression!


April 10, 1917

Tues. Rain

Washed in A.M. Crocheted in P.M. Went home in P.M. May & I played cards in Eve. Formed "Home Guards."

April 9, 1917

Mon. cold & Fair

Company K left this A.M. Big send off.Very sad. Shanders gave me a flag. Shops & schools closed until they left.Went with Mary S. German Raider off Nantucket.


April 8, 1917

Sun. Easter Sun.

Lovely day. May went to S.S. and she & I went to Ester Cantata. at Congo. Church in P.M. E. May & I went to walk.


April 7, 1917

Sat. Rainy & Cloudy

War is declared between U.S. & Germany. yesterday [written in pencil]. Everyone is crazy. Co. K leaves Mon. Eggs .30 cts. Crocheted in P.M. May went down in P.M.


April 6, 1917

Fri. Snowy & Rain

May did not go to school. Cold is better. Went home in P.M. Hemmed brown skirt & crocheted and mended.
Congress declares War. War is declared between U.S. & Germany.


April 5, 1917

Thurs. Lovely

May & I & Mother went to Claremont. Dr. Carleton says May's glasses are OK for a year. Saw Mattie & the bunch. Mother bought hat. Chased car.

Note: I think she means they chased the trolley car because they almost missed it.


April 4, 1917

Wed. Fine

Saw a robin. May has a cold. Came home from school about 10:30 A.M. Went down town in P.M. Miss Miller said she had temperature.


April 3, 1917

Tues. Fine

Militia called out. Ironed in A.M. Mother & I went to Ideal "The Price She Paid" Not very good. May came in after school. Went home in Eve.

April 2, 1917

Mon. Cloudy

Washed in A,M. May came home all mud. Fell down. Went home in A.M. May & I played Solitaire in Eve. Crocheted on bag.

April 1, 1917

Sun. Rainy & Cloudy

May & I went home to breakfast. May did not go to S.S. Finished ironing in A.M. May went to walk in P.M. Went home in P.M.

March 31, 1917

Sat. Lovely

Bought syrup of Huntoon. $1.50 eggs $.30. May went over to Helen's. Washed kitchen floor in P.M. May & I went down town in Eve.

March 30, 1917

Fri. Lovely

Fred's birthday. 27 years. Went home in A.M. Altrurian's at Virginia Slack's. did not go. Went to Eliz. Stiles in P.M. Started Indian Bag.

March 29, 1917

Thurs. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Went home in A.M. Went to Ideal. Saw "Palace of the King." Rotten. Went home in Eve. Crocheted. May & I played Solitaire.

March 28, 1917

Wed. Lovely

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal. "Mister 44" Harold Lockwood & May Allison. Bought silkateen for Indian bag. Did not go to Mothers' Club.


March 27, 1917

Tues. Beautiful

Cleaned up house. Mother is a lot better. Stayed in all day. Went home in a.M. & Eve. May is wearing summer dresses.

March 26, 1917

Mon. Rainy

Washed in A.M. Dried clothes in house. Mrs. R. came. Wants my room. Mother lots better. Went home & worked a little.

March 25, 1917

Sundy Fine Day

Mother got up to-day. May went to S.S. Miss R. & Fred over to lunch. Certainly all in. Mother lots better.


Yikes Everyone - Sorry!

Hello from me in 2011! I am so sorry that I appear to have missed many many comments! apologies to all - and now I see an easier way to keep track I'll hopefully respond in a more timely fashion! Thanks, everyone for your patience - and thank you for continuing to check out the blog despite my apparent rudeness!


March 24, 1917

Sat. fine Day

Mother is better. Still in bed. Worked over home all day. E. loafed awhile in A.M. Water men fixed water in cellar. E. paid machine.

March 23, 1917

Fri. Big Cloud

Mother did not get up. Worse. Doctor said she came very near pneumonia. Acute congestion. Worked over there in A.M. Did my work in P.M. Water run into cellar. Altrurian Club here in Eve.Reverend Park Mayer [?] of Windsor addressed the club.

March 22, 1917

Thurs. Fine Day

Ma & Pa went to Ideal. cleaned up stairs. Mother came home sick. Had doctor in Eve. May went down town in P.M.

March 21, 1917

Wed. Rainy & cloudy

Fred came at noon. Went home. May played with kids nearly all day. Fred came over. Mother's club postponed.


March 20, 1917

Tues. Snow & Rain

Musical stock co. here three nights.Went home in A.M. Ironed in A.M. Mother came over. Fixed sofa pillow.

March 19, 1917

Mon. Lovely Day

Washed in P.M. Clothes all dry. School ( the little building) closed on acc't scarlet fever.May is glad. Went home.

March 18, 1917

Sun. cold & Windy

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. E. & I set up new furniture.Pretty slick. Mother came over in P.M. May - Ma - & I went to walk in Eve.

March 17, 1917

Sat. Snow & Rain

May coughed quite a bit last night.We slept until 9-10A.M. Eggs $.35. E. paid machine. May & I went home in P.M. Pa came in. Another case of scarlet fever in 3rd grade.


March 16, 1917

Fri. Beautiful day

Cleaned upstairs & hall. May coughed hard last night. Czar of Russia gives up throne. Went home in A.M. Quite a few cases of scarlet fever.

March 15, 1917

Thursday Lovely & Windy

May coughed hard all last night. Did not go to school in A.M. Went in P.M. Ma & Pa went to movies. Ma came over in Eve.

March 14, 1917

Wed. snow

Finished ironing in A.M. Went over to Mrs. P in A.M. went over to Gladys C. Jim Bradley has crazy spells. Went down town in P.M.

March 13, 1917

Tues. Lovely

Ironed a little. Went home in A.M. & P.M. May has a little cold. Mother went to Rebeckah's in Eve. Tired.


March 12, 1917

Mon. Grand Day

Washed in A.M. Punched hand in pantry door. Made me sick. Gladys Chynowith called in P.M. Club postponed. Mother came over. Furniture came. Shampoo in Eve.

March 11, 1917

Sun. Snow & rain.

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. Jim Bradley had crazy spell. Mr. Pundy got 1st constable's office.Went to walk.

March 10, 1915

Sat. & Grand day

Eggs $.48 Butter $.40 May stayed in nearly all day.Went down town in A.M. Made bolster for bed. E. paid machine. Ma Came in.


March 9, 1917

Fri. fine day

Cleaned up the house. Went down town in P.M. Called on Mrs. Lane in P.M. Saw bed set. Very pretty. May & I played cards.

March 8, 1917

Thurs. Fine day

Cleaned up stairs. Mrs. Powers came in P.M. Went home. Fred is in Cleveland. sewed in P.M. & mended.


March 7, 1917

Wed. snow in A,M.

Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. May went over to Charlottes in P.M. after school.

March 6, 1917

Tues. Colder & Fair

Town meeting day. All the hayseeds in town. Went down town in P.M. Bought cretonne for spread. Sewed on it. Charlotte came to play with May. May got dandy report card.

March 5, 1917

Mon. Snow

Big building closed on acc't of scarlet fever. 11 members of Congress kill bill to arm ships. US mad. May went to school. Washed in A.M.

March 4, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May went to S.S. in A.M. President Wilson took oath of office. Everyone talking war. Cooked in A.M. May & I went to walk in Eve. Bradley boy has scarlet fever.

March 3, 1917

Sat. Fine

Went to barbers with May. Got dandy haircut. E. paid machine. Eggs $.40 E. got flour & groceries at A&P. Mother came over.

March 2, 1917

Fri. Lovely day ###

Cleaned down stairs in A.M. sick in P.M. Better toward Eve. went to club at Mrs. Jacobs. Mrs. Smith of White River Junction. Great.

March 1, 1917

Thurs. Beautiful

March came in like a lamb. Cleaned up stairs in A.M. Went down town - up to Florence Robinson's & Mrs. Powers.

February 28, 1917

Wed. Lovely day

Cooked a little in A.M. May went to Charlotte Guild's with Shirley. Sewed all P.M. Played cards in Eve with May.


February 27, 1917

Tues. colder Frozen

Better walking. Ironed in A.M. Went home in A.M. Went down town in P.M. Went to Ideal with Ma. "Foolish Virgin" Fine.

February 26, 1917

Mon. Rain

Terrible walking. Went to meet May at noon. Washed in A.M. May wore new serge dress. May went to Helen's after school. Helen came over to supper.


February 25, 1917

Sun. Lovely day

May went to S.S. in A.M. Curled hair & wore new rubbers. Went over to Helen's in P.M. Pressed May's new dress.

February 24, 1917

Sat. Warmer

May stayed in nearly all A.M. Went down town in P.M. & over to Helen's. High School Banjoos. [sic] Made B. Bread for them.Eggs 45. Butter 48. E. paid machine.


February 23, 1917

Fri. Colder & Fair

Cleaned upstairs. May went to school. Sewed in P.M. Mother came over. May & I played Solitaire in Eve. Played with Helen after school.

February 22, 1917

Thurs. Lovely

Washington's birthday. School does not keep. E. did not work in P.M. Finished ironing in A.M. & cooked. Sewed in P.M. Went to Ideal in Eve. with mother. Mrs. Dix gave $25.

February 21, 1917

Wed. Lovely

Went down town in A.M. Bough[t] gray cloth for May's dress. Ironed in A.M. Cut out dress in P.M. Mother came in Eve.

February 20, 1917

Lovely & Warm

Washed in A.M. Big one. Cut out a dress for May over home in P.M. May stayed home after school. She played cards in Eve.


February 19, 1917

Mon. Fine E. stayed in

Did not have much to do to-day. Mother washed. May has a little cold. Went to school as usual. Went down town in P.M.

February 18, 1917

Sun. Lovely

May did not go to S.S. Went to walk in A.M. with Rosebud & home to dinner. May & I went to walk in P.M. Tired in Eve. Made cake in A.M.

February 17, 1917

Warm & Grand

Cleaned down stairs & cooked. May was out coasting nearly all day. Helen came over to supper. E. paid machine. Ma came.

February 16, 1917

Friday Fine & warmer.

Ironed in A.M. Went home in A.M. Mended in P.M. May went down town after school. Went to bed early.

Febrary 15, 1917

Thurss. Fine Day

Went home in A.M. Ma, Pa & I went to Ideal in P.M. May came in after school. Cleaned all upstairs. E. bought fish (blue) E. came in early. We are all tired.


February 14, 1917

Wed. fine Valentine

Mother is cross with me. Cried all A.M. Went down to Hall in P.M. & helped to take down trimmings. Made about 75. Better than nothing. May & I went to Mrs. Smiths in Eve. Josephine came. May got 17 Valentines at school & 4 others.

February 13, 1917

Tues. Cold & Beautiful

Went down to Hall in A.M. and helped trim[?] Went down town in P.M. E. & I went to Community Ball. Big crowd. E. sold tickets. Jessie Ellis Alice Beckwith myself waiters

February 12, 1917

Mon. Cold Lincoln's birthday

16 below zero.Did my washing in A.M. May went to school as usual. Went to committee meeting at May B's. E. stayed in.


February 5, 1917

Here's something written in the flyleaf of the diary that I forgot to put in.

Wilson asks all neutrals to break - government hastens its war plans. Asks all Powers to join him in forcing respect for law.
"Hock the Kaiser." Nit.

I am so intrigued by the "nit." what does it mean? Is she using it like "idiot?" Does she think it's a bad decision? she appears tp subsequently support American involvement. It's puzzling.

February 11, 1917

Sun. Cold & Fair

May & I went home to breakfast. Alice Beckwith and Ione L. called in P.M. Went home in Eve. May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner.


February 10, 1917

Sat. Cold & Windy

Mr. Huntoon did not come. Florence R. asked me to be usher at ball. May & Helen went to Josephine's in P.M. May went down towm & bought valentines.

February 9, 1917

Cold & Snow

Ironed in P.M. Went to Mary Lawrence's in P.M. Got Mrs. Dix to give $25. for ball. Went to Ideal in Eve. with mother. "Audrey." E. stayed in.

February 8, 1917

Thurs. Warm

Helen came in A.M. May started in school in P.M. Glad to go. Went to Helen's after school Ride to Chester. Did not care to go.


February 7, 1917

Wed. fine day War rumor denied

May went over to Josephine's with ice-cream. Went to Grandma's in P.M. I went down town. Sewed in Eve. on May's dress. Ma came.


February 6, 1917

Tues. Beautiful

May went out for first time in A.M. Went to Committee meeting at May Bs in P.M. Ma stayed with May. Mr. Beardslee called. Report war was declared.

February 5, 1917

Mon. Snow & wind

Ironed in A.M. E. has sick headache in P.M. Did not work.May is doing fine. Mother came over in P.M. Sewed on May's dress. Went home in Eve.


February 4, 1917

Sun. cold & Fair

Fred came over. bought May ice-cream & candy. May is fine. Returned Mrs. Albee and Mrs. Rowe's dishes. Josephine has measles. Fred went. Went home.


Feb. 3. 1917

Sunday Snow

May did not go to S.S. Went home. Ma & Pa came over. Got a terrible cold. Marion made candy. Read in P.M. Early to bed.

February 2, 1917

Sat. Fine

Worked hard all day. Rummage sale at LaFountain store. Did not go. went down town in Eve. with Marion & May.

February 1, 1917

Fri. Cold

Cleaned downstairs. Ma & I went down town in A.M. Pa fixed cord on electric urn, May went up to Shirley's in P.M. Ironed in Eve.

January 31, 1917

Wed. snowy

May slept until noon. Coughed terribly. Came down stairs in P.M. Mary Laurence and Mrs. Olear[?] Ellison called. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mother.

January 30, 1917

Tues. Lovely Day

May slept until nearly noon. Coughed a lot in night. Brought her down stairs in P.M. Terribly weak & thin.

January 29, 1917

Mon. Snowy in A.M.

Prior's Laundry opened. Paid him $1. I owed him. Sent washing. May is better. Coughed terribly in night. Ma & Pa came in.

January 28, 1917

Sun. Snow & Cloudy

May is better. Ate quite a lot of chicken. Fred & Grampa each gave her a new book. Mrs. Rowe brought sherbet. Miss G. called. Fred went.

January 27, 1917

Pleasant & Snowy

E. did not work. May seems a little better, but very weak. Dr. changed medicine. King Daughters sent plant. Fred came. Brought book.

January 26, 1917

Fri. Lovely

May does not seem to gain at all. Cannot lift head from pillow. Mary Eliz. Lawrence sent her primroses. Terrible night.

January 25, 1917

Thurs. Lovely Day

May is a little better. Will not eat anything. Doctor came in A.M. Ma & Pa came in. Hospital benefit at John Slack's. 90 cases of measles.


January 24, 1917

Wed. cold & Fair Dr. came

May is worse. 104 fever. Ha..{?} afraid of pneumonia. Did not go to bed. E. did not work in P.M.Sat in chair all night. Mother & Pa came over.

January 23, 1917

Tues. cold & Lovely

Dick Longworth's funeral. Fred came. All went. May is sick. seems better. Ernest stayed with her. Fred came for funeral.

January 22, 1917

Mon. Cold & windy

May did not go to school. Sick in P.M. Came down with measles in Eve. Had doctor. Sick all night. High fever.

January 21, 1917

Sun. Fair & cool

May has cold. Does not feel well. Did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. Fred came over. Curled he hair in P.M. Tired.

January 20, 1917

Sat. Cold & Snowy.

Dick Longworth died in the night. Worked all day. Binggermains [?] moved into LaFrance.Paid machine. Fred came. May went over Helen's.

January 19, 1917

Fri. Cold & Windy

Dick Longworth about the same. Went to Committee Meeting at Mrs. Baker's. Ever Onward. Went to children's Ball Dancing class with May. Lucy W. moved into LaFrance.

Note: LaFrance is a large brick apartment building in Springfield where Ada and Ernest had lived at one time.

January 18, 1917

Cloudy & Snowy

Ironed in A.M. Went home. Dick Longworth not as well in A.M. Better in Eve. Olive, Clarence, Mr. Dodge called. E. did not go out.

January 17, 1917

Wed. Fair & Warm

Stayed over to Mother's May & I last night.Mother & I went to Ideal in Eve. May came in after school. Went to Mother's meeting at church in Eve with Lucy. Very nice. Dick L. is better.

Note: It seems a little odd that she and May are staying at her mother's when they live next door. I wonder what the story was?

January 16, 1917

Tues. Fair & Warm

Went home to breakfast. dick Longworth very low with pneumonia. Went down town in P.M. E. & I went to W.D. Woolson's to Musical of 3 clubs. Fine. Mr. Adams of Brattleboro sang.

January 15, 1917

Mon. cold & fair.

Washed in A.M. Mrs. P. came home with baby from hospital. Went home. Committee meeting here of Alt. Helen came in. May is tired.

January 14, 1917

Sun. Rain & thaw

May did not go to S.S. Went home to dinner. Headache. Slept all P.M. Went home in Eve. Better. May fell out of bed.

January 13, 1917

Sat. Snow

Worked hard all day. Went home in P.M. May went over to Helen's in P.M. Mended in Eve. until 10-10. E. paid machine.

January 12, 1917

FRi. Cold & Fair

Finished ironing. Went down town in P.M. May went to Ideal after school "Tom Thumb" Mother came. Went to A&P in P.M. E. did not work in P.M.

January 11, 1917

Thurs. Lovely Cold

Ironed in A.M. Better. May is promoted to A class. Tickled to pieces. Karl Perry called. Went to bed early. Crocheted.

January 10, 1917

Wed. Snow in P.M.

Washed in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. May came in after school. Parent - Teacher Meeting. Mother took clothes in. Sick.

January 9, 1917

Tues. Lovely ###

Hung out Mother's clothes. Committee meeting at May B.'s. Ways & Means of Alt. Mrs. Whitney invited me to go to a Piano Recital.

January 8, 1917

Mon. Lovely day

Got letter from Maude. Stash has had a shock. More comfortable. May got report card. Dandy one. Fred went to Fitchburg. Crocheted in P.M. & Eve.

Note: Maude is possibly one of the "Unlnown Rhode Island " people in the Halkard/Grimshaw Album, some of which I've posted on Flickr - with more to come.
I have a photo of a little girl Maude and I'm possibly piecing together her family from photo clues and links. Still unsure exactly what relation they were to the Halkard/ Grimshaws.

No idea who Stash was - or what his shock was.

January 7, 1917

Sun. Warm & Fair

Did not go down stairs until 5 mins. of 10. Fred came to dinner. May went to S.S. Home to dinner. We all went over to Fred's "party". Shrimp wiggle. Miss R. there.

January 6, 1917

Sat. Fine Day

May & I went home to breakfast. Cleared down stairs. Fred came. Paid machine money. $1. also mother's. May & I went down town in Eve.


January 5, 1917

Fri. Rain all day

Cleared upstairs. Mrs. P. has a son. Went to "Three Bears" at Ideal with May & Mrs. B. Went to club in evening. Mrs. Nudd's. Young "Pete" Harlow mistook me for someone else.

January 4, 1917

Thurs. Lovely Day

Ironed in A.M.Went home. Bill Slomer is here. Also Geo. Dudley. Shirley & Alice were here after school. Mrs. Powers went to hospital.

January 3, 1917

Wed. Snow in P.M. & Eve.

May went to school. Like it. Ironed in A.M. Went to Ideal in P.M. "The Purple Lady" Rebekkah's sent mother flowers. Class. Grandpa came over.

January 2, 1917

Tues. Beautiful Day

School began. May did not go. She is much better. We went home in Eve. Went to Ideal in Eve. with Mr. & Mrs. Tennyson.- Mrs. Hoppe. E. stayed in.


January 1, 1917

Lovely day

Everything has gone wrong. 1917 will be grand. E. did not work in P.M. Sick headache. Mr. Beardsley called. Went to Ideal in P.M. with Miss R. Ted Miller operated on.

Note: A strange tantalizing way to start the 1917 diary. I have no idea what Ada means by this. Is she referring to her mother and May being sick?
"Miss R." is Marion Roberts, a teacher and soon to be Ada's unmarried brother Fred's steady lady friend.


December 31, 1916

Sun. Cold & Fair

May sick all lst night. Acute laryngitis. Better to-day. Has fever. Fred came over. Brought her ice-cream. Fred & Miss Roberts went to ride.

December 30, 1916

Sat. Cold & Fair

May & I went home to breakfast. Cleared downstairs. Fred came. Went down town in Eve. Got May's nighties. May sick in night. Called Dr. Paid machine.

December 29, 1916

Fri. Cold & Fair

Finished ironing in A.M. Went home in P.M. & Eve. Went to Doane's & back in P.M. May has a terrible cold. Played games in P.M.

December 28, 1916

Thurs. Cold & Windy

Went home in A.M. to breakfast. Mother is lots better. Got card from Harry. May gave Grandpa comb. May & I went to Ideal in P.M. May has cold.

December 27, 1916

Wed. Rain in A.M.

Washed in A.M. Did some of mother's. Mother is better. May & I went to the Ideal in Eve. "The Masked Rider." Great. Went home in Eve.

December 26, 1916

Tues. Fair & Cold

Mother is better. May played with "fat" doll nearly all day. We went down in P.M. Played games in Eve. E. did not go out. Went home in P.M. May is tired.

December 25, 1916

Mon. Lovely Day Merry Xmas

Mother is a little better. Had Xmas at home. Got chain from Fred. May got "fat" doll that she wanted & sleigh. Made my first chicken pie.

December 24, 1916

Sun. Lovely Day

Our anniversary. Married 11 years. May went to S.S. E. worked all day at office. Xmas concert at Church. May spoke. Wore new shoes.

December 23, 1916

Sat. Fine Day.

Paid $2. Machine. May went to rehearsal in P.M. Mother is not very well. Fred came. Went down town in Eve. Teapot from Prov.

December 22, 1916

Fri. Snow & Rain & Wind

Cleared upstairs in A.M. School closed at noon for the Holidays. Sewed in P.M. Went down town in Eve. Mother about same.

December 21, 1916

Wed. Fine.

Finished ironing.Went home. Mother has a cold. Sewed in P.M. Sent the last of the packages. Went down town in Eve.

December 20, 1916

Wed. Cloudy

Ironed in A.M. Sent packages to Prov. Sewed in Eve. Went home. Mother got medicine from Dr. Tired.

Note: It's interesting the connection to Providence. We know there were relatives down there from Ada's mother's photo album - some of which I've posted on Flickr in the set "Unknown Rhode Island People" but they are from an older era. Obviously at this point in time (1916) there was still a strong enough connection to send (I assume) Christmas presents.
I've found a lot of other family through Flickr - so maybe one day we'll figure out this Providence connection!

December 19, 1916

Tuesday Lovely

Washed in A.M. Went home. Sewed in P.M. May went over to Charlotte's after school. Went down town in Eve.

December 18, 1916

Monday Fine Day

Better today.Finished Ladie's bag & Dorothy's collar. E. put on dining room windows.Went home. Mother has cold. Went down town in Eve. with May.


December 17, 1916

Sun. Clear & cold

May went to S.S. in a.M. Wore new hat & coat. Class. Head ached. Fred came over. Went home in Eve. Fred gave Pa watch.

December 16, 1916

Sat. cold & windy

Mother -May & I went to Claremont. bought out 5 & 10. Saw Kincees [?] and Stoddards. Took dinner at Restaurant. Went down town in Eve. 9:30 A.M. Fred came.

December 15, 1916

Fri. Snow & cold

Worked hard all day. Mother's brass bed came. Got May's hat. Fixed May's coat. Went home in Eve. Snowed all day.

December 14, 1916

Thurs. Cold ###

Headache again. E. got dinner. Better in P.M. Crocheted in Eve. Mother came over. Shirley came up after school.

December 13, 1916

Wed. Lovely

Ironed nearly all day. Head is better. Pa came over and started the furnace twice. Went out. Went home in Eve. Early to bed.

December 12, 1916

Tues. Snow Stuffed rabbit for Robbie

Headache all day. Ironed a little & mended. Explained May's examples. She got them all done. She was tickled. Went sliding after school.

December 11, 1916

Mon. Lovely

Did my washing all myself. Tired in P.M. and Eve. Went home in P.M. May felt bad because she did not get number work right.

December 10, 1916

Sun. Pleasant & Colder

May went to S.S. in A.M. Came home with some pieces to speak Xmas. Fred came over. Went to Boston. Went home in Eve. "Grandma" Farnum buried.