
April 29, 1915

Thursday                 Lovely in P.M.
                             Rain in A.M.

Ironed in A.M. May went over home in P.M. Mended in Eve. Saw Floyd in P.M. Go to Frank Locke's Tues. 9:30

April 28, 1915

Whatever is Floyd going to do?
Fred went to Springfield, Mass. in A.M.
Wednesday                 Colder

Mildred spent the day with us. May and she had a great time. Floyd came over. Miss Longworth came in. Gave $.50 for flowers. Grandpa came in.


April 27, 1915

May's cold is better
Tuesday                   Hot

Jessie died in eve. Can't seem to do anything today. Went to Ideal in eve with Ernest & May. Fred came home.


Young Ernest

Young Ernest
Originally uploaded by dlundbech

Ada May Grimshaw 1902

Ada May Grimshaw 1902
Originally uploaded by dlundbech
Brought to me this weekend (4/26/09) by my brother and sister -in-law - part of a wonderful collection of old family photos, documents and postcards.


April 26, 1915

Mrs. Woolson & Cal Brown married
Monday                  Warm

Helped with washing in A.M. Fred went to Springfield, Mass. Jessie no better. Went to Mary's in P.M. May & I went to hear band in Eve.

April 25, 1915

May wore her new shoes all day. The Educators [?]
Sunday                 Hot, the first hot day

May has a cold. did not go to Sunday School. Jessie is no better.May & I gathered violets in A.M. Went home in Eve. Fred came over. 

April 24, 1915

Fred bought May big box of candy.
Saturday                       Lovely Day

Jessie no better. Several doctors called. Fred came home. Bought May play shoes. Went to Mary's in P.M. Down town in Eve.


April 23, 1915

Milton Slack's little girl
has pneumonia
Friday                                 Rained in night

Nightgown came from Gilchrist.
Jessie is worse. Got my hat and took the one mother gave me down. Made date with Locke. Fri. 10:30. Cleaned one room and went home.


April 22, 1915

Thursday                Cold & Fair

Cleaned in closet. Jessie is better. May, mother & I went to Ideal in P.M. Mr. Whitney buried here. Went home in Eve. with May. Saw Mary's ........ [?]

Note: Can't make out this word. Looks like "end" or "hand" maybe.

April 21, 1915

Hubert Whitney died in Nashua, N.H.
Wednesday                      Colder & Fair

May had a lovely time all day. She has begun to tan. Raked yard in P.M. Went home in Eve. with May. Went to walk. Awfully tired tonight.

April 20, 1915

Called into Jessie's in A.M.
Tuesday                        Lovely Day

Went down town in A.M. and ordered hat. Worked all day. May dug dandelions. Went to Ideal with Mother and May. Jessie very sick.


April 19, 1915

Mr. Roscoe's funeral at Barre
Monday           Cloudy & Warm

Helped with washing in A.M. May played out nearly all day. Mrs. Ames [?] came back. Mother came in P.M. Fred went to Boston. Mended.

April 18, 1915

Sunday         Warm

May went to Sunday School and home to dinner. Fred came over also Grandpa. Ernest & I went home in Eve. May & I went to walk.


April 17, 1915

Grandpa bought May a balloon
Saturday                 Warmer
May went over to Helen's in A.M.

Mopped front piazza. Auction of Bingham's good. (sic) Mother & Mary came over to see the fun. Fred & Mother came in Eve.

Note: I can't make this entry out at all. Is Ada being sarcastic? "came over to see the fun"(seeing as she had written that the Binghams had just died) Is she just macabre? Is she just used to death and excited about the drama or "fun" of an auction? 
The "piazza" is what she always calls the porch. I'm not sure if that's her particular use or the term in general use at the time.


April 16, 1915

May went to the court martial trial over in the "armory"
Friday                       Lovely Day

Worked all day long. Did not change my dress. Mr. Buck's house for sale in the Reporter. Mr. Roscow is dead at Barre.

April 15, 1915

Mrs. Jacobs becomes a member of the Club
Ernest did not work in A.M.
Thursday                    Lovely Day
Ernest went fishing with Millard B.
Went over to Marys. Mr. Buck wants to sell his house to us. We do not want it. Went home in P.M. Went to Altrurian Club at Mrs. Flinn [?]

April 14, 1915

Bought me a new waist
Wednesday          Colder

May & I did not wake up this A.M. until 9. o'clock. Sheila came before we were up. May & I went after pussywillows in P.M. and home. Went down town in Eve.

April 13, 1915

Got May's picture postals
Tuesday                 Lovely Day

May stayed over home to dinner & P.M. also. Went to Mrs. Bingham's funeral. Called on Mrs. Dodge with Mrs. Smith. E. May & I went to Ideal.

April 12, 1915

Monday                          Lovely Day

Helped with washing. We stayed to dinner over home. Sewed in P.M. Trimmed May's hat and mended. Mr. & Mrs. Smith came over in Eve.


April 11, 1915

Ernest has gray Norfolk
Fred's new suit pretty. Easter
Sunday               Rained

At last it rained, Fred came in A.M. & Grandpa. Went home in eve. May stayed to dinner at home. Thunderstorm last night. Cantata at Cong. Church.

April 10, 1915

Went over to Bingham's and saw Grandma Floyd. She looks just the same as ever.
Saturday                        Cloudy

Mrs. Bingham died in A.M. Mary came over. Went home in P.M. with May. Went down town in Eve. Eastern Star give dinner.

April 9, 1915

Why don't we have [?] rain?
Saw George Stiles
Friday           Cloudy & Warm

Mrs. Bingham very low. Miss Shattuck (nurse) died. Went home in Eve. with May. Went over to Mary's in P.M. Mended in P.M.

April 8, 1915

Thursday           Cloudy & Warm

Mr. Bingham's funeral today. Mrs. B. unable to go. May and I went home in P.M. Mother & I went to Ideal to "Seats of the Mighty" Mary came over.

April 7, 1915

Russell was 18 yrs old
Wednesday               Cloudy

Mrs. Bingham very sick. Mary came over in A.M. Went to Russell Robinson's funeral with Mary & Mrs. Fleming. May stayed with Grandma. Went down town in Eve.

April 6, 1915

Tuesday          Snow and Cloudy

Mother came over in A.M. Cora & June came today. Headache in A.M. Mrs. Jacob invited May over in P.M. Went to Ideal in eve. with Mother and May.


April 5, 1915

5 lay dead tonight in town
Mr. Corliss - Butler - Pomeroy - Bingham - R Robinson
Monday                Warm                                                          ###
Jess Willard whipped Jack Johnson in 2 (?) Havanna

May & I went to Claremont. Dr. Carleton not there. Saw Mattie & Ray. Had a lovely time. Mr. Bingham died last night. Mary came over in Eve.


April 4, 1915

May had new gloves & hair ribbon
Went to church with Mary.
Sunday                  Lovely Easter
      Sugared off in P.M.
Mr. Bingham still worse and Mrs. B is very sick. Mrs. Pomeroy died. May spoke at Easter concert. We all went home in eve and made records on [grapohone]?

Note: Does Ada mean gramaphone? Could they record then at home?
All the sickness and dying is not the Spanish flu - that came later.

April 3, 1915

Snowed in evening about 3 ins
Saturday                    Warm & Cloudy

Mr. Bingham worse and Russell robinson died in evening. May went to rehearsal in P.M. Went down town in P.M. and home in eve.         

April 2, 1915

Good Friday
Friday          Warmer

May played with Sheila. Fred came in P.M. from Boston. Mrs, Butler died and Mrs. Corliss. Went home in P.M. & sewed.


April 1,1915

Thursday               Warmer

Did not get fooled today. Mr. Bingham has pneumonia. Mr. Staples takes possession of Dodges. Went to Ideal with May and Mother in P.M.

March 31, 1915

Sold rags & papers - got $ .13
Wednesday                Cold & Windy

May stayed over home to dinner. Back ached all day. Used my vacuum. It's great. Mary came over. Went home in P.M. Fixed my suit skirt.

March 30, 1915

Mother came over to dinner
Tuesday               Cold

Fred's birthday 25 yrs. May sent him a card. Went to Ideal with Ma & Pa & May. E. went to Lodge. Mary came over. Went down town in P.M. with May. Things from Boston came.