
March 29, 1918

Fri. Lovely

Cleaned downstairs. Got 2 gal syrup - eggs & butter of Huntoon. British push Germans back. Found "Myties" letter. Feel awfully bad.

Note: This is one of those tantalizing entries that will never be solved. By "found" she must mean that it wasn't sent to her but was in the house - so sent to Ernest? Or possibly in her parents' house, I suppose.What about it made her feel "awfully bad?" Ada always tends to understate, so this is strong stuff.
I have found a photo of a couple of women on a mountain top (I think it's Springfield) and it looks like one of them is named "Mytie" (I"ll post it with the Flickr album soon.) That still gives no idea about the mystery of this post and that long ago letter.

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